Can You Eat Hummus on Anti-Candida Diet?

One question we frequently encounter is, “Can I eat hummus if I have a yeast infection?” The answer is a resounding yes. Let’s dive into the composition of hummus. It primarily consists of chickpeas and tahini. Many also choose to add ingredients like raw garlic, salt, and other seasonings to enhance the flavor. Hummus can be a delightful dip to pair with snacks like celery sticks, carrot sticks, and radishes. These foods complement a Candida-focused diet, so there’s no need to abstain from enjoying hummus.

However, a word of caution: Commercial hummus available in stores may have added ingredients that might not be ideal for someone with Candida. It’s always preferable to make it at home to control the ingredients. To prepare hummus, start with quality chickpeas. Soak about a cup of them for five to six hours in water. Some suggest that freezing soaked chickpeas can further enhance their flavor.

If you’re concerned about gas or bloating associated with consuming chickpeas, consider adding a drop of iodine extract, such as Lugol’s solution or super saturated potassium iodide, during the soaking process. This method is believed to reduce the potential for chickpeas to produce gas in the digestive tract. After soaking, boil the chickpeas in a pot, then simmer until they’re soft. Drain the water, blend the chickpeas, and mix in tahini, garlic, and other preferred seasonings. For an added antifungal benefit, you might consider incorporating coconut oil. Once prepared, store your hummus in the refrigerator. To prevent mold growth, a small layer of coconut oil on top might be helpful.

In our book Candida Crusher, there are more insights and tips about foods that can benefit those dealing with yeast infections. Do explore it for a comprehensive understanding.

Disclaimer: While we provide these insights based on our understanding and research, it’s imperative to consult with your healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or decisions.