Your Questions Answered: Breastfeeding On Candida Diet, Intrauterine Device & Birth Control Causing Candida

Question: Can I Safely Follow A Candida Diet While Breastfeeding?

It’s not unusual for breastfeeding women to encounter yeast problems. Signs might include white spots in the baby’s mouth or nipple thrush.

A primary concern when nursing is maintaining a robust immune response for the mother. This can be bolstered by managing stress, getting ample sleep, and having a support system, especially for first-time mothers. The right dietary choices play a crucial role:

  • Fats: Opt for healthy fats such as avocados, fatty fish like salmon, organic sunflower oil, sesame oil, olive oil, and omega-3 fish oils. These fats are beneficial for both the mother and baby.
  • Proteins: Good quality proteins are essential. Choices might include eggs, organic chicken, high-quality fish, or lamb. The decision on protein sources might vary based on individual preferences, including vegetarian or vegan diets.
  • Fruits: Choose low-sugar fruits. Green apples, in particular, are advantageous. Other good options include pomegranate, avocado, and berries. Be cautious with fruits like pears that might be high in sugar.
  • Vegetables: Emphasize a plant-based diet. Foods high in folic acid, like spinach, are valuable for breastfeeding. Seaweed, a source of iodine, is also vital for the baby’s brain development.

Anti-Candida foods to consider include garlic, ginger, and specific herbs. While some may opt for anti-fungal supplements, most women might not need them if they maintain a balanced diet and manage stress levels. Stress, in particular, can exacerbate Candida issues.

Question: Does An Intrauterine Device Increase The Risk Of Candida?

This question has been explored in various research studies. One particular study from the late 1980s in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology examined two groups of women: 117 women with an IUD fitted and 100 women without. Vaginal yeast cultures were taken from these women both before and after the IUD was fitted, and from the control group over a similar period. The results showed a significantly higher incidence of vaginal Candida in the IUD group. Specifically, over 20 percent of the women with an IUD had vaginal Candida, compared to 6 percent or less in the control group. Many different strains were identified, indicating that women with these devices are more prone to yeast infections. If you’re using an IUD and are experiencing issues, consider discussing alternative birth control methods with your doctor, as there is a notable link between IUDs and increased instances of Candida.

Question: Is Birth Control Responsible For My Yeast Infection?

The birth control pill’s relationship with Candida has been a topic of discussion for many years. Many women currently use the birth control pill. It’s essential to mention that birth control pills from the past were significantly different than those available today, with some earlier formulations being much stronger.

High levels of estrogen have been linked with breast cancer and other female cancers, especially when difficult for the body to metabolize. Estrogen is also linked with Candida, especially in estrogen dominant women. Today’s environment is abundant with substances that mimic estrogen, like certain plastics known as xenoestrogens. Such chemicals can further contribute to estrogen dominance. Estrogen, being a growth hormone, plays a significant role in the menstrual cycle, along with progesterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone. An increase in estrogen levels, a few days before the menstrual cycle, can stimulate the production of glycogen, a sugar that Candida thrives on, causing irritation or discharge in some women.

For women experiencing problems while on the pill, considering a progesterone-only pill or other birth control methods is recommended. The key takeaway is that if you notice recurring issues while on birth control, it’s essential to discuss with your doctor and consider taking a break or switching methods. Maintaining liver health and moderating alcohol and sugar intake can also help in managing estrogen levels in the body. Excess body weight can further contribute to estrogen dominance, making weight management and liver cleansing crucial.

Disclaimer: It’s essential to consult with your healthcare professional before making any decisions based on this information.