Your Questions Answered: Gastric Bypass Surgery CanXida & How Long Till CanXida Works?

Question: How does candida work with a bariatric patient? I had Gastric Bypass surgery and have dealth with digestion issues ever since. And haven’t been given an accurate diagnosis as to what is causing all my stomach issues and now having chest pains and feeling out of breath even when the pulse oximeter says I’m at 97% oxygen.

People who have had gastric bypass surgery may experience digestive issues because their stomach size is dramatically reduced and the intestines are rerouted. This can drastically limit the amount of food that can be consumed, as well as cause disruption to the normal digestive process. Common digestive issues may include bloating, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. These digestive issues can be managed with dietary modifications, medications, and lifestyle changes. Chew food thoroughly – After the gastric bypass procedure, chewing food thoroughly is the most important factor in reducing digestive issues. Eating slower will help you to actively chew your food more and ensure that it is adequately mulched before moving through the digestive tract. Increase fluids – Proper hydration helps support healthy digestion, which can help reduce bloating, constipation, and gas.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day and include other fluids such as herbal teas like peppermint, ginger, or chamomile. Probiotics – After a gastric bypass, probiotics can help restore a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut. It is beneficial to take an oral probiotic supplement as well as consume fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Exercise regularly – Exercise can help stimulate digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and decreasing constipation. Incorporate activities like walking and light resistance training into your daily routine. Reduce stress – Stress can interfere with digestion and can lead to a range of digestive distresses including gas, bloating, and constipation. To manage stress, try yoga, deep breathing exercises, or mindful meditation.

Question: Taking pills and no break thru on Groin fungus , no reduction going 9 months . taking more CandXida pills . Using apple cidar vineger and oregano oil on skin .. No success .. fungus still strong. Just pushing on…No choice. Very low sugar testing at 94 mornings

Candida is a type of yeast that can be found naturally on your skin. It’s especially active where there are warm, dark, and moist skin folds. There are some simple steps you can take to manage and prevent skin yeast infections. These include drying your skin completely after a bath or shower, avoid wearing tight clothing. Instead, opt for looser-fitting clothes made from breathable fabrics like cotton that won’t trap moisture next to your skin. Creams or ointments with zinc oxide and/or petrolatum can help reduce friction between your affected skin by creating a barrier. To ease the symptoms, tea tree oil or coconut oil have natural antifungal properties that help manage local Candida infections and decrease inflammation. Try diluting 1 third Tea Tree oil diluted with 2 thirds fractionated coconut oil for the rash.

A strong immune system is your first line of defense against a yeast overgrowth. In addition to your probiotics and antifungals, a multivitmin that contains immune-boosting nutrients like Vitamin C, D, zinc and magnesium like CanXida Rebuild can also give you better chance at fighting infections. Improving your personal hygiene and adopting good lifestyle practices are important for preventing and treating groin area fungal infections. This includes regular showering using mild soap and warm water, wearing clean clothing, and keeping the affected area dry. Refraining from sharing towels, clothing, and other personal items with others can also help prevent the spread of fungal infections.

Disclaimer: This information aims to be a helpful reference point but it is imperative to consult with a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or adopting new practices to ensure they are safe and suitable for your unique health circumstances.