Your Questions Answered: Urine Turning Yellow, CanXida Causing Headaches & Constant Fatigue

Question: Why Does My Urine Turn Yellow After Taking CanXida Rebuild?

This is often related to the presence of B vitamins, specifically riboflavin or B2. B vitamins play essential roles in the body; they help convert food into energy and support various detoxification pathways. Some of the notable B vitamins include B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine or pyridoxal thiophosphate), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), and B12 (cobalamin or methylcobalamin or hydroxocobalamin).

The body needs B vitamins from quality food sources like vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some grains. Specifically, riboflavin, which means “yellow” or “gold” in Latin, affects the neurological function, assists in maturing red blood cells, and aids in healing the digestive system lining. The bright yellow color in urine after taking B vitamins, especially B2, is due to the Flavin component’s fluorescence. The body can absorb only about 12 to 15 milligrams of B2 at a time, and any excess is excreted in the urine.

It’s worth noting that some believe supplements only produce “expensive urine,” implying they might be unnecessary. However, our stance at CanXida is that supplements, when used correctly, can offer preventative health benefits.

Question: Can I Take Preventative Measures If CanXida Causes Headaches Or Stomach Discomfort?

If you’ve been consuming one or two tablets per day, reduce it to one. If it’s a tablet, consider taking half a tablet daily. If the discomfort is severe, halt the supplements for three to four days and then resume at approximately half the previous rate.

Simultaneously, evaluate any dietary changes you’ve made. Adjusting your diet too rapidly while taking supplements can be overwhelming for your body. Hence, it’s best to implement dietary modifications gradually. Avoid drastic increases or decreases in food portions and refrain from suddenly stopping or starting a particular food. Approach these changes with caution to minimize discomforts like stomach pain or headaches.

Moreover, assess other factors in your life like the amount of sleep you’re getting and current stress levels. It’s advisable not to begin supplementation and diet modifications during significant life events or transitions, as the combination can lead to increased discomfort or health issues. We hope this article provides clarity.

Question: Could Constant Fatigue Be Due To This Underlying Issue?

This condition, known by various names over the decades, is on the rise, particularly among the younger generation. One major reason is the cumulative effect of poor lifestyle choices, which can result in hormonal and immune health deterioration. A significant pattern observed in these individuals is the influence of stress, whether from demanding jobs, challenging relationships, or lack of proper rest. Moreover, the omnipresence of the internet, social media, and the resulting inability to disconnect and get sufficient sleep exacerbate the issue. Chronic sleep disturbances often underscore chronic fatigue.

It’s essential to recognize the indicators of chronic fatigue. Low-grade inflammation, such as elevated C reactive protein, decreased levels of vitamins B12 and D, and imbalances in white blood cells, can be hints of underlying immune dysfunction. Hormonal checks, particularly focusing on cortisol (stress hormone) levels, can provide insights into the body’s response to prolonged stress. Issues with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) could also hint at a longer-term lifestyle imbalance.

Many with chronic fatigue have gastrointestinal issues, ranging from bloating to food allergies, indicating a compromised immune system. Examining stool samples can reveal the health of the gut, particularly the balance of beneficial bacteria. Typically, beneficial bacterial levels are low in those suffering from chronic fatigue. The presence of certain dysbiotic bacteria or fungi like Candida can be indicative of deeper imbalances.

For recovery, prioritizing a balanced lifestyle is crucial. Proper sleep patterns, reduced screen time, especially before bedtime, and avoiding excessive mobile phone use are pivotal steps. Accompanied by diet adjustments and rectifying the low-grade body dysfunctions, these measures can lead to a recovery path. Some might benefit from therapies like intravenous vitamin C. Additionally, it’s vital to address low-grade chronic infections, which can manifest in various body regions. Instead of continually resorting to antibiotics, alternatives like anti-fungal/anti-microbials can be more beneficial.

Disclaimer: While this article provides insights and suggestions, always consult with your healthcare professional before making significant changes to your health regimen.