Can I Take ReCharge If I’m Caffeine Sensitive?

Author: Dr. Blake Myers ND

Many people are sensitive to caffeine to varying degrees. For those who are the most sensitive, avoiding caffeine wherever possible typically makes sense. The short term energy burst simply isn’t worth the anxiety, jitters, restlessness, insomnia, and many other symptoms that go along with it.

So if you’re caffeine sensitive, should you be concerned about taking CanXida’s newest supplement, ReCharge?

The short answer is, absolutely not!

If this is a surprise or seems too good to be true, read on and it will make sense.

In this article, I’m going to explain the science behind why taking ReCharge is not only ok if you have caffeine sensitivity, it may help you reduce your sensitivity to caffeine. In addition, it may also help with chemical sensitivities to everyday things like detergents, perfumes, etc.

What causes caffeine sensitivity?

Caffeine sensitivity can be present due to a number of different factors. If you experience sensitivity to caffeine and caffeinated beverages, it is helpful on an individual level to know which of these causes are contributing to your experience because caffeine sensitivity is commonly a symptom of the need for greater healing support. These are some of the common reasons some people don’t do well with caffeine.

Backed Up Liver Detoxification Pathways

The liver detoxifies the vast majority of substances produced by, and taken into, your body. It does this using a variety of enzymes that transform the original substance into one or more other products that the body can then easily eliminate. This process includes caffeine.

Many of the liver enzymes used in detoxification are called cytochromes – abbreviated CYP. The specific enzyme CYP1A2 is responsible for 90% of caffeine breakdown. However, caffeine isn’t the only thing this enzyme metabolizes. It is responsible for metabolizing hundreds of other compounds as well.

If the CYP1A2 enzyme is busy metabolizing other toxins (pesticides, hormones, etc.), there’s less of it to break down caffeine. The same goes for any other enzymes that are part of the caffeine breakdown process.

In this scenario, the cup is overflowing. The key is to decrease external toxin (not necessarily caffeine but others) intake and support liver detoxification. Over time, the liver will catch up and you may have less sensitivity to caffeine, and possibly other chemicals as well.


Genes carry the DNA code that tells your cells how to make proteins, largely enzymes. There is a gene for CYP1A2 and all the other detoxification enzymes.

If there are any errors in the genetic code for an enzyme, the end product doesn’t work well. Many of these errors, or mutations, are SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) – meaning 1 spot in the code is wrong.

With a SNP present, an enzyme will still work, just not as effectively. Depending on the gene and mutation present, SNPs may lead to an enzyme to work anywhere from 20% to 90% of normal.

If you have a SNP in the CYP1A2 gene, you genetically are not able to metabolize caffeine as efficiently as someone without a SNP here. You can’t change this but you can optimize liver detoxification, which is important since these detoxification enzymes deal with much more than just caffeine.

Unhealthy Mitochondria

If you are caffeine sensitive, it’s worth considering the health of your mitochondria. These are the energy producing engines of virtually every cell in your body. Caffeine is a stimulant overall. When organs like your muscles, heart, and lungs are working faster and harder, it takes more mitochondrial work as well.

Mitochondria that are damaged or not functioning properly will not be able to keep up with increased demand. This will ultimately lead to fatigue and an energy crash.

An extreme, non-caffeine example of this is someone with unhealthy mitochondrial function, like chronic fatigue syndrome, who overdoes it exercising and their mitochondria can’t keep up, and they are sore and in bed for 2-3 days to recover.

Common reasons for mitochondrial dysfunction include chronic illness, chronic infections, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and toxic burden.

Not A Regular Caffeine User

If you don’t use caffeine on a regular basis, you might feel strong effects when you do use it, without any of the above reasons being present. When using caffeine regularly, your body adapts by increasing mechanisms to maintain balance, like detoxification enzymes.

When your physiology isn’t used to this particular stimulus, you experience a non-adapted response when consuming it. Due to this, you may experience strong caffeine responses simply because you are working with a clean slate so-to-speak.

Caffeine sources are not all the same

Here is where we need to talk about where caffeine comes from and why ReCharge is different. Most people are aware of plants that contain caffeine. These include the tea plant, coffee, yerba mate, chocolate, and others. The caffeine content in these varies largely by plant, preparation method, and post harvest production method.

What we are increasingly seeing in the market are caffeinated beverages and drink powders. These typically contain isolated caffeine, where caffeine is extracted from the plants and sold wholesale to manufacturers in barrels of caffeine anhydrous powder.

This makes it easy to get high doses of caffeine into a drink or food. While a cup of coffee may have around 100mg of caffeine, it’s common to see an energy drink with 200mg. For a caffeine sensitive person, caffeinated energy drinks are never a good idea. (Not that they’re a good idea for anybody.)

ReCharge does NOT contain isolated caffeine.

When eating a food or drinking a beverage from a caffeinated plant, there are two things to remember. One, there are other phytochemicals that provide health benefits. Two, depending on the plant, there are other constituents that balance out caffeine’s effects.

Now, let’s talk about why ReCharge is not a problem if you are caffeine sensitive and still provides all the other natural energy benefits.

Why is ReCharge ok for caffeine sensitive people?

We’ve already established that ReCharge does not contain isolated caffeine. There are 3 reasons ReCharge is ok for caffeine sensitive people:

  • Very low levels of caffeine
  • In plant form with caffeine balancing properties
  • The entire formula supports health optimization (mitochondria, liver, brain, etc.)

ReCharge contains 250mg of matcha leaf powder per serving. Matcha is a powder made from green tea from the tea (Camillea sinensis) plant. Matcha contains on average 19-44mg of caffeine per gram of powder. This means that the caffeine content in one serving of ReCharge is 4.75-11mg of caffeine.

One cup of coffee contains ~100mg of caffeine if 10g of coffee per cup are used. Based solely on dose, at the equivalent of ~5-11% of a cup of coffee, ReCharge is unlikely to have any noticeable caffeine effect, even in the caffeine sensitive person. There is much more to this story though. Check this article.

Really, focusing on caffeine is the wrong point of this conversation. Matcha isn’t included in the ReCharge formula because it has caffeine. It is included because it is one of the most health promoting plants on the planet.

Matcha is a powerhouse of antioxidants and a plant preparation that supports liver health, neurologic function, and the cardiovascular system, among other benefits. I will write a separate article in the future on matcha because there is enough health information there you could write a book on it!

The magical (but scientific) thing about matcha and its caffeine content is that it contains another compound called L-theanine. Unlike caffeine’s stimulatory effects, L-theanine is calming. It promotes the relaxed but focused part of the brain called the GABA system.

In fact, L-theanine promotes alpha brain waves which give a grounded and relaxed feeling. The impacts of L-theanine create a balanced effect along with its natural caffeine content.

The important thing to remember about ReCharge is it is a synergistic formula designed to support multiple cellular functions, gut health, and mitochondrial function. To learn more about this, read this article on taking ReCharge as a standalone supplement.


As a small but meaningful portion of the ReCharge formula, matcha leaf powder works synergistically with all of the other ingredients to support energy naturally. Naturally occurring caffeine plays a minor to negligible role. Instead, the host of other energy supportive ingredients pull the weight.

The low level of matcha caffeine present in one dose of ReCharge is balanced out by L-theanine and many of the other nutrient supportive elements. The caffeine in ReCharge is quietly in the background among a broad spectrum of mitochondrial and gut supportive ingredients, making ReCharge safe and beneficial even for people with a sensitivity to caffeine.

Try ReCharge for yourself for today to nourish all of your essential cell and organ functions.