Your Questions Answered: Ear Flakiness, TMAU Disorders & Penicillium Species

Question: Can the ears collect flakiness and/or discharge and dry out and impair hearing? How would one clean the ears so not to experience hearing loss? I know my TMJ might affect hearing as well, from tight muscles. Do you have any experience with yeast/Candida and hearing loss?

Jaw joint problems can lead to an imbalance in the pH of the saliva. This imbalance can then upset the equilibrium of the digestive and intestinal flora. Such disturbances not only cause functional disorders but also structural ones. These conditions create a favorable environment for candida overgrowth.

Candida can manifest arthritis-like symptoms and joint/muscle pain, and this can affect the TMJ joint. Interestingly, TMJ issues can also originate from an underlying dysbiosis. There’s a link between TMJ and ailments like parasitic and fungal infections. When the body is in a state of dysbiosis, opportunistic pathogens can work together, exacerbating symptoms and complicating the process of alleviating them.

Otomycosis is a term used to describe a fungal infection in the outer ear. This type of infection can cause inflammation, dry skin, and a foul-smelling discharge in the ear canal. The most common culprits behind these infections are fungi like Aspergillus and Candida. Living in warmer climates, which provide the dampness fungi thrive in, increases the risk of developing otomycosis. Other factors that might contribute to fungal ear infections include ear trauma from cotton swabs, frequent exposure to water, such as swimming, and a deficiency in earwax, which offers protection against fungi. When faced with such an infection, a doctor might prescribe eardrops containing antifungal agents. It’s important to note that one should avoid cleaning their ears with cotton swabs, as it can exacerbate the situation.

In situations of dysbiosis, taking a daily probiotic becomes crucial for rebalancing the gut. Doing so also bolsters immunity and promotes better digestive health. If there’s a suspicion of a systemic fungal infection, a natural antimicrobial therapy might be beneficial.

Question: I believe I’m suffering from tmau disorders to which started before my first menses at the age of 11 and I’m 44years old now,I smell like sewage, burning rubber,gabarge bin,farts,poo,depending on what I eat and the environment and moods of the day, I have tried detox, tmau diet of low choline, supplements, water fasting for weeks,I’m on fermented food and still people can smell me from miles away, I have chronic bad breath and body odor too,despite trying dentist and expensive mouth wash and paste, can your products deal with this afflicting issues?what dosage and how long?

TMAU is a condition where the liver enzyme FMO3 fails to oxidize the smelly chemical compound trimethylamine (TMA), resulting in an unpleasant smell and body odor. TMAU is a genetic condition but can be exacerbated by the excess accumulation of TMA and other malodor metabolites in the body. These accumulations are influenced by gut function, liver function, kidney function, diet, and bacterial composition in the gut.

Diet can directly introduce metabolites, including TMA, that produce odor. The composition of bacteria in the gut plays a role in determining the production of specific odor metabolites like methane, sulfides, and TMAO, a bacterial metabolite of TMA. Gut function also has an impact: slow digestion and intestinal barrier permeability, also known as “leaky gut,” can allow dietary and bacterial metabolites to enter the bloodstream. The liver plays a critical role in metabolizing many of these metabolites, thus reducing their odor. Meanwhile, kidney function is essential for eliminating many of these odor-causing metabolites.

There is no single treatment to completely eliminate bad body odor, but hygiene practices are paramount. This includes brushing teeth, using antibacterial soaps, deodorants, and so forth. To treat the imbalance of bad odor metabolites, consider the following measures:

  • Reduce foods known for odor production like alliums, cruciferous vegetables, red meats, fish, and eggs. These foods contain high levels of TMA and can exacerbate symptoms. Also, limit alcohol and certain spices like cumin and chili. On the other hand, a diet high in fiber can promote more frequent bowel movements, which shortens the time for gut bacteria metabolism.
  • Introduce a high-quality probiotic to help rebalance the gut bacteria that transform metabolites into less harmful compounds. Additionally, digestive enzymes aid in breaking down and absorbing nutrients more efficiently in the gut, preventing excessive bacterial fermentation.
  • Increase your water intake to bolster kidney excretion.
  • Consider supporting your liver with a good multivitamin to help heal the gut.

Question: i got penicillium species and geotrichum candidum in the stool culture , do you think i should get treatment ? are they pathogenic organisms ?

Geotrichum is a yeast considered an opportunistic pathogen. Symptoms of infection have been linked to diarrhea and enteritis. Moreover, Geotrichum might also play a part in IBS. The species G. candidum causes geotrichosis, with symptoms that resemble those of candida.

Penicillium is a genus of fungi commonly found on numerous food products such as cocoa beans, coffee beans, cereals, peanuts, and dried fruits. In general, Penicillium species exhibit low pathogenicity. However, in some instances, high levels are correlated with an increased risk of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune disorders like Lupus, Hashimoto, Chron’s, and arthritis.

Both Geotrichum and Penicillium are potential pathogens. This means they can become pathogenic when present in elevated levels. Treatment for these pathogens is crucial to restore gut equilibrium. A comprehensive method is essential to minimize the overgrowth of harmful organisms. Supporting immune, digestive, and liver function is of paramount importance.

It’s advised to incorporate probiotics into your regimen. These beneficial bacteria compete with fungi in the intestines, depriving them of resources and outnumbering them, which leads to a reestablishment of the microflora balance. Anti-fungal supplements can also be beneficial. These antifungals possess the capability to suppress and counteract fungal and yeast expansion. Lastly, bolstering your liver with an efficient multivitamin can be helpful.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is not intended to replace professional medical advice or treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional about any health-related concerns or treatments.