Your Questions Answered: Tests, GI Mapping, And Weak Gut Microbiome

Question: Why is it important for me to get tested for candida?

It is important to get yourself tested for Canada when you have severe symptoms affecting the oral cavity, skin, vagina, cervix, penis, anal skin, and gut. If not treated properly, the infection can spread to the healthy tissues of the organs and tissues all over the body causing widespread inflammation. This can affect the functions of the affected parts due to which you may develop a number of complications.

For example, inflammation caused due to chronic and persistent candida infection can allow for the development of inflammatory bowel disease and leaky gut syndrome. It may also make you vulnerable to developing SIBO or SIFO. These conditions can hamper the gut functions and reduce the absorption of nutrients from the intestine, increasing the risk of several diseases associated with nutritional deficiencies.

In addition, the skin symptoms of candida can spread easily causing considerable disfigurement. The symptoms affecting the oral cavity and other mucus membranes of the body such as the vagina, anus, and penis can result in pain, itching, redness, rashes, and other symptoms that can affect your daily living. Infections affecting the vagina or penis, if not detected and treated properly, can cause you to spread the infection to your sexual partner.

These are some reasons why you must get tested for candida as if you have any specific symptoms affecting these parts.

Question: Is GI mapping important to do if I have Candida?

GI-MAP (the Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus) can help in assessing the amounts of healthy and harmful bacteria in your gut, in addition to measuring the leakage caused due to leaky gut syndrome. GI-MAP, through the measurement of bacteria, both beneficial and harmful, can assist in the diagnosis of SIBO and assess your gut health because it includes additional measurements of parasites, fungi, and viruses. It can also help differentiate between SIBO and other diseases that tend to present with similar symptoms.GL mapping can allow you to seek personalized treatment plans. Your doctor would also be able to recommend informative retests based on the results of GI mapping.

For example, GI MAP can allow you to create your own treatment protocol by addressing the specific gut dysfunctions revealed in the results. The test will also help you identify which infections are more severe, and hence, need to be tackled urgently, and identify the areas of the gut that are most severely affected.

A customized treatment plan based on the results of GI mapping will help you receive the most appropriate treatment customized for you thus improving your chances of faster recovery. In addition, the quantification of the results offers a remarkable ability to assess how your diet, change in lifestyle, and other treatment modalities are working because the repeat mapping test after the treatment can show whether the dysbiosis has improved, the infection has resolved, and so on.

Question: How to interpret the results of GI mapping?

The GI-MAP Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay is an innovative diagnostic tool, which involves the analysis of a stool sample to measure the gastrointestinal microbiota DNA using advanced qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) technology.

The results of this test are primarily in the form of the pathogen detected in the sample.

The GI-MAP can detect the presence of pathogens such as bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses that are commonly known to cause gastroenteritis. The results will also detect the presence of toxins, which are a kind of virulence factor released by certain pathogens.

For example, this test can help to detect H. pylori infection, which is a common cause of ulcers and chronic mastoiditis. It can also help to detect several opportunistic infections and identify the specific microbial overgrowth in the stomach and intestine by analyzing the stool sample.

The results of the GI map testing will show the presence of parasites residing in your body. The test can help in the diagnosis of infections by pathogenic parasites and some pathogenic and non-pathogenic protozoa that are most commonly occurring in the stomach and intestine tract. Additionally, this test can also help to assess levels of the other markers of digestive health.

The findings of GI-MAP may also include results for the detection of the genes responsible for antibiotic resistance in the microbiome. In case an antibiotic resistance gene is detected, then a class of certain antibiotics is designated as POSITIVE for the particular antibiotic resistance. A positive test result for the presence of the resistance genes for the given antibiotic suggests that the antibiotic is not the right choice for the treatment protocol for that patient.

The detection of the antibiotic resistance genes applies to all the microorganisms found in the stool sample. Since microbes tend to share DNA rapidly, when under stress, the presence of the antibiotic resistance to any organism could be considered a reason enough to avoid that class of medication.

However, as GI-MAP is a DNA-based test, the results reflect the level of pathogenic strains that are carrying the toxin genes and not the levels of any specific toxins that might be produced.

Question: How do I know I have a weak gut microbiome?

There are several symptoms that point to a weak gut microbiome. For example, if you suffer from moderate to severe symptoms affecting your digestion, such as bloating, nausea, vomiting, constipation or loose motions, hyperacidity, sour eructation, and heartburn, you might be suffering from a weak gut microbiome.

In most cases, the symptoms are not evident only in the form of digestive dysfunctions. A weak microbiome can also make your immune system weaker due to which you may have other signs such as repeated infections, high risk of inflammatory conditions, and immunological dysfunctions such as psoriasis, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis.

In some cases, when the healthy gut microbiome is not restored allowing for the harmful bacteria to persist and flourish in your gut, there could be significant inflammation due to which you may develop the symptoms of SIBO. SIFO, leaky gut, and inflammatory bowel disease. The symptoms of these conditions include those of acute infection and indigestion. The symptoms may occur in combination with general symptoms such as persistent weakness, low energy level, unexplained weight loss, reduce focus, sleep disturbances, and nutritional deficiencies.

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The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.