Addressing Concerns About CanXida Remove Tablet Size

At CanXida, we’re always attentive to customer feedback and continuously strive to provide the best possible experience for our users. One issue that occasionally arises is the size of our CanXida Remove tablets. Some customers have found the tablets a bit large to swallow and have asked whether we could manufacture smaller tablets.

Why Are the Tablets This Size?

The size of CanXida Remove tablets is essential due to their powerful blend of ingredients. These tablets are formulated to deliver high potency in a few doses, targeting gut imbalances like Candida overgrowth. Additionally, CanXida Remove is a sustained-release tablet, meaning it is designed to release its ingredients slowly over time to maximize effectiveness. We want to reassure you that cutting the tablet into smaller pieces will not affect its sustained-release properties or effectiveness. It’s a safe and effective way to make the tablet easier to swallow while still benefiting from its powerful formula.

Manufacturing Smaller Tablets: The Challenges

Some customers have asked if we could manufacture smaller tablets. While we understand this concern, there are some challenges involved. First and foremost, 99% of our customers are happy with the current size and find the product effective as it is. Making changes to the tablet size brings a few considerations:

1. Minimum Order Quantities: In the supplement industry, especially for specialized products like CanXida Remove, manufacturers often require a minimum order quantity. Producing a new size would mean placing a substantial order that could strain other areas of the business, such as resources, storage, and production scheduling.

2. Inventory Management: After manufacturing smaller tablets, another challenge would be moving that inventory. Because the vast majority of our customers are satisfied with the current size, we would need to carefully consider how to manage and sell two different tablet sizes, ensuring that both move efficiently.

These are some of the reasons why we haven’t yet moved forward with manufacturing smaller tablets. However, we always value customer feedback and are open to hearing more suggestions.

Our Recommendation for Easier Swallowing

For customers who find the current tablets too large to swallow, we recommend cutting them into halves or quarters. The tablets are designed to be split easily without losing their effectiveness, and this has worked well for many of our customers.