Your Questions Answered: Microbiome Testing, Lots of Symptoms & Anxiety OCD

Question: I suffer with gut issues and cannot work out the root cause. I’m wondering if you can talk about micro biome testing. What we should be looking/asking for? Any home tests that are reliable? Etc

The gut microbiome plays an essential role in maintaining our well-being, including digestive, immune, metabolic, and neurological health. Assessing gastrointestinal health with a stool test can provide a lot of insight into the gut environment and help get to the root cause of chronic illness.

Not all stool tests available are created equal. Some may claim to be DNA-based, but their methodology does not rely on molecular/PCR-based assays. Comprehensive stool testing relies on microbial PCR assay. This uses exclusively qPCR technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested. PCR microbial assays are an evidence-based tool to profile the microbiome using PCR analysis.

Some known brands that use this novel technology include Doctor’s Data GI360™ stool profile, which gives a comprehensive analysis of beneficial, dysbiotic, and commensal flora, in addition to yeast, parasite, and bacterial susceptibility to antimicrobials to get targeted therapies. The GI Microbial Assay Plus or GI-Map test quantitatively assesses a patient’s microbiome with attention to bacterial, parasitic, and viral pathogens that can cause disease, disrupt the normal microbial balance, and contribute to chronic GI illness. These two brands have the most clinical and research validity.

Other tests focused on the nutritional component of the microbiome include Atlas Biomed and Viome, which can give insight into bacterial populations, dysbiosis, inflammation, and what foods are helpful but do not detect yeast and parasites.

Question: I’m experiencing health issues like dizziness, brain fog, fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, joint pain, skin rashes, and sinus congestion. I was diagnosed with celiac disease based on blood tests that indicated high antibody levels to gluten. I adhered to a gluten-free diet, which initially provided some relief, but my symptoms returned after some time. Recently, I’ve come across information regarding candida overgrowth and leaky gut, and I suspect I might be dealing with these conditions. I also notice issues like oral thrush and persistent bad breath despite good oral hygiene. Can you offer any advice or recommendations to help improve my health?

Celiac disease and Candida overgrowth or candidiasis, are two separate health conditions, however they have a few things in common. People with celiac disease have a weakened immune system and usually present with leaky gut syndrome. This gut environment allows an opportunistic pathogen like candida to grow and thrive. Candida overgrowth can increase gliadin iGg antibodies in the body. These antibodies are the same antibodies that your body makes when you have Celiac disease. So gluten and Candida’s cell wall share a very similar protein sequence that trigger the same immune response.

Some theorize recurrent yeast infection from Candida can create gluten intolerance and may trigger the development celiac disease. So it is still a matter of which comes first, Candida overgrowth triggering autoimmune celiac disease or being more prone to Candida infection if you have celiac disease. Side effects you may experience from candidiasis are similar to side effects from Celiac disease, so this can result in misdiagnosis. For example sores in the mouth caused by Celiac disease often resemble soreness in your mouth caused by oral candidiasis, also known as thrush. A Candida infection of the skin can cause itchy rashes, similar to rashes you may experience if you have Celiac disease.

Regardless of the initial trigger, treatment consists of restoring gut balance which will naturally heal the intestinal barrier/leaky gut and lower inflammation from the yeast toxins which is responsible for causing symptoms. This can be achieved by following a candida cleanse protocol that focuses on restoring normal levels of yeast . The first step is done by following a low sugar anti-candida diet to starve the yeast, you can work with a naturopath or look at our youtube channel to get more information. Taking targeted antifungal therapy like CanXida Remove will ensure the yeast is killed effectively.

It is equally important to restore the good bacteria that keep Candida in check with probiotics like CanXida Restore. These are also fromulated with digestive and systemic enzymes that alleviate symptoms from Candida die-off. Additionally you can replenish nutrient that might have been depleted from chrnoic inflammation with CanXida Rebuild.

Question: Can you get depression , anxiety and ocd from candida?

Our brain and GI tract are closely connected by what is known as the gut-brain axis. The gut is also referred to as the second brain since it has neurons lining the intestines that produce important neurotransmitters that regulate mood. In fact, the vast majority of serotonin, dopamine and GABA are produced in our guts (many antidepressants increase these same compounds). Many people with mood imbalances can correlate them with the onset of gastrointestinal problems.

Gut dysbiosis and yeast overgrowth/Candida can present with symptoms of irritability, anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD, brain fog, poor memory, alongside digestive issues. Candida produces harmful toxins like acetaldehyde that interferes with neurotransmitters like dopamine and can reach the brain via the blood-brain barrier. These toxins can start a chronic inflammatory process in the brain that leads to mood imbalances. Other toxins like canditoxin and alcohol deplete essential nutrients including B vitamins and magnesium which are needed for synthesizing neurotransmitters. These can develop into nutritional deficiencies which cause strong cravings and alter brain pathways, triggering mood imbalances like anxiety and depression.

Fortunately working on restoring gut balance will naturally heal the intestinal barrier bringing back adequate levels of neurotransmitters and lowering gut inflammation. This can be done by following a candida cleanse protocol focused on killing the yeast. This is done by eliminating the sugars that feed yeast, taking targeted yeast-killing supplements like CanXida Remove, and restoring the good bacteria that keep the yeast in check with probiotics like CanXida Restore. Additionally, you can replenish nutrient deficiencies with CanXida Rebuild.

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The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.