Why Insurance-Covered Treatments May Not Be Enough for Chronic Gut Issues

Chronic gut issues are incredibly common. Some of these conditions are caused by specific microorganisms and parasites that colonize the gut, and others are caused by immune dysfunction.

Chronic issues can severely reduce our quality of life and cause agonizing symptoms. Despite the availability of many therapies for chronic gut issues, they remain a persistent and significant problem for many individuals.

Commonly prescribed medications for these conditions don’t always work or only work temporarily.

Antifungals and antibiotics are sometimes overprescribed, leading to the emergence of drug-resistant strains, which pose a significant global health emergency. While undoubtedly useful, these solutions can make us shortsighted and unwilling to try alternatives beyond or in addition to insurance-covered treatments.

This blog will discuss chronic gut issues, the limitations of insurance-covered treatments, other treatment options, and the benefits of establishing and maintaining a long-term health plan.

Note: This blog does not intend to discourage readers from following the treatment plan set out by their healthcare provider. Instead, it aims to educate readers on other ways of managing chronic gut issues in addition to prescribed plans. A shift of focus towards holistic health could help prevent the need for insurance-covered treatments for chronic issues but is not intended as a replacement when these issues arise.

Chronic Gut Issues

Many issues affect the digestive system and cause severe discomfort and many unpleasant symptoms. These are often complex conditions that arise for various genetic and environmental reasons. Some problems are autoimmune, which means our immune system attacks the body, causing inflammation and discomfort. In other cases, the issue is caused by a pathogen we have taken from the environment (e.g., food or water). Often, the problem is likely a combination of different issues occurring simultaneously.

In some cases, such as with Crohn’s disease, the cause is not known. In others, such as Candida overgrowth, the cause is an overpopulation of the opportunistic fungi Candida within the small intestine, which is triggered by several risk factors. Thus, diagnosing and treating chronic gut issues is a significant healthcare challenge.

Fortunately, our understanding of chronic gut issues is constantly improving. As a result, many therapies are available, and others are in the pipeline that can help alleviate these issues. Despite their obvious utility, commonly prescribed insurance-covered treatments come with some limitations.

Limitations of Some Commonly Prescribed Treatments

In cases where a pathogen causes gut issues, antifungals and antibiotics are often prescribed. These are useful because they harm the pathogen without causing damage to human cells. However, antibiotics usually lack the precision to hit only the pathogen and end up depleting the healthy microbes in our gut. This creates a gut imbalance, which gives some pathogens (like Candida) a chance to grow. Furthermore, microbes can evolve to become resistant to targeted treatments over time. This leads to the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains that are becoming a substantial global emergency. Furthermore, misdiagnosis of complex chronic gut issues means that the prescribed medication may not work.

An often overlooked issue with insurance-covered treatments is that they can give us a false sense of security and divert us from maintaining good health. After all, why should we bother to maintain our health when there is always a miracle cure one prescription away? Many favor treatment over prevention. However, our goal should be to not get sick in the first place, and an overreliance on prescription medication may distract us from this goal. In many cases, focusing on gut health could prevent the emergence of disease. Thus, it’s worth being educated about maintaining our gut health before we get sick, during treatment, and throughout recovery.

Maintaining Gut Health

The scientific community increasingly recognizes gut health as a crossroads of our overall well-being. In fact, the gut is known to impact the function of many bodily systems, including digestion, immune function, mental health, lung health, and hormonal balance. Maintaining gut health reduces the chance of developing a chronic issue and improves our holistic well-being.

With this in mind, here are some important ways to help support gut health.

  • Diet: The food we eat becomes the food our gut bacteria eat. Some foods make the good bacteria grow, while others weaken the gut and help pathogens take hold. Beneficial foods to include in our diet include:
    • Fermented foods: Kefir, yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut
    • Non-starchy vegetables: Spinach, onions, broccoli, Jerusalem artichoke, garlic
    • High Fiber foods: Seeds, nuts, apples, bananas, whole grains
    • Foods to avoid: Processed sugar, alcohol, chocolate, and excessive caffeine.
    • Check out our gut-friendly recipes.
    • Adequate hydration with water is essential for overall health. It is crucial to rehydrate in the morning and after exercise.
  • Supplementation: Supplements are a fantastic way to bolster your overall health. They can provide a way to combat harmful microbes*, repopulate the gut with good microbes, and provide critical nutrients for immune function and overall health. The four supplements offered by CanXida are:
  • Exercise and sleep: These factors are essential for maintaining mental health and keeping the immune system strong.
  • Mental well-being: Stress negatively impacts the gut. By focusing on stress management via counseling or practicing meditation and yoga, we can strengthen our gut and feel better while doing it.

Benefits of a Longterm Health Plan

Insurance-covered treatments are typically not prescribed for long-term use. They are prescribed to treat a specific illness and go no further. To reiterate, these treatments are essential in healthcare. However, comprehensive health plans should aim towards eliminating the need for these treatments where possible. Committing to long-term health requires a shift in our thinking. We should strive to implement practices that enhance holistic well-being and gut health. Not only will this reduce our chances of disease, but it can also save us money in the long run.

Depending on our resources, extended treatment plans and hospitalizations can significantly impact our finances. Meditation, exercise, and good sleep hygiene can all be practiced for free using online materials for guidance. While implementing a new diet and supplementation comes with some increased expense, they can prove far less expensive and more beneficial in the long run. Ultimately, leading an unhealthy lifestyle often leads to massive financial costs and reduces quality of life.

While insurance-covered treatments for chronic gut issues provide essential relief, they can fall short of delivering lasting solutions. The overreliance on such treatments can foster complacency and overshadow the importance of holistic health practices. Integrating a balanced diet, adequate hydration, regular exercise, stress management, and targeted supplementation into our daily routine can significantly enhance gut health and overall well-being. This proactive approach reduces the risk of chronic issues and promotes a sustainable, healthier lifestyle, making us feel better in our day-to-day lives. Embracing comprehensive health plans empowers individuals to take control of their health, potentially reducing the need for conventional treatments and their associated costs.

Check out our free library of YouTube videos to discover how implementing healthy lifestyle changes can improve your gut health. Visit our website for more information on CanXida supplements.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.