Your Questions Answered: Natural Vs Prescription, Caprylic Acid Food & Undecylenic Acid

Question: I’ve been researching antifungal treatments recently, and I’ve come across the notion that natural antifungals are often seen as safer compared to prescription alternatives. I’m curious about the reasons behind this?

Natural antifungals are often considered safer than prescription ones because they tend to have fewer side effects and are generally gentler on the body. They derive from natural sources, like plants, which the body often recognizes and processes more easily than synthetic compounds. Prescription antifungals can be powerful and effective, but they may come with side effects that some individuals may want to avoid.

However, it’s essential to understand that “natural” doesn’t always equate to “safe” for everyone. Natural antifungals can still cause reactions in some individuals, especially if taken in large amounts or if there’s an allergy or sensitivity to a particular ingredient. Common side effects can include upset stomach, allergic reactions, or interactions with other supplements or medications.

At CanXida, we recommend starting with a lower dose of our natural supplements to see how your body reacts.

Question: I have heard caprylic acid is good for candida. Are there any foods, besides coconut oil, that are rich in caprylic acid?

Yes, besides coconut oil, caprylic acid is also found in:

  • Palm oil
  • Butter (from the milk of cows, goats, and sheep)

However, among these sources, coconut oil remains the most popular and concentrated dietary source of caprylic acid.

While foods like coconut oil, palm oil, and butter are sources of caprylic acid, relying solely on caprylic acid for antifungal benefits may not be sufficient. It’s beneficial to use an antifungal supplement that combines caprylic acid with other potent ingredients. These ingredients work in synergy, enhancing the effectiveness against Candida and other fungi. Using a comprehensive antifungal ensures a more holistic approach and tends to yield better results than using caprylic acid alone.

Question: What are the sources of undecylenic acid? Can it be found in common foods or is it mainly derived from supplements?

Undecylenic acid is primarily derived from the castor bean plant. When castor oil is broken down under pressure and heat, undecylenic acid is one of the byproducts. It has antifungal properties, making it useful in treating fungal infections like athlete’s foot and candida overgrowth.

While undecylenic acid has its benefits, just taking it on its own may not provide optimal results. It’s often more effective when combined with other antifungal agents. Using a comprehensive antifungal supplement that includes undecylenic acid along with other synergistic ingredients can enhance the overall effectiveness, ensuring a broader spectrum of action against various fungi and yeasts. As for common foods, undecylenic acid is not typically found in significant amounts. Most people seeking its antifungal benefits obtain it through supplements or topical treatments rather than dietary sources.

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The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet.