Your Questions Answered: Smoking And Drinking On Candida, What Are Sugar Alternatives For Candida & Elder With Candida

Question: I think I have a candidis over growth. I have taken to setting more eggs and meat less bread. Cooking ands drinking Coconot oil and olive oil extra virgin on my red rice. I add tumeric to my tea. And try to eat garlic every day. Last night I had 2 beers with a friend i haven’t seen for a while. And a cigarette. This morning it’s like the old days. Lots of discharge in my ears a fuzzy head and tingally tounge. Is there anything I can do? Should I try one of the tablets to help get rid of this? Any advice please?

Candida is a common yeast that lives in our body but when given the opportunity it can start to overgrow and become pathogenic. Many factors like poor diet, alcohol, cigarretes, and other environmental toxins can contribute to excess Candida. It is important to focus on the gut and restore a healthy balance of good bacteria. Here you need to follow a comprehensive gut protocol for ideally 8 weeks to make sure you restore gut balance. You want to first focus on diet and avoid sugar, gluten, alcohol and diary. Eat more non starchy vegetables, low sugar fruits and high quality proteins.

Question: You mention that 2 cups of coffee are acceptable, but what about the creamer? Is a nutpod made of coconut and almond (with 0 carbs) suitable? As for sweeteners, I’m aware of what’s not recommended, but which ones are acceptable? Is monk fruit alright? How about stevia, even though it has an aftertaste? I find it challenging to drink tea without a bit of sweetener. I can manage coffee, but not without some flavor. I’d appreciate guidance on this. I’m prepared to begin; I’m just waiting for the Canxida Remove to arrive. Thank you. I’m optimistic and really hope this will be effective. I genuinely need it.

Candida albicans loves to feed on simple sugars, which allow it to spread, create biofilms, and build its cell walls. Once you get rid of most processed foods you will be significantly lowering your sugar consumption since these foods often contain added sugar, not just in candies but in savory goods like pasta sauce, processed meats, and condiments. Low carb sweeteners are a good choice for people looking to combat gut issues like Candida. Stevia is an entirely natural and calorie-free sweetener. Pathogens such as Candida cannot use stevia as a source of food, which means they will be less likely to overgrow. Make sure to avoid stevia blends that contain things like sugar alcohol, dextrose and maltodextrin all which negatively impact your gut health. Monk fruit extract is natural sweetener extracted from the Southeast Asian fruit. Monk fruit itself contains virtually no calories or carbohydrates, and will not raise your blood sugar. Maintaining stable blood sugar is an important part of the Candida diet and fighting intestinal Candida. Stevia and monk fruit are safe for most people to use. They can be a useful part of your low-sugar Candida diet, and can help you to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Erythritol and xylitol can also bring benefits for some people but are less tolerated. You should experiment to find which sweetener you prefer. Some have an aftertaste that you may find unpleasant and are better used in some recipes than others. Nutpod creamers made of coconut and almond that contain 0 carbohydrates are also safe to use on the Candida diet, make sure they don’t have many additives or preservatives which can disrupt your gut flora. Try using coconut butter or almond butter in coffee instead for a good source of fat coming from whole foods which is better for your health long term.

Question: I’m 73 and my health history is extensive. As a child, dairy made me ill, and I had numerous illnesses, including Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, and a severe skin condition at 12. My heavy periods began at 11.5, leading to hormone therapy until 18, causing severe side effects. I felt best during pregnancy but developed polyps in my womb, bladder, ovaries, and colon, necessitating surgeries. By my 40s, I had gallstones, recurring thrush, gastritis, high blood pressure, heart rhythm issues, elevated white blood cells, and more. I’m on medications for asthma (which I believe are allergies), high blood pressure, and experience loud tinnitus, balance issues, and falls. My doctor suspects I’ve had Candida since the onset of gastritis four years ago. How can I address this?

The contraceptive pill can lead to estrogen dominance, which in turn triggers a Candida overgrowth. In fact, research shows typical oral contraceptive use doubles the risk for developing Candidiasis. Oral contraceptives can also stress the liver and deplete key vitamins needed for proper detoxification. If yeast overgrowth is confirmed it is important to start a low-sugar diet cutting refined carbohydrates and sugars and an anti-fungal protocol that includes proven antifungals like oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, and caprylic acid to ensure potency and broad spectrum action.

Disclaimer: It’s crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen or when experiencing symptoms.