Can Thyme Benefit Candida?

Today, we’re discussing the herb called thyme, also known as thymus vulgaris. This wonderful herb, which we believe belongs to the mint family, can be quite invasive in gardens. However, its versatility in dishes is commendable, pairing wonderfully with basil, rosemary, oregano, and marjoram. Bees are particularly fond of thyme, and various types such as wild thyme and mountain thyme are available. Historically, thyme was recognized for its powerful properties, with ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Romans using it for embalming and purification, respectively.

Rosemary, another herb, was used by Romans to potentially improve memory. Research has indicated its positive impact on cognition. Thyme, on the other hand, was traditionally seen as the best herb for respiratory ailments like coughs and chest infections. Beekeepers also employ thyme to get rid of mites, showcasing its strength. In Mediterranean cuisine, thyme has been used for centuries to preserve meat. Now, we recognize its antimicrobial properties, largely credited to its constituents like thymol and carvacrol.

In our book, Candida Crusher, we discuss the importance of thyme. We’ve incorporated a concentrated extract of thyme in our CanXida Rebuild multivitamin. This product also contains a variety of other herbs, aiming to support gut health and overall wellness.

Including thyme in your diet can be beneficial. Fresh thyme can be added to salads, or used as a marinade with lemon or lime zest, garlic, and seasonings. It complements chicken and egg dishes perfectly, especially when paired with herbs like tarragon. Fresh thyme sprinkled over salads can enhance their flavor. If you’re gardening, consider growing parsley and thyme, especially in spring and summer. Regularly consuming these herbs can have a cleansing effect, preparing your body for the colder months.

Herb Historical Uses Modern Uses
Thyme Embalming, Purification Culinary, Medicinal for respiratory and antimicrobial purposes
Rosemary Memory improvement Cognitive support

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for general knowledge. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions about your health.