​​The Ultimate Meal Prep Guide for Excelling on the Candida Diet

One of the best strategies to help you stay on track with your nutrition is meal prepping. It takes away the hassle of having to figure out what you are going to eat each day, and depending on the type of meal prepping, it’s only a matter of grabbing and reheating.

Consequently, meal prepping can significantly reduce stress, make it easier to reach your health goals, and help you save money.

Meal prepping can be crucial for those on a candida diet. It can help control candida overgrowth and reduce its symptoms. By meticulously planning, shopping, cooking, and storing meals for an entire week, it can make it easier to stay within the allowed food choices and avoid temptation.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps to the perfect candida-friendly meal prep. We will go over the best practices of meal prepping tailored to the candida diet, a sample meal plan for you to follow, and additional tips to set you up for success.

In the end, you’ll see that meal prepping can be both efficient and enjoyable.

Weekly Meal Planning

The keystone of meal prepping is the planning stage. Here, you can decide which meals you are going to have for the week. This can ensure you cover all the necessary nutrients while maintaining variety and interest.

Here, you’ll find an easy and simple step-by-step plan to help you get started on meal prepping.

Step 1: Plan Your Meals

The first thing you need to do is plan your meals. These meals are determined by your nutritional needs and goals. Consider whether you are meal-prepping for weight loss, weight gain, or simply to maintain your weight and reduce candida symptoms.

Select the recipes that you want to create. Each well-balanced candida meal should include a good source of protein, healthy fats, and low-glycemic, gut-friendly carbs.

One of the best tips we can provide you is to keep a bank of these recipes. You can do so in a simple Excel sheet.

Remember, planning doesn’t have to be complicated. You can repeat your favorite dishes weekly or biweekly. Keep them handy so you don’t forget about them.

For those of you who don’t know how to start planning your meals, here is a sample one-day meal plan that is candida-friendly.

  • Breakfast: spinach omelette
  • Lunch: stir-fried eggplant
  • Snack: stuffed mushrooms
  • Dinner: salmon salad

If you are looking for more ideas, you can check out our sample weekly candida diet planner to help you get started!

Step 2: Create a Shopping List

A comprehensive and organized shopping list is essential to help you stay on track. Shop for nutrient-dense and easy-to-digest foods, paying attention to organic and fresh options when possible.

You can use different shopping list templates, or if you create it on your own, make sure you categorize items by sections of the grocery store to make the task simpler. Since we want to make things easier for you, here is our candida diet food shopping list you can get for free.

Now, there are some other things you need to take into account to make grocery shopping more efficient. Here are some tips when it comes to grocery shopping for a candida-friendly kitchen.

  • Avoid processed and sugary foods. Steer clear of processed foods, sugary snacks, desserts, and sweetened beverages since they can promote candida overgrowth. Read the labels carefully and avoid products that claim to have sugar, syrups, fructose, maltose, dextrose, or high-fructose corn syrup.
  • Check labels for hidden sugars. Be mindful of hidden sugars in condiments, sauces, dressing, and packaged foods. Choose options with minimal added sugars, or make your own at home with candida-friendly ingredients.
  • Never go shopping on an empty stomach. Going grocery shopping with an empty stomach can be a key to disaster. In the end, you may start adding things that weren’t on your list, and let’s face it, they are most likely to be high in sugar or fats.
  • Allow yourself two add-ins. When possible, make sure you stick to the items on your list. However, you can allow yourself two items that are not on the list as long as they are candida-friendly.

Step 3: Kitchen Preparation

Before beginning your meal prep, prepare your kitchen. Clean your workspace thoroughly to prevent cross-contamination with harmful bacteria that can worsen candida symptoms. Here are some tips to help you prepare your candida-friendly kitchen.

  • Clean and declutter. Start by thoroughly cleaning your kitchen and decluttering the countertops, cabinets, and drawers. When you clear your kitchen from clutter, it will give you more space to work and make it easier to access the tools and ingredients you need.
  • Stock up on meal prep containers. Invest in high-quality meal prep containers. Choose different containers with various sizes to help you store your different recipes. Make sure they are BPA-free, microwave safe, and dishwasher safe for convenience.
  • Organize ingredients and gather tools. Take inventory of what is in your pantry, fridge, and freezer. Discard any expired or unused items and organize your ingredients for easy access. Group similar teams together to make meal prep easier.
  • Sharpen knives and gather tools. Ensure your knives are sharp and ready to use. Gather all the equipment you are going to need, such as cutting boards, mixing bowls, measuring cups, spoons, pots, pans, baking cheers, and any other utensils.

Step 4: Batch Cooking Basics

Batch cooking makes prepping large quantities of food manageable, saving you time, and energy throughout the week. However, it’s important to ensure that your storage and reheating practices are in line with maintaining the optimal integrity of your food and diet goals.

Integrate batch cooking into your routine by focusing on three key areas: proteins, vegetables, grains, or legumes. Cook a substantial amount of each in varying preparations to add culinary diversity to your week.

To get the most out of batch cooking, follow these key tips.

  • Take advantage of baking sheets. Cooking on baking sheets allows you to prepare several ingredients all at once. For example, you can roast chicken breast, vegetables, and sweet potatoes at one time.
  • Use a crock pot. Cooking a big pot of quinoa, lentils, or other whole grains in a crock pot can be an easy and effective practice.
  • Try overnight recipes. Making chia pudding or overnight oats are simple recipes you can make the day before. They don’t require much preparation and they don’t require any cooking, making it a top choice for those who need a quick breakfast.

Step 5: Quick Assembly Tips

Once all your items are ready, it’s time to assemble your meals. There are several ways to do so. You can focus on the healthy plate format. This means that half your plate should be of vegetables, one-quarter of it of grains, and the other of protein.

Keep in mind that these portions may change depending on your goals and needs. If you are unsure what your caloric intake is, speak with a health professional for a personalized approach.

If you need some ideas on how to assemble quick meals, here are some ideas you can consider.

  • Grain bowls. Start with a base of cooked grains like quinoa, or brown rice. Top with pre-cooked proteins, such as grilled chicken, tofu, or beans. Add a variety of prepped vegetables. Drizzle with your favorite dressing or sauce and sprinkle with nuts, seeds, or herbs for extra flavor.
  • Stir-fries. Heat a skillet or wok and add pre-chopped vegetables. Stir in pre-cooked protein and season with coconut aminos, garlic, ginger, and other spices. Sever over whole grain noodles or brown rice.
  • Salads. Combine pre-washed salad greens, cooked grains, protein sources, and healthy fats. Top with dressing, nuts, or seeds for added crunch and flavor.
  • Soup or chili. Combine pre-cooked proteins with prepped vegetables. Add broth or fresh tomato sauce and season with spices. Simmer until the flavors are blended and the vegetables are tender.

Step 6: Storing Your Prepped Meals

Store your prepped meals safely to prevent the risk of contamination. Allow your meals to cool down completely before transferring them to containers. If you are going to place the meals in the freezer, ensure you use airtight, freezer-safe containers to maintain freshness.

Here are some key tips to help you store your prepared foods safely.

  • Label and date containers. Label each container with the name of the recipe and the date it was prepared. This will help you keep track of what’s in your fridge or freezer.
  • Avoid overcrowding. Don’t overcrowd your fridge or freezer with containers of batch-cooked meals. Leave some space around each container to allow for proper air circulation, which helps maintain consistent temperatures.
  • Thaw properly. When you are ready to eat your cooked meals, thaw batch-cooked meals in the fridge overnight or use the defrost setting on your microwave. Avoid thawing at room temperature, as this can promote bacterial growth.
  • Reheat safely. When reheating batch-cooked meals, ensure they are heated to the proper internal temperature to kill any potential bacteria. Use a food thermometer to check for doneness, especially for meats and other proteins.
  • Practice the FIFO approach. Use the “first in, first out” approach when using both the fridge and freezer. Use older items before newer ones to prevent food waste.
  • Fridge vs. freezer. Use the fridge to store perishable items that you plan to consume within a few days to a week. On the other hand, use the freezer to store items that you want to keep for longer periods, typically several weeks to months.

Sample Meal Prep Plan

To make things easier for you, we’ve created a sample day-by-day weekly menu. This plan includes high-protein breakfasts, nutrient-dense lunches, and satisfying dinners. The best part is that they are designed to combat candida overgrowth.

Check out the one-week sample meal plan, where you can check out videos of the recipes’ step-by-step instructions and learn how to cook them.

Additional Tips To Set You Up For Success

The step-by-step instructions are a great way to help you get started on meal prep. To make the most out of meal prepping, here are some expert tips to set you up for success.

  • Start slow. Thinking about preparing ALL the meals in advance can make you feel overwhelming. So, if you are new to meal prepping you can start small. Start with only a small number of recipes and build your confidence with meal prepping.
  • Schedule your meal prepping time. Just like any other appointment, make sure you know when you are going to plan your meals, go grocery shopping, and prepare your meals.
  • Keep spices at hand. Herbs and spices can add a ton of flavor without any unwanted ingredients (like sugar or salt). Keep a blend of spices at hand to make things easier and boost your meals’ flavor.
  • Food prepping. Instead of meal prepping, you can try food prepping. This means that instead of making meals in advance you prepare the ingredients or items you are going to need. For example, this can meal marinating proteins, chopping and washing vegetables, or simply cooking grains.
  • Prepare your snacks. Make sure you don’t forget to prep your snacks for the meal. Make sure you have healthy and quick ingredients. If you don’t know what ingredients you should keep handy, here is our free candida-friendly food checklist.
  • Add variety. Variety is key to preventing meal monotony. Rotate your batch-cooked meals throughout the week, changing up the side dishes and seasonings for a fresh taste each day.
  • Make it enjoyable. Finally, the best advice we can give you is to make things enjoyable. Make it a family activity, or if you are doing it alone, set up the environment by placing some music.

The Bottom Line

Meal prep on the candida diet isn’t just about following a routine. It is a tool for long-term healthy eating that empowers you to take control of your diet and health. By committing to prepping your meals in advance, you align with the recommended dietary guidelines and experience the benefits of time-saving and a stress-free dietary experience.

To enhance your candida diet, you can also download our free candida diet blueprint. This resource provides a step-by-step guide to a successful diet, including meal planning and other recipe ideas.

In addition, we’ve also created a spreadsheet with valuable information to answer some of the most frequently asked questions. Here, you can browse through topics like the causes and symptoms of candida, signs of candida, and how to do a proper candida cleanse.

Remember, the candida diet is a personal affair, and what works for one may not work for all. Customize your meal prep to suit your tastes and needs, and you’ll find the path to a healthier, candida-free life is not only within reach but deliciously satisfying.