Can Buttermilk Be Beneficial For A Candida Diet?

We received a question about buttermilk and its impact on individuals with a Candida yeast infection. Buttermilk is indeed a beneficial product. Historically, it was the milk left over from cheese production. However, today’s buttermilk is more akin to yogurt in its production. Bacteria or lactic acid is added to create its distinct sour flavor.

If you’re someone with a milk allergy, it’s essential to understand that buttermilk contains the beta casein protein, which can impact your immune system. Those without a milk allergy can enjoy buttermilk occasionally as it’s a nutritious food with a pleasant tangy taste. However, if you’re battling a severe yeast infection, it’s wise to limit dairy products initially to help strengthen your immune system.

In the stages of the protocol detailed in our book Candida Crusher, the first phase recommends a MEVY diet—meat, eggs, vegetables, and yogurt. The subsequent phase advocates for a low-allergy diet, which usually entails removing products like buttermilk, cream, and many cheeses for about a month or so, giving the immune system a breather. Many individuals with Candida often suffer from leaky gut syndrome, and for them, buttermilk might not be the best choice while they’re on the path to recovery.

Factors to Consider Recommendation
Milk Allergy Avoid Buttermilk
Yeast Infection Limit Dairy
Diet Phase Refer to Candida Crusher Book
Overall Health Consult Healthcare Professional

In conclusion, while buttermilk can be a nourishing addition to your diet and, when organic or biodynamically produced, can positively impact the gut’s beneficial bacteria, it’s essential to approach it with caution if you’re aware of any allergies or are following a specific dietary protocol.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes. Please consult with your healthcare professional before making any dietary changes.