Your Questions Answered: Can I Have Other Forms Of Sugar, Losing Hair Due To Candida & Keep Having Reoccuring Candida

Question: I’m wondering what, if anything, is wrong with other sources of sugar like raw honey, maple syrup and coconut sugar. Also, re dairy, would lactose free organic milk be ok?

Refined sugar and other sweeteners should be avoided when first starting out an anti-candida protocol. Honey, maple syrup, and coconut sugar all contain fructose and glucose, which is essentially the same as table sugar (sucrose) made of fructose and glucose so essentially they are digested just like table sugar in the gut and because they have a high glycemic index they will spike your blood sugar levels, so all of these forms of sugar can exacerbate a candida condition. A great sweetener substitute to use while trying to fight off candida is the whole plant or extract of stevia and/or monk fruit extract, which have no effect on blood sugar or your gut. It is also discouraged to use artifical sweeteners like sucralose or aspartame which have a negative effect on probiotic bacteria in the gut and can further excacerbate candida dysbiosis. Depending on the brand, lactose free milk contains about half of the carbs and sugars as whole milk, roughly 6 grams per cup. There’s 4.2 grams of sugar in teaspooon so 6 grams can still trigger a blood sugar spike, so I would be hessitant to add lactose free milk. Better alternatives are almond and coconut milk for Candida diet. Lactose free sour cream and ghee (lactose free butter) are all low in sugars. You can also find yogurts with very low carbs and no added sugars as well, which are a better option on the Candida diet.

Question: Why has my hair, eyebrows and lashes been falling out; eyes, hands, body puffy since starting Canxida? My knees and legs are very painful, feet feel like they’re losing sensation.. I’ll be starting a 3rd bottle soon, but feeling maybe I should stop. Kindly advise.

A fungal infection can cause your hair to fall out. There are three types of fungal scalp infections that cause hair loss: Dermatophytes (ringowrm), Malassezia and Piedra. Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by a yeast. Even though Candida can lead to a fungal infection, it is not known to directly cause hair loss. However, an overgrowth of candida, coupled with other issues, may be an indirect cause of hair loss. Candida and its effects and treatments can lead to hair loss indirectly when coupled with other health issues like hypothyroidism, hormone imbalance and leaky gut. Candida is known to upset hormones and create an imbalance particularly in estrogen, which can cause hair loss. Hormone imbalances can also lead to an underactive thyroid which can also result in alopecia. Candida also contributes to leaky gut syndrome which creates systemic inflammation and deprives the body of nutrients. When starting a comprehensive Candida protocol which includes diet and supplements it can be harsh for the body since the yeast die-off can release toxins and overwhelm the detoxification organs like the liver, kidneys and colon.

Question: What is the best way forward to avoid going backwards after doing your Protocol, without having to stay on it?
I had a great recovery and it seems all my symptoms have returned a year later.

Recurring Candida infections that won’t go away after treatment with diet and supplements might indicate a bigger underying issue: a suppressed immune system. When your immune system is compromised it can leave you vulnerable to recurring Candida overgrowth. Several factors can supress the immune system. The first being low stomach acid which can happen as a result of poor diet, medications, and H. Pylori infection. The acidity in the stomach is key for neutralizing pathogens and allowing to break down food properly, undigested particles feed Candida and disrupt your flora. If you have low stomach acid, you can take an HCL supplement before meals. Chew your food thoroughly to allow digestive enzymes to do their work. Chronic stress is a big one because when your body is under stress your immune system is suppressed. Find ways to manage your stress, recognize triggers, prioritize activities that you enjoy/de-stress you. Your immune system needs enough good bacteria, or probiotics, to keep Candida from coming back. You may have low beneficial flora so try taking a probiotic and optimize the diversity in your diet to feed good bacteria. Include fiber rich foods daily and avoid taking antibotics. Eat fermented foods to get probiotics naturally. Constipation can also let Candida toxins to sit longer and be reabsorbed promoting dysbiosis. Get at least 30g of fiber a day and include psyllium/flax. Watch out for exposure to toxins from mold, pesticides, care products which stresses your immune system. Finally you may have a chronic co-infection like lyme or H. pylori, or in the case of women a hormone imbalance like estrogen dominance which allows Canddia to trhive. Most of these issues can be resolved with lifestyle changes but I recommed working with a naturopath/health care proffesional to look for other underlying issues.

Disclaimer: It’s crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen or when experiencing symptoms.