Your Questions Answered: Rebalance Gut Flora, How Long Is Cleanse & Die-off

Question: If I’m trying to rebalance my gut flora, which specific probiotic strains should I look for to ensure they target candida effectively?

From our perspective, rebalancing the gut flora is crucial in addressing candida overgrowth. While CanXida primarily focuses on eliminating the overgrowth with CanXida Remove, the importance of introducing beneficial probiotic strains post-treatment cannot be understated. This is where our product CanXida Restore comes into play.

For effectively targeting candida, consider looking for a probiotic that contains a mix of both Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium strains. Some particularly beneficial strains include:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus: This strain can produce lactic acid in the gut, creating an environment that’s inhospitable for candida.
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus: Known for its ability to adhere to the gut lining, prevent pathogen adherence, and modulate the immune system.
  • Lactobacillus plantarum: Helps in maintaining the gut barrier function.
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum: Supports the immune system and limits the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • Bifidobacterium longum: Helps to maintain the integrity of the gut wall and combats harmful bacteria.

Please watch the videos below to learn more:

Question: How long does a typical candida cleanse last, and are there signs that indicate when I should stop or adjust the cleanse?

A typical candida cleanse duration varies depending on the severity of the overgrowth and individual circumstances. It’s commonly broken down into stages:

  • Initial Cleanse: This can last anywhere from a few weeks to a month. During this phase, the focus is on dietary changes, avoiding foods that feed candida, and starting on antifungal supplements like CanXida Remove.
  • Maintenance Phase: This can last several months. It’s about maintaining the dietary changes while slowly reintroducing certain foods back into the diet. You’ll continue with a reduced dosage of CanXida Remove and also CanXida Rebuild.
  • Reintroduction Phase: Here, you’ll continue reintroducing foods while closely monitoring your body’s reactions. Keep note of your symptoms using our symptoms tracker.

Signs to watch for during a candida cleanse include:

  • Die-off symptoms: As candida dies, it releases toxins, which can temporarily exacerbate symptoms. This is called the Herxheimer reaction. Symptoms might include fatigue, brain fog, gastrointestinal distress, and flu-like symptoms. If these become too intense, it might be advisable to reduce the dosage of antifungal supplements and drink plenty of water. If they persist, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial.
  • Improvement in symptoms: As the cleanse progresses, you should notice a reduction in candida symptoms like fatigue, digestive issues, and skin problems.
  • Adverse reactions: If you experience severe discomfort or allergic reactions, stop the cleanse and consult a professional.

Lastly, while on the MEVY (Meat, Eggs, Vegetables, Yogurt) diet or any candida-focused diet, monitor how you feel after reintroducing foods. An increase in symptoms can indicate sensitivity to that particular food.

Question: I’ve heard about ‘die-off’ or Herxheimer reactions when candida cells are killed off rapidly. What should I expect, and how can I alleviate these symptoms if they occur?

Certainly, the “die-off” or Herxheimer reaction is a well-known phenomenon in the candida community.

If you have followed our big-clean up before the cleanse then you shouldn’t experience severe die-off.

We recommend you watch the video below for a step by step instructions on how to do a proper candida cleanse.

What to Expect with Die-Off:

  • Symptoms: As candida cells die, they release endotoxins into the bloodstream faster than the body can effectively remove them. This can lead to a range of symptoms, including:
    • Fatigue
    • Brain fog
    • Headaches
    • Irritability or mood swings
    • Skin breakouts
    • Digestive issues like bloating, gas, or diarrhea
    • Flu-like symptoms such as muscle aches or chills
    • Swollen glands
  • Duration: The intensity and duration of die-off symptoms can vary. Some people might feel them for a few days, while others might experience them for a couple of weeks. The intensity typically correlates with the severity of the candida overgrowth.

How to Alleviate Die-Off Symptoms:

  • Reduce Dosage: If you’re taking an antifungal like CanXida Remove and the symptoms become too intense, consider reducing the dosage. This can slow the die-off process, allowing the body to catch up with detoxification.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps flush out the toxins from your system.
  • Rest and Sleep: Ensure you’re getting adequate sleep and rest to allow the body to heal.
  • Activated Charcoal: This can help bind toxins in the digestive tract, reducing absorption into the bloodstream.
  • Dietary Support: Continue to follow the recommended diet, like the MEVY (Meat, Eggs, Vegetables, Yogurt) diet, which avoids foods that feed candida and instead promotes foods that support gut health.
  • Epsom Salt Baths: These can aid in detoxification and provide relief from muscle aches.
  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: If die-off symptoms become too severe or if you’re concerned about any aspect of your health, always reach out to a healthcare professional or nutritionist familiar with candida issues.

Remember, while die-off symptoms can be uncomfortable, they’re often seen as a sign that the treatment is effectively addressing the candida overgrowth.

Ready to elevate your well-being? Discover the transformative potential of CanXida products and start your journey today!


The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.