How Can You Eliminate Yeast Desires?

One frequent question we receive is about managing sugar cravings, especially for those struggling with Candida. People grappling with Candida often crave specific types of food, usually sweet or carb-rich foods. These cravings might include sweets, alcohol, coffee with sugar, or carb-heavy foods like donuts or bread with sweet spreads. Typically, it can take around 12 weeks, or three months, to effectively overcome these sugar cravings.

In our book Candida Crusher, we recommend a method called “warm turkey” instead of “cold turkey.” The principle behind “warm turkey” is to gradually reduce the intake of the craved substance rather than suddenly stopping, which can lead to quick relapses. For instance, if you consume three coffees a day and a glass of wine at night, we’d recommend reducing it to two coffees for the initial week, then eventually to one coffee. This gradual reduction reduces the likelihood of experiencing guilt from quick relapses.

The initial step is to cut out the more evident unhealthy foods from your diet, such as sugary beverages and foods. Over time, focus on reducing condiments rich in sugar and minimize takeaway foods, which you should avoid in the long run. Contrary to popular belief, fruit should be one of the last things you remove when trying to reduce sugar intake. Even though fruits contain sugar, they are not as detrimental as, say, the sugar found in sodas. Over time, even the sugar in fruits will be reduced. Some fruits that we recommend during this phase include green apples, blueberries, and kiwis.

By approaching this methodically and wisely over a span of roughly a month, you will mitigate the withdrawal symptoms and sugar cravings. As a result, you’ll likely lose weight over time and reduce Candida growth.

For further insights and comprehensive strategies, we invite you to dive deeper into our book,  Candida Crusher.

Disclaimer: This advice is based on our company’s research and expertise. Always consult with your healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle.