Your Questions Answered: Ingredients In Candida Supplements, Starting Out & Doctor Consultation

Question: What ingredients should I look for in a Candida supplement?

When it comes to battling Candida overgrowth, the efficacy of a supplement lies in its ingredients. Certain components have been shown to be especially potent in inhibiting the growth of Candida and supporting a balanced gut environment.

Here are some of the key ingredients to look for in a candida supplement:

  • Undecylenic acid: A fatty acid derived from castor oil, it has potent antifungal properties, particularly against Candida.
  • Berberine HCL: Exhibits strong antifungal, antibacterial, and immune-enhancing properties.
  • Oregano oil: Recognized for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial effects, this oil is especially effective against various yeast and fungal infections.
  • Garlic (Allicin): A potent natural antimicrobial, it not only combats Candida but also strengthens the immune system.
  • Grapefruit seed extract: Known to possess antifungal and antibacterial properties, it plays a vital role in combatting Candida overgrowth.
  • Neem: An age-old remedy with significant antiparasitic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.
  • Caprylic acid: A medium-chain fatty acid that offers a potent antifungal punch against Candida.
  • Black walnut hulls: Packed with antifungal and antibacterial properties, it’s a formidable foe for Candida.
  • Pau d’arco: A herb with powerful antifungal properties that effectively fights against Candida and other pathogens.
  • Clove: Contains eugenol, which acts as an antifungal and antimicrobial agent.
  • Biotin: An essential B-vitamin that helps prevent Candida from converting into its invasive form.

Our experience with various ingredients has been extensive, but the ones listed above have consistently shown to be the most effective in addressing Candida concerns. These ingredients have been meticulously selected and blended to create CanXida Remove, offering a synergistic formula for optimal results. You can learn more by reading CanXida Remove User Guide.

Why the following ingredients were not included in CanXida Remove?

  1. Aloe Vera
  2. Arabinogalactan
  3. Chamomile
  4. Wormwood
  5. Thyme Leaf & Rosemary Oil
  6. Milk Thistle
  7. Fennel Seed
  8. Ginger
  9. Cinnamon
  10. Anise
  11. Jatoba Bark
  12. Licorice Root
  13. Tea Tree Oil
  14. Reishi Mushroom
  15. Oregon Grape Root
  16. Chinese Coptis & Phellodendron Bark
  17. Vitamin C & Omega 3
  18. Cayenne Extract
  19. Chinese Skullcap Root
  20. Diatomaceous Earth
  21. Marshmallow Root
  22. Amla Berry
  23. Ashwagandha
  24. Peppermint Oil
  25. Slippery Elm Bark
Ingredient Reason Not Included in CanXida Remove
Magnesium Magnesium doesn’t have broad spectrum antifungal or antimicrobial properties yet it’s highly beneficial to take for Candida patients which is why We added it to Rebuild.
Slippery Elm Bark Slippery elm bark doesn’t have antifungal or antimicrobial properties but it does have fantastic gut wall building and soothing effects. For this purpose We choose slippery elm bark for CanXida Rebuild and not Remove.
Peppermint Oil Peppermint tea and peppermint oil is beneficial for Candida. But We don’t find it nearly as potent as oregano oil when it comes to antifungal action and for this reason peppermint didn’t make it into CanXida Remove.
Ashwagandha It’s a great herb to make tea with but not particularly effective if your main goal is to get rid of Candida or heal a gut disorder. It’s best used for other purposes than Candida.
Amla Berry We love amla berry. We’ve had many patients who enjoyed adding amla berry powder to smoothies. It’s a great food to supplement with if you want to significantly increase your intake of antioxidants. But does it a “top shelf” antifungal? Not really.
Marshmallow Root We think marshmallow root is fantastic for leaky gut syndrome & inflammatory conditions like ulcers & gastritis. It’s great if you want to reduce gas & bloating. But does it kill Candida? Does it have a wide band of action against a large variety of bad bacteria & other gut pathogens? No, it does not. And that’s why We didn’t include it in CanXida Remove.
Arabingalactan Arabingalactan is a prebiotic & if you watched our other videos you know we’re not a fan of using prebiotics in supplements. They cause aggravations.
Aloe Vera Aloe vera is best used fresh. Not as a tablet. It also doesn’t have a wide band of action against yeast, bad bacteria or parasites. It’s great for constipation but isn’t an antifungal.
Diamaceous Earth We’re no fan of diamaceous earth. We think it’s a fad. We used to recommend it long ago along with other treatments We now know are useless. When We did give it to patients, We found no benefit from it at all. No improvement in stool test results. Diamaceous earth is 80 to 90% silica.
Chinese Skullcap Root It’s a good herb to use but lacks the broad spectrum effect necessary to use it effectively against severe Candida infections. There’s also currently no skullcap on the market with a standardized level of baicalein. What’s available is not strong enough to have a therapeutic effect for Candida.
Cayenne Extract We encourage patients to use cayenne if they like spicy food; however, We don’t consider it as one of the premier “best of the best” antifungals.
Vitamin C / Omega 3 CanXida Rebuild does contain Vitamin C, however we also created C3-K Plus. We didn’t add Vitamin C into Remove because it doesn’t have antifungal action. For Omega 3, we are working on creating a formula.
Chinese Coptis & Phellodendron Bark As we said previously, we’ve found patients get far better results when they simply take standardized berberine HCL vs a tincture or powder of either of these herbs.
Oregon Grape Tincture We’ve found it’s more effective to use pure berberine HCL vs oregon grape tincture or powder. That’s why we included 85% standardized berberine HCL into CanXida Remove.
Reishi Root We’ve seen reishi work wonders for some patients, but for others who took reishi extract for years, it failed to make any improvement in their stool test. It’s useful for Candida Albicans but not so much on more invasive yeast species such as Candida Glabrata, Candida Auris & a few others.
Licorice Root The antifungals in licorice root are not found in high abundance. You would need to drink something like 1 liter of licorice root tea daily to get the antifungal activity necessary to combat Candida. And at that dose, you could see side effects such as muscle fatigue. High doses of glycyrrhizic acid can also increase cortisol (stress hormone).
Tea Tree Oil Its best used externally. For internal use, we prefer to use oregano oil as ee have discovered patients tolerate it better. For tropical use, no antifungal agent beats tea tree oil.
Jatoba Bark We first heard of this in 2017. In 30+ years working with herbs, We’ve never seen it mentioned. We consider it a weak antifungal used in inferior products because it sounds new and different. Many patients have told us they tried supplements that contained it & got no results at all.
Anise Anise has strong antifungal & antimicrobial properties. It has a wide range of action & inhibits microbes that can interfere with nutrient absorption (which is the reason we included it in our Rebuild formula).
Cinnamon Cinnamon has a wide band of action & kills Candida as well as many other bad microbes. It didn’t quite make the cut into Remove but we included it in Rebuild. We used cinnamon bark in Rebuild because the oil can cause a mild allergic reaction in some patients.
Ginger Ginger is a good adjunct herb to use on top of a good antifungal formula like CanXida Remove. Ginger can also induce sweating which causes your body to produce Dermcidin & undecylenic acid, two potent antifungals.
Fennel Seeds Fennel seeds are great to use if you have gut problems but it’s not a “top shelf” antifungal or antibacterial. Its action is weak compared to the herbs in CanXida Remove.
Milk Thistle It doesn’t have antifungal properties. Milk thistle is fantastic if you’re doing a liver cleanse (which is often beneficial for Candida patients) & can help with die-off. CanXida doesn’t cause die-off so milk thistle was skipped.
Thyme & Rosemary Thyme & Rosemary contain several extremely powerful antimicrobials such as thymol & carvacrol. They’re 2 of the 8 herbs we put into our Rebuild multivitamin to stop bad bacteria & yeast from interfering with nutrient uptake.
Wormwood Wormwood isn’t effective against Candida. It’s good against WORMS. It has a narrow band of action. We didn’t only want to target worms. We wanted to target many other parasites such as Blastocystis (which many people with Candida have).
Chamomile Oil While it contains caprylic acid, it doesn’t have it in large amounts. Studies do show chamomile essential oil is effective against Candida but we’ve gotten better results with just pure caprylic acid.
Arabingalactan Arabingalactan is a prebiotic & if you watched our other videos you know we’re not a fan of using prebiotics in supplements. They cause aggravations.
Aloe Vera Aloe vera is best used fresh. Not as a tablet. It also doesn’t have a wide band of action against yeast, bad bacteria or parasites. It’s great for constipation but isn’t an antifungal.

To learn more about each single ingredient and the pros of cons watch: 31 Popular Candida Supplement Ingredients Compared.

To learn more about why we don’t recommend prebiotics in supplements watch: Prebiotic Warning.

Can You Buy Each Ingredient Separately?

While it might be tempting to purchase each of these ingredients individually, there are a few challenges to consider:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Buying each ingredient separately can be significantly more expensive in the long run compared to purchasing a consolidated product like CanXida Remove.
  • Manageability: Managing and tracking dozens of individual bottles daily can be cumbersome and impractical, especially in the long term.
  • Synergy and Delivery: The magic lies not just in the ingredients but in the precise amounts of each and how they interact synergistically. Plus, CanXida Remove uses a sustained-release formula ensuring a consistent, steady delivery of the ingredients. Simply consuming individual ingredients does not guarantee the same results or effectiveness.

In summary, while individual ingredients offer benefits, there’s a distinct advantage in using a combined, synergistically formulated product like CanXida Remove. It’s crafted with knowledge, precision, and a keen understanding of how best to tackle Candida overgrowth.

Question: Which supplements are best suited for my specific symptoms?

We recommend starting with CanXida Remove and CanXida Restore. In combination they work for most of the candida symptoms. After a month you can introduce CanXida Rebuild.

Question: Should I consult a doctor before starting on a supplement?

Yes, it’s always advisable to consult with a doctor or healthcare professional before starting any new supplement.

Ready to elevate your well-being? Discover the transformative potential of CanXida products and start your journey today!


The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet.