Your Questions Answered: Is Oregano Good, Detoxifying Heavy Metals & Bloated After Probiotics

Question: Is It Safe To Use CanXida Remove With Oregano Long Term Without Harming Beneficial Bacteria?

A common concern is whether taking CanXida Remove for an extended period might negatively impact beneficial bacteria in the gut. To address this, we can confidently state that using CanXida Remove, even for durations as long as 12 months, will not eradicate beneficial bacteria. We’ve witnessed many stool test reports before and after the use of CanXida Remove which consistently show the eradication of yeast infections without affecting the beneficial bacteria. In fact, some reports indicate an increase in beneficial bacteria when individuals take both CanXida Restore and CanXida Remove simultaneously.

It’s worth noting that the oil of oregano in CanXida Remove is present in a minimal amount. It’s the combination of all the ingredients in a sustained release form that makes it effective against unwanted gut organisms. Comparatively, concerns like long-term garlic consumption or other factors, such as stress, alcohol, or pharmaceutical medications, have more substantial effects on the gut flora than a product like ours.

If one adheres to our recommendations outlined in our book Candida Crusher, they will also be incorporating beneficial dietary changes and understanding the effects of various stressors on gut health. For those who make poor lifestyle choices while taking our product, the results might not be as favorable. However, CanXida Remove should not be singled out as the sole factor affecting gut health.

Question: Is Candida Elimination Dependent On Heavy Metal Detoxification?

Heavy metals, particularly mercury, can pose significant health challenges. They interfere with cell-to-cell communication and can even impact RNA/DNA synthesis, leading to chromosomal damage. Such disruptions render the body less capable of fighting off pathogens and maintaining effective detoxification processes. The presence of heavy metals can drain adrenal function, resulting in chronic fatigue.

Mercury and other heavy metals can be determined through hair analysis tests. If these tests reveal high levels of copper, zinc, and any of the sulfhydryl metals (namely mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic), it might indicate a heavy metal toxicity problem. Elevations in copper and zinc, in particular, are indicative of deficiencies, as these minerals are crucial for detoxification and various enzymatic reactions in the body.

If you have elevated mercury levels and experience symptoms of mercury toxicity, it’s worth considering the removal of amalgam fillings. However, if you do not have elevated levels of these metals, it’s advised to first address any Candida issue. Confirming a Candida infection is best done through a stool test, as this provides a more accurate reading than other methods.

In conclusion, while heavy metal toxicity can hinder the body’s ability to combat Candida, it doesn’t mean Candida won’t go away without addressing the metals first. It’s essential to accurately assess the situation and address it accordingly.

Question: Is It Possible That Probiotics Are Causing My Bloating, Gas, And Diarrhea Due To Candida?

Discomfort can occur when introducing dietary changes or new supplements. It’s essential to consider whether you’re taking probiotics with or without food, in combination with other supplements, and the kinds of foods consumed alongside them. Dosage is crucial; overconsumption can lead to adverse effects.

It’s also important to assess your gut health. Have you conducted a stool test to determine your beneficial bacteria levels? Or to check for parasites or imbalanced flora? Such tests can provide a clearer picture of your internal health and help address the issue at its root.

Bloating and gas after consuming probiotics can arise from either taking an insufficient amount, an excessive amount, or the wrong kind. It’s crucial not to rush into extreme diets or consume large quantities of any supplement or natural remedy. For best results, dietary supplements should be taken in moderation alongside a balanced diet and lifestyle.

Remember, transitions, especially dietary ones, should be gradual. It’s surprising how many dive headfirst, consuming numerous probiotic capsules daily. Always consume probiotics with food. Bacteria require nourishment. Consuming prebiotic foods, like onions, carrots, and chicory, while taking a moderate amount of probiotics should prevent excessive bloating or gas.

If issues persist, consider pausing your probiotic intake for a short period and then reintroducing it gradually. If in doubt, conduct a comprehensive stool analysis and get potential parasites examined. This will give you a clear view of your internal health and guide you on the next steps to take.

Disclaimer: Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health routine.