Your Questions Answered: Nail Fungus Due To Fungal Overgrowth, Candida In Your Body & Apples in Candida Diet

Question: Can Fungal Overgrowth Lead To Nail Infections?

Many individuals experience yeast infections on the external regions of the body, such as the fingernails, toenails, or skin. Indeed, Candida can be a cause of nail fungus.

Onychomycosis is the medical terminology for nail fungus. Various treatments, including pharmaceutical medications like Lamisil, are often used to combat it.

If you’re dealing with nail fungus, it often indicates an underlying weakness or predisposition. The larger toenails, particularly the big toenail, are more frequently affected due to their larger blood supply and greater surface area, providing a suitable environment for yeast growth beneath the nail bed. Common symptoms include a discolored nail that may appear whitish or brownish, nails that are flaky or break easily, and swelling of the nail. It’s an unpleasant sight, especially during summer when wearing open shoes.

It’s noteworthy to mention that many who have persistent toenail fungus may also have yeast in other regions of their body, such as the gut. Symptoms like bloating, gas, or sugar cravings often accompany this condition. While treatments like Lamisil can provide temporary relief, it’s essential to address any potential internal yeast infections. Addressing the gut is crucial; otherwise, the nail fungus might return.

To effectively manage this, one should not only focus on treating the external symptoms but also assess the gut to understand the severity of any yeast infection present and the necessary steps to address it. Once the external fungal infections are treated and the internal cause is addressed, there’s a better chance they won’t return. To sum it up, Candida does cause nail fungus, and it’s vital to examine both external and internal factors for effective treatment.

Question: Where Does Candida Live In The Body?

Think of it this way: Just like we seek comfortable and cozy places with a steady food supply, yeast functions similarly. Candida is drawn to warm, cozy places with abundant nourishment. Prime environments include the digestive system, especially the small and large bowel. However, Candida isn’t limited to just internal environments; it can thrive in personal areas like around the scrotum, penis, vaginal area, and the folds of the skin.

Consider situations where there’s excessive perspiration, like babies with diaper rash or individuals who wear specific footwear constantly. The yeast thrives in these conditions. Yeast loves living beneath fingernails and toenails. Moreover, places like the ear canal and around the neck can also be potential habitats. The key attributes Candida seeks are moisture, warmth, darkness, and food.

To effectively combat Candida, one needs to:

  • Recognize its presence.
  • Make the environment inhospitable and reduce the yeast’s food source.
  • Use products, like those from CanXida, which are antifungal in nature and support the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Understanding these principles is essential to addressing and managing Candida overgrowth in the body.

In our book, Candida Crusher, there’s extensive information on this topic, ensuring you have the knowledge to address such imbalances.

Question: Can I Eat Apples While On A Candida Diet?

Historically, there have been various apple varieties, many of which have been around for hundreds of years. Some older varieties, like Cox Orange Pippin, date back to the early 19th century. Many of these older varieties are tart, flavorful, and nutritionally rich, boasting a higher flavonoid profile and better fiber content. These older apple types are considered healthier and might be better suited for those with Candida concerns.

In contrast, newer apple breeds like Royal Gala and Pink Lady have been developed with a higher sugar content, which can sometimes lead to bloating, gas, and other digestive issues. If you’re keen to include apples in your diet while managing Candida, it’s recommended to opt for heritage or older apple varieties. These can often be found at farmer’s markets or specialty growers. Starting with one apple per day and observing how your body reacts is a good approach. If you choose to cook or bake with these apples, be cautious not to add any additional sugar.

In summary, you can enjoy apples even if you have Candida. Just ensure you’re choosing the right kind and avoid added sugars in any apple dishes.

Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only. Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, health control, or exercise program.