Your Questions Answered: Gluten Links To Candida, Starting Probiotics & Canned Tuna

Question: Is There A Link Between Gluten And Candida?

The surge in gluten-free diets has been substantial, with an increasing number of people believing they are gluten intolerant. But the real question is, what’s the relationship between candida and gluten?

Let’s discuss the HWP1 protein, or hyphal wall protein 1. This protein is produced by candida, allowing it to attach to the digestive tract. Intriguingly, the amino acid structure of HWP1 is similar to that of two proteins found in gluten – alpha gliadin and gamma gliadin. This resemblance causes confusion for the immune system, which often doesn’t recognize candida as a foreign substance. However, as candida dies, it leaves behind remnants of the HWP1 protein. When these remnants alter, the immune system identifies them as foreign and mounts an attack. The catch? It starts attacking the gliadin proteins as well, leading to what we understand as an autoimmune reaction.

Interestingly, many who’ve eliminated candida from their system have found they can reintroduce gluten without issues. Therefore, going gluten-free doesn’t always mean a lifelong commitment. There are varied reasons people become gluten intolerant, and it’s essential to delve into the causes instead of jumping on the gluten-free bandwagon without understanding.

In conclusion, there’s a significant link between gluten and candida. It’s crucial to recognize and address the root causes of gluten intolerance, rather than merely eliminating gluten from one’s diet.

Question: When Can I Start Taking Probiotics Again?

In response to the question about reintroducing good bacteria or probiotics after a diagnosis of D. fragilis and being on doxycycline, it’s essential to understand that antibiotics can disrupt the gut flora. Taking probiotics three hours before antibiotics may not be the most effective approach, as the antibiotics might nullify the beneficial effects of the probiotics.

Dientamoeba fragilis, the parasite you mentioned, can be addressed without resorting to long-term antibiotic use. Natural remedies, such as grapefruit seed extract, have shown promise in treating this parasite. The overuse of antibiotics like doxycycline can negatively affect beneficial bacteria in your gut, particularly bifidobacteria in the large intestine.

Once you’ve finished your course of antibiotics, it’s recommended to start on probiotics for an extended period, perhaps two to three months or even longer, to fully restore your gut flora. Complementing this with prebiotic foods, which support the growth of beneficial bacteria, can further enhance your gut health. To regain strength without probiotics might be possible, but it can be a longer and more challenging process.

Question: Is Canned Tuna Recommended For A Candida Diet?

To clarify, our book does not strictly advise against consuming canned tuna. It mentions being cautious due to perceived mercury levels, but it doesn’t recommend avoiding it altogether. The book also provides a comprehensive discussion about mercury, selenium content in fish, and tuna specifically.

Regarding the MEVY diet (meat, eggs, vegetables, and yogurt), our book offers detailed information on grains. It’s crucial to understand the diet and the sections concerning grains, including the relationship between gluten and candida. Once the gut is healed, most people can consume a variety of grains, including wheat.

It’s worth noting that while our book and articles provide general advice, individual needs might vary. Personalized guidance often requires a one-on-one consultation to tailor advice specific to an individual’s situation.

Disclaimer: Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or health regimen.