Your Questions Answered: Using CanXida With Alkaline Diet, Chronic Fatigue Solutions & Controlling Genetic Celiac Disease

Question: I’ve been using canxida and following an alkaline diet with other supplements for about 8 months. Can candida become resistant to specific supplements like bacteria can to antibiotics? Should I rotate between different cleanse manufacturers every 2 months? Thanks.

Over the last decade, yeasts like Candida albicans have begun to develop resistance against prescription antifungal treatments, with the result that people have increasingly turned to natural antifungals instead. These tend to be well-tolerated, have fewer side effects, and are still very effective. The most potent antifungals include caprylic acid which can disrupt biofilm formation by destroying its polymer matrix.

Pau’d Arco can revert hyphae back into yeast bodies to make them easier to kill. Undecylenic acid can also inhibit the hyphal growth of Candida albicans and biofilm formation. Orgeano oil work to fight Candida overgrowth by dehydrating it. Berberine has antifungal activity against several types of yeast, including antifungal-resistant Candida. Garlic compounds have extensive research in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans. So as you see combining several antifungals together with different propertes can help get rid of Candida more effectively.

Question: My daughter has chronic fatigue, takes depression medication, and after three vaccines, she’s almost bedridden. Given your helpful advice in your videos, how can I support her when she feels too tired to help herself?

Feeling fatigued all the time is not normal. Chronic fatigue syndrome describes a condition where regardless of sleep, you feel constantly tired. Chronic fatigue is defined by more than 6 months of constant fatigue and is often accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches, joint pain, difficulties with memory and concentration.

Often one of the main symptoms of candida overgrowth is chronic fatigue. While candida is not the only cause of chronic fatigue yeast overgrowth is an important cause. A contributing factor is refined sugar and processed foods which fuel yeast overgrowth.The gut can also be damaged by too much stress and medications. Low iron levels can lead to chronic fatigue and mood swings. Treating fungal overgrowth has helped people who show signs of chronic fatigue syndrome. B12 and iron are both absorbed in the intestines. A compromised gut allows for an overgwoth of yeast and bad bacteria which deplete many nutrients. This is why it is not uncommon to see gut dysbiosis resulting in low iron and B12. Garlic, oregano oil, caprylic acid (biofilm disruptor) are all natural antifungals that won’t damage the liver or disrupt the microbiome. CanXida Remove has 12 natural antimicrobials for maximum potency and broad spectrum action.

Also, supplementation with zinc, B12 and iron may be necessary. Probiotics are very important for Candida patients to help repopulate the gut immune system with healthy bacteria. As yeast colonies are killed the gut can become colonized with healthy bacteria like Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria which are the most beneficial probiotic strains found in CanXida Restore. It also has digestive and systemic enzymes to help absorb and digest nutrients effectively and eliminate toxic byproducts of yeast helping heal leaky gut.

Question: I have genetic Celiac Disease and Candida, struggle to control my diet without carbs, and might have prediabetes. I’m 59, look younger, and focus on a strict grass-fed diet, veggies, fruits, legumes, daily exercise, and holistic supplements. Despite my efforts, I’m losing weight rapidly (currently 137lbs, aiming for 145lbs) and feel changes in sleep and energy. My DNA suggests I have the genetics of an elite athlete, but I’m losing muscle mass fast. What should I eat to maintain weight and health?

Antibiotics are often used to treat SIBO. However, studies show that despite treatment with antibiotics, recurrence develops in almost half of all patients within one year. One study comparing treatment with rifaximin (the most commonly used antibiotic for SIBO) and botanical antimicrobials showed slightly better outcomes with the botanical protocol, but still with successful treatment in close to only half of all patients after one course of treatment. These finding suggests that treatment of the overgrowth alone is not enough for most people.

An additional piece of successful treatment must include addressing the underlying cause, or risk factor. For some people who have diffciult to treat SIBO abnormalities in gut motility are recognized as one of the most common factor. One study published this month demonstrated that patients with SIBO do have significant delays in small bowel transit time (the amount of time it takes something to move through the small bowel). This finding suggests that patients with SIBO, who do not recover after a standard course of antibiotics may benefit from herbal botanicals in addition to a prokinetic agent, which increases the muscular contractions of the small bowel. Octreotide and low dose naltrexone are two such options that are being investigated, and may help treat some cases of SIBO that don’t respond to antimicrobials alone. Other options may include prucalopride and low-dose erythromycin, as well as lubiprostone.

If you need support in dealing with SIBO, consider working with a functional medicine or nutritionist specialized in SIBO, they can help you navigate some food intolerances to prevent further weight loss. Working on healing the gut can help with increased absorption of nutrients and increased gut immunity. Taking a high quality probiotic like CanXida Restore will help recolonise your gut with good bacteria which is a crucial part of restoring your flora and boosting gut immunity. You should also try introducing some foods and supplements that can help to repair the gut barrier like bone broth which contains collagen, cabbage juice which contain glutamin and aloe vera that helps repair the gut lining. CanXida Rebuild is formulated to heal leaky gut and boost immunity with important vitamins like vitamin C and magnesium and gut barrier nutrients like zinc, glutamin acid, slippery elm.

Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only. Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, health control, or exercise program.