Your Questions Answered: Individual Canxida Ingredients, Candida Gut Disruption & Alzheimer’s Plaque

Question: Why Should I Get CanXida Remove When I Can Get All The Individual Ingredients And Take Them?

While it’s possible to create your formula, there are significant challenges involved. In the past, I used individual ingredients for treating patients, such as grapefruit seed extract, caprylic acid, oregano oil, standardized garlic extract, and others. This approach was not only expensive but also cumbersome.

Over the years, I realized the need for a well-formulated, cost-effective product that provides a balanced release of ingredients without the hassles of managing numerous supplements. These insights led to the creation of CanXida Remove, part of our CanXida range, which also includes Restore and Rebuild. When you opt for our integrated system, you benefit from years of experience and thousands of tests that went into determining the optimal combinations.

While some might consider our products pricey, purchasing individual ingredients can be far more expensive in the long run. One of our customers ended up spending thousands a month, taking upwards of 50 tablets daily when they tried going the individual route. CanXida Remove was designed based on extensive clinical practice and is optimized for efficacy, coverage, and value. We appreciate the immense positive feedback from our community and are excited about future additions to the CanXida range.

Question: Does Candida Disrupt Your Digestive System Over Time?

Absolutely, it can lead to significant disruptions. Over time, Candida can lead to food allergies, sensitivities, major gas, bloating, fatigue, digestive discomfort, constipation, and diarrhea. Furthermore, Candida disrupts the balance of beneficial bacteria, triggers inflammatory responses, and alters gut pH. This alteration invites other bacteria to form micro-colonies, exacerbating the problems. These colonies release by-products and can affect your immune function, making you feel unwell and toxic.

For years, some medical professionals dismissed the idea that Candida could disrupt gut health. However, current research from trusted databases indicates that Candida can indeed cause significant gut issues. While Candida is a normal part of the bowel flora for about 20% of people, in some cases, its overgrowth can cause severe health issues. We suggest an assessment via stool testing followed by suitable treatment to address Candida overgrowth.

Question: Does Candida Plaque Relate To Alzheimer’s Plaque?

Some theories suggest the amyloid beta plaque associated with Alzheimer’s might have similarities to plaque from Candida. This amyloid plaque in the brain is what some experts believe to be the root of Alzheimer’s. The exact causes remain unknown, with various theories pointing to different potential triggers.

It’s important to note that many Alzheimer’s patients have had significant gut health issues before the onset of the disease. Poor gut health is believed to be linked not only to Alzheimer’s but also to numerous other diseases. The majority of chronic diseases can trace their origins back to gut disorders. Maintaining a balanced diet, leading a low-stress lifestyle, and overall healthy living can help counteract these degenerative neurological diseases.

It’s still in the early stages of research to confirm any direct link between Candida and Alzheimer’s. Likewise, attributing all diseases to one single cause like Candida, bacteria, parasites, or any other agent is oversimplifying the issue. The root cause of most diseases is inflammation, which is closely linked to immune function. Most of our immune system is housed in the digestive system. Ensuring optimal gut health can lead to better immune responses, reduced inflammation, and lower disease risks.

If concerned about a possible Candida and Alzheimer’s connection, one might consider assessing for Candida and addressing any imbalances. This could potentially alleviate concerns regarding Alzheimer’s, given that it’s all still speculative.

Disclaimer: It’s essential to consult with your healthcare professional regarding any health concerns or conditions.