Your Questions Answered: Diagnosed With Osteopenia, Bovine Glandular For Fatigue & Patchy Intestinal Metaplasia In The Antral Mucosa Of The Stomach

Question: I have been diagnosed with osteopenia. What is the best supplement and or dietary advice? and if you have candida does taking HRT and dhea encourage candida growth..?

Being on hormone replacement therapy can lead to estrogen dominance, which in turn can disrupt the gut microbiome and allow overgrowth of yeast or other pathogens. HRT can also stress the liver and deplete key vitamins needed for proper detoxification. DHEA helps produce sex hormones like estrogens. DHEA levels start to decrease with age especially in women. DHEA helps decrease symptoms of menopause and increase bone mineral density. DHEA can also impact the estrobolome which are the gut bacteria that regulate metabolism of estrogen leading to imbalances. You can benefit from a good probiotic to help repopulate your gut with the right bacteria. CanXida Restore contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes. To help your hormones come back into balance focus on fiber rich fruits and vegetables and anti-inflammatory foods like fish and flax/chia.

Avoid using plastics that contain BPA, eat more cruciferous vegetables, consider a fiber supplement like flax/psyllium and take milk thistle or herbal bitters for your liver. Osteopenia is a condition of reduced bone mass with common causes being low-calcium diet (or history of dieting), and age-related hormone changes (menopause). Bones require two important nutrients, calcium and vitamin D. You should consider a calcium supplement with added vitamin D if you have been diagnosed with osteopenia. Soy is a great source of calcium and has been shown to relieve menopause symptoms and lower estrogen related conditions such as breast and ovarian cancer. Make sure to buy organic and fortified soy products (tofu, soy milk, tempeh) which come with added vitamin D. Dairy, leafy greens and sesame seeds are algo great sources of calcium. Fortified breakfast cereals, orange juice and fish are great sources of vitamin D. Weight-bearing and resistance exercises are the best to strengthen your bones.

Question: I take herbs for adrenals and have tried a porcine and bovine glandular that I got from the natural path, although my tongue feels weird just from taking one of the glandular supplements. I’m in stage 2 of your diet and haven’t eaten red meat in about a year. I am not vegetarian but the red meat seems to be causing inflammation in fingers, basically all the foods to take out in your stage 2 diet. Any suggestions? Should I still take the glandular. I also meditate which helps and do the breathing exercises recommended. Worried about taking it and going backwards.

Over-the-counter glandular supplements contain tissues taken from animals. These tissues come from hormone-producing organs in animals, such as the adrenals, thyroid, ovaries, etc. Essentially, these animal tissues are dried and ground up for use in supplements and medications. Typically, glandular tissues come from cows, sheep, and pigs. Most practitioners advise against taking over-the-counter glandular supplements because they are not well regulated and sometimes contain additives that may cause more harm to the organ (adrenal, thyroid). Glandular supplements are not supposed to contain active hormones, yet some manufacturers may add them but dosing is not regulated. Using active hormones in supplements poses a risk for toxicosis because people may receive too much hormones. Supplements can also add ingredients that may throw out of balance your delicate adrenal function. There are vitamins specifically designed to support thyroid/adrenal function that does not contain glandular tissues.

Certain nutrients like vitamin C, magnesium, and dietary supplements known as adaptogens may help support HPA axis function and modulate cortisol levels during times of physical or psychological stress. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen and research suggests that supplementing with ashwagandha safely and effectively improves stress resistance. Other adaptogens include rhodiola, holy basil, and ginseng. The vegetarian diet has been linked to a reduced likelihood of many chronic diseases and is often regarded as healthier than a diet containing large amounts of animal-based foods. While your protein choices are limited to plant-based foods such as nuts and beans, many of the most powerful antifungal and probiotic foods are vegan for example garlic, sauerkraut, and olive oil. Make sure to include fortified yogurts and unswetened plant-based milks like soy, or almond. Eggs, and soaked or sprouted beans are great vegetarian protein choices on the Candida diet. You can also add a high-quality vegan protein powder to get enougb protein.

Question: During endoscopy I was diagnose with patchy intestinal metaplasia in the antral mucosa of the stomach with inflamation. Also hiatus hernia and reflux. I have constipation for weeks. No helicobacter pylori was seen. The doctor tells me to take nexium and movicol. Movicol does not help at all. What do you think can cause it and how it can be helped. Thank you for any sugestions.

Intestinal metaplasia is a response to chronic irritation of cells. Intestinal metaplasia in the stomach is associated with a bacterial infection known as H. pylori, which can attack the protective mucous lining of the stomach. H. pylori responds well to antimicrobial therapy like Remove and other treatment options include Bactroban, and Xylitol (fight biofilm infections). Movicol is a type of laxative that helps rehydrate stools. Addresing the root cause is a better way to treat constipation. Adding fiber rich foods into your diet alongside a high quality probiotic can effectively address constipation. Soluble fiber helps making the stool more moist and softer. Foods that are high in soluble fiber include chia/ flax seeds and oats. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool and feeds the good gut bacteria. Sources include vegetables, avocados, and fruit. Using probiotics can relieve the symptoms of constipation by improving the intestinal tract transit time, stool frequency, stool consistency, and promoting regular bowel movements.

Magnesium has a laxative effect in the body that can help to relieve constipation. Nexium is a medication that reduces stomach acid to help with acid reflux. The acidic environment in your stomach is vital for good digestive health. Taking an antacid may relieve your short-term symptoms, but it won’t fix the long-term imbalance. Antacids may contribute to Candida and other GI infections since the acidic stomach environment is your body’s first line of defense against pathogens. You may benefit from Betaine HCL to supplement stomach acid. Other measures might include changing your diet and eating habits to chew more, and not rushing your meals. Instead of antacids use supplements that will support your body’s own digestive processes, like digestive bitters (can make your stomach release more gastric juice), pepsin (to aid protein digestion), and digestive enzymes.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation.