Your Questions Answered: SIBO Causes, Diet For SIBO & Address Ovarian Cysts

Question: Is There A Reason SIBO Is Difficult To Address And What Triggers It?

In the past, it was often called dysbiosis. The small intestine is significant, about three times the average person’s height. It does contain bacteria, but not as much as the large intestine. The amount of bacteria present varies, with the small bowel having considerably less than the colon.

Various research points out that SIBO might result from bacteria in the large intestine migrating to the small bowel. Some suggest it’s a result of modern lifestyle habits. Antibiotics, stress, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and certain medications like oral contraceptives and acid blockers can all contribute to the development of SIBO. Surprisingly, 6 to 15% of healthy individuals might have SIBO without displaying symptoms, while 80 to 90% of those with irritable bowel syndrome might suffer from it.

Common symptoms of SIBO include abdominal discomfort, bloating, gas, cramping, and irregular bowel movements. Treating SIBO can be challenging due to its location in the middle of the body. Rifaximin is a commonly prescribed antibiotic, but research indicates about 60% of people experience no improvement or even adverse effects after taking it. Many studies suggest that natural antimicrobials have a better outcome than Rifaximin.

We at CanXida have developed a solution: CanXida Remove. It is a broad-spectrum natural antimicrobial that has proven beneficial for many SIBO patients, even those who didn’t benefit from Rifaximin. When combined with a specific probiotic like CanXida Restore, the results can be even more pronounced. The advantage of CanXida Remove is its wide range of action without damaging the beneficial bacteria, and resistance is uncommon.

Question: Is Diet Alone Insufficient To Address SIBO?

While these diets may alleviate some symptoms like gas, bloating, and pain by reducing hydrogen and methane-producing bacteria, they’re not comprehensive treatments.

Relying solely on these diets can lead to unintended consequences. By eliminating certain foods, we might unintentionally reduce beneficial bacteria in our gut. Over time, this can lead to fatigue, brain fog, and other adverse effects. Therefore, while diets can provide symptomatic relief, they’re not curative solutions.

To effectively manage SIBO, a multifaceted approach is required. Along with diet, introducing an antimicrobial early on is crucial. The goal is not just to starve the harmful bacteria but to actively reduce their numbers, allowing the beneficial bacteria to flourish. Using a natural antimicrobial throughout the treatment is more effective than relying solely on antibiotics, as it does not decimate the good bacteria.

We recommend a combination therapy approach. Incorporating our CanXida Remove and CanXida Restore has proven effective for many SIBO sufferers. These natural solutions are preferable to relying only on antibiotics, which often don’t deliver the desired results. Ultimately, to combat SIBO, you’ll need more than just a diet. Incorporating an antimicrobial, a probiotic, and an enzyme formula is essential to restore gut health.

Question: How Can One Address Ovarian Cysts And Manage Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

To clarify, polycystic ovaries are different from polycystic ovarian syndrome or disease. The latter, PCOS or PCOD, is often associated with menstrual irregularities and ovarian cysts. With the advent of ultrasonography, the detection of ovarian cysts has become more precise. It’s estimated that up to 5% to 15% of women have cysts around the ovaries, which typically don’t pose major issues. However, when these cysts become larger or more frequent, and menstrual irregularities arise, it is termed as polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Many women with PCOS experience symptoms such as erratic menstrual cycles, weight gain before menstruation, acne, and Hirsutism (male-patterned hair growth). Moreover, up to 75% of them face infertility. Medical treatments often include progesterone treatments to mimic a natural cycle and protect against high estrogen levels. Clomifene is sometimes prescribed to initiate fertility cycles. However, research suggests that weight loss can drastically improve fertility rates in women with PCOS.

To address PCOS naturally:

  • Weight Loss: If you have irregular periods and are overweight, focus on reducing calorie intake and avoiding alcohol. Reducing just 5 to 10 kilograms can significantly improve the regularity of the menstrual cycle.
  • Increase Fiber Intake: Fiber not only aids in maintaining healthy bowel functions but also plays a role in estrogen detoxification.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity is vital for weight management and overall well-being.
  • Detoxification: Before considering detoxification, ensure proper bowel function. Following a healthy diet, losing weight, and improving your lifestyle can have significant benefits. For tailored detoxification guidance, consult with a healthcare professional.

Disclaimer: This article is meant for informational purposes only. Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen.