Your Questions Answered: Breast Are Dry After Breastfeeding, Thrush Around The Mouth & Pain In The Rectum Area

Question: When I had my first child I had breastfeeding issues that were at least partly due to yeast. Long story very short I am well past breastfeeding and my nipples remain cracked and I experience pain/discomfort in nipple and breast tissue. Recently doc put me on 2 weeks of steroid cream (and diagnosed undetermined contact dermatitis). This REALLY improved the cracking and pain but the problems are coming back. I’ve had a flare up of vaginal yeast in this time also. Could yeast have caused these problems and could it be the underlying issue still? Thanks

Thrush is a yeast infection, usually caused by the fungus Candida albicans. Thrush likes warm, dark and moist environments, and it might grow on your nipple. Candida albicans is naturally present in our bodies and usually it causes us no harm; however, certain things can create an imbalance in the body and cause an overgrowth. These include: Previous nipple damage, if you have thrush affecting any other part of your body, or if another family member has a thrush infection, if you or your baby have been treated with antibiotics or corticosteroids, and if you take the contraceptive pill. The most effective treatment for topical thrush is Miconazole cream (2%), which should be applied to the nipple. Sometimes, symptoms get worse before they get better. If nipples are very inflamed, a mild steroid cream (hydrocortisone 1%) can be used to facilitate healing.

If symptoms do not improve, oral fluconazole may be required, but ideally you want to stay away from prescription antifungals since they can generate resistance to the yeast. Biofilms of Candida have increased resistance to anti-microbial agents and are an important cause of infection. Using natural antimicrobial therapy can help restore gut balance from a potential gut yeast overgrowth. It is a great protocol to restore gut health if you present symptoms of gut dysbiosis. Adding healthy beneficial bacteria can be done with CanXida Restore. These probiotic strains are spcifically included to make sure the Candida can’t recolonize. The formula includes helpful digestive enzymes that help break down the yeast cell wall and breaks down carbohydrtaes so that Candida can’t get to them and we can absorb more nutrients from the food. Taking CanXida Remove and CanXida Restore together will help restore the integrity of the gut and help prevent future infections.

Question: I’ve been battling Yeast, thrush for an entire year. My lips are starting to show spots. I have a small budget and have been able to focus on my gut and caprylic acid, and atleast 8 of the main ingredients. My mom also has yeast on her arms and I’m not sure where else. But I’m starting to believe we can’t have any sugar ;/ I’m 29 and my mom is 54. How do I treat my mouth and lips? Is the only cure internal?

Oral thrush can be caused by Candida albicans and it occurs when an overgrowth of Candida develops in the mouth which can cause white patches, discoloration, redness/soreness, and dry and cracked skin in the mouth and lips. In addition to a low-sugar anti-inflammatory diet plan, you can make an antifungal mouthwash from essential oils that will both kill the Candida yeast and freshen your breath. A therapy known as oil pulling is also an effective way to eliminate yeast from your mouth and remove the toxic byproducts of Candida. Cutting out sugary foods can help to prevent Candida outbreaks, both in your mouth and elsewhere. Probiotics in CanXida Restore can help to rebalance the bacteria in your gut, and support your immune system in your mouth too. Digestive and systemic enzymes and antifungals like caprylic acid in Remove help get rid of biofilms that can also establish in the mouth creating more persistent candidiasis.

Try adding 2-3 drops of peppermint or spearmint essential oil to water and use it as a mouthwash to kill the Candida in your mouth and freshen your breath. You can also use tea tree oil and neem oil. Swish the mixture in your mouth and always spit it out. Use them several times a day. Oil pulling is also another option for oral trush. Try using coconut oil or olive oil which are two oils with strong antifungal properties. Do it after brushing your teeth on an empty stomach for at least 5-10 minutes and never swallow it. If you have oral trush, most likely you have intestinal candidiasis as well. The most effective treatment includes a combination of low-sugar diet, probiotics, and antifungals. Make sure to stay hydrated and focus on hydrating fruits and vegetbles as part of your diet to support healthy skin and lips.

Question: I had a stool test last year and have a massive amount of candida. Been having digestive problems for a very long time and have been having stomach discomfort for about 6 years. I know also have discomfort/pain in my rectum area. Can candida cause pain in the rectal area also ? I have changed my diet about a month ago but still not feeling good at all.

Candida, a type of fungi, can cause anal yeast infection (Perianal Candidiasis). When Candida multiplies uncontrollably in the gut, an anal yeast infection may set in. In most cases, a person with anal yeast infection first notices intense anal itching, also called pruritus ani. Other symptoms include pain, soreness, and even bleeding. In most cases, over the counter anti-fungal creams like clotrimazole and miconazole are enough to clear the infection within a week. A growing number of studies acknowledge the potential of taking probiotics against yeast infections. Probiotics containing specific kinds of bacteria like Lactobacillus Acidophillus can inhibit the growth of Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis, two of the most common causes of yeast infections.

Moreover, there is increasing evidence that taking probiotics can increase the effectiveness of anti-fungal treatments. CanXida Restore has a novel blend of probiotics including L. acidophillus, plus systemic and digestive enzymes to help maintain a proper balance of intestinal flora which will naturally inhibit Candida. Additionally you can prevent future infections by avoiding using scented and harsh products in the genital area, change out of dirty or wet clothes often, wearing breathable underwear and maintaining a healthy diet, which is low in refined sugar and carbohydrates.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation.