Your Questions Answered: Phycocyanin, Hints Of Candida Reducing & Enzyme Shortage

Question: What Is Phycocyanin?

Phycocyanin is the bluish-greenish pigment associated with spirulina, a type of algae. Spirulina has been recognized for its health benefits since ancient times, even consumed by cultures such as the Aztecs. This pigment plays a crucial role in photosynthesis, aiding the conversion of sunlight into energy, particularly supporting the green pigment, chlorophyll, in low light conditions. Chlorella and spirulina are both beneficial algae, though distinct from each other in terms of cell structure. Spirulina contains B-12, but it’s a form that’s not easily absorbed, so it shouldn’t be a primary B-12 source for vegans. Notably, phycocyanin is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to counter oxidative stress. While it’s not specifically anti-Candida, it’s a valuable dietary addition, much like chlorella. Researchers believe it might emerge as a superfood, especially in combating inflammation linked to chronic diseases.

Question: Are There Indications That Candida Is Diminishing?

Understanding when Candida is finally subsiding is crucial. What are the evident signs indicating improvement? Over time, most individuals show progress. The pace of improvement varies with each individual. While it may take a few weeks for some, it could stretch to several years for others. There’s no fixed duration for recovery.

An intriguing sign of improvement is when others start observing positive changes in you. You might hear comments like, “You seem more energetic” or “You look happier.” These subtle remarks can sometimes elude your self-observation, so listen closely. For personal indicators, monitor your energy levels upon waking, ease of sleep, mood fluctuations, and daily enthusiasm. Evaluate shifts in digestion, appetite, weight changes, skin clarity, breath odor, and particularly bowel movements. Consistent, well-formed bowel movements without gas or bloating are indicative of a healthy gut.

It’s essential to note that recovery might present itself in phases. You might feel good for a few hours or perhaps an entire day. Expectations and reality of recovery often differ, as discussed in our book, Candida Crusher. It’s a universal truth: worthwhile achievements demand time and commitment. This holds true for Candida recovery as well.

Lifestyle plays a pivotal role in the recovery process. While dietary habits are crucial, emphasizing a balanced lifestyle is of paramount importance. Many resources focus excessively on diet, sidelining the significant impacts of lifestyle. A harmonious alignment of lifestyle, diet, and quality supplements ensures a faster recovery.

When your internal feelings mirror external wellness, and there’s evident happiness and contentment, it’s a strong sign of recuperation. Your mood directly influences your surroundings. A positive disposition is not only a sign of recovery but also accelerates it. Always be mindful of stress as it can be a formidable barrier to recovery.

Question: How Can I Determine If I Have An Enzyme Shortage?

Enzyme deficiencies commonly affect two main areas in a person’s body: the stomach and the pancreas, which handle upper and middle digestion. A significant number of people suffer from enzyme deficiencies. Anyone looking to address issues like SIBO, Candida, parasites, or other gut problems might benefit from taking an enzyme.

Enzyme therapy has evolved over the years. Earlier, only basic enzymes like betaine, hydrochloride, or pepsin were available. Nowadays, there’s a broader range of enzymes, including alpha galactosidase, maltase, invertase, and more. These “ases” highlight the complexity and advancement in enzyme therapy.

So, how can one identify a potential enzyme deficiency? Symptoms can range from fatigue, bloating, digestive discomfort, and the sensation of undigested food sitting in the stomach. Some individuals also report feeling discomfort behind the sternum or even a winded sensation. Men, especially under stress, often experience stomach digestion issues. Consuming alcohol, especially on an empty stomach, can further exacerbate these problems over time. Observable physical signs might include brittle nails, thin hair, and unhealthy skin.

In our book, Candida Crusher, we emphasize the significance of enzymes. For instance, the CanXida Restore combines selected enzymes with probiotics to address various digestive concerns. Good digestive enzymes can notably enhance energy levels, especially for those over 40. Moreover, it’s essential to chew food adequately, as improper chewing can lead to enzyme deficiencies. Among various factors, stress is arguably the most significant contributor to poor enzyme function.

Disclaimer: This information aims to provide a general understanding of enzyme deficiency. Always consult with your healthcare professional for personalized advice and before making any decisions about your health.