Your Questions Answered: Malabsorption Gut Issue, Itchy Skin & Fertility Issues

Question: I just need help to cook for my husband. He has had stomach pain since childhood, allergic to milk and eggs, fibromyalgia in his family. Can’t sleep, mainly due to constand pain. I have always suspected malabsorption gut issues. At age 62, he has finally quit the addictive, sugary foods in an attempt to detox. We’ve discovered by trial and error that he has low stomach acid, so he’s taking some vinegar before meals. Just need all the help we can get as I try to provide a healing diet for him. I’m thinkinging he needs a lot of soup…. anyway. It’s all very frustrating. He has only felt worse this last month of course, and I just don’t know how much he can take…. I need advice for the guy who is trying, but who has never believed in this “candida crap” which is why I probably won’t buy your book. I have to treat him for candida while using other terminology that he’s okay with…. good luck, right?

The anti-Candida diet is essential for preventing or reversing a candida overgrowth. By eliminating sugary foods and those that cause inflammation, you can significantly improve your gut health. As your digestive health starts to recover, many symptoms linked to candida overgrowth may diminish.

The anti-Candida diet is not just a low-sugar diet; it’s an anti-inflammatory regimen that fosters optimal gut health. It emphasizes the importance of non-starchy vegetables, some low-sugar fruits, fermented foods, and wholesome proteins. It’s essential to recognize that the bacteria and yeast residing in our gut are instrumental in functions like immunity, digestion, glucose regulation, and heart health.

A predominant cause of gut dysbiosis is an unhealthy diet. Consuming foods high in added sugars and those that are pro-inflammatory can create an environment conducive for Candida albicans to flourish. The guiding principles of the anti-Candida diet are:

  • Avoiding added sugars
  • Increasing the intake of non-starchy vegetables
  • Including low-sugar fruits, such as berries
  • Incorporating fermented foods to replenish good bacteria
  • Refraining from alcohol and caffeine
  • Choosing healthy proteins and fats
  • Steering clear of gluten
  • Limiting lactose from dairy
  • Staying well-hydrated

Furthermore, you can enhance your gut health by incorporating gut-healing foods like bone broth, apple cider vinegar, aloe, and coconut oil into your diet. For those looking to bolster their gut health further, consider a high-quality probiotic. Probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria to the gut, ensuring candida doesn’t get an opportunity to dominate.

Question: Have you ever had any patients who on top of their skin being itchy they had sand like granules coming out of their skin? This is happening to me right now and I have never been so scared in my life?

This sounds like it may be either a form of scabies or pityrosporum folliculitis. Pityrosporum folliculitis is a condition that presents as breakouts on your skin. It occurs when a specific genus of yeast called Malassezia, which naturally occurs on your skin, infects the hair follicles. An antifungal is needed to treat pityrosporum folliculitis. An oral antifungal, such as itraconazole or fluconazole, is usually used.

Scabies is caused by a species of mite. A topical cream like Benzyl benzoate cream can help treat it. I recommend working with a dermatologist to help rule out other conditions. Since mites and yeast are opportunistic pathogens, they sometimes overgrow when our body is not in balance.

Following a gut health protocol is a good idea to restore microbial balance. The first step in a gut health protocol is to remove any offending pathogens. Specific treatments, as previously mentioned, can help eliminate the pathogen. If you suspect you have more complex dysbiosis or candida overgrowth, a stool test may be helpful. Then, it’s essential to recolonize with healthy bacteria. Products like CanXida Restore, which contain beneficial probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium along with digestive enzymes, can be useful in restoring proper digestion.

To repair the intestinal barrier, it’s important to ensure adequate nutrition. Supplements like butyrate can accelerate gut healing, and other helpful ingredients such as glutamine, slippery elm, and B vitamins are found in the CanXida Rebuild formula. A healthy diet can also promote good gut health. This includes limiting or avoiding refined sugars, white starchy carbs, animal fats, and processed foods. Enjoy a variety of vegetables and low fructose fruits like berries, and always choose fresh options when possible. Lastly, make sure to consume plenty of fiber from whole foods and drink sufficient water to support your detoxification organs.

Question: My husband and I are needing to clean up our gut health we have been trying to fall pregnant for 13 years and we are both 39 a US based natural fertility specialist has advised we should clean up our gut health and our results will be much better and potentially be able to fall pregnant naturally however we are just uncertain what dosages we need to take we have both done the survey and my husbands score was 170 and I was 182, which one should we take and for how long, we will be going on the diet for a few months I also have probiotic bone broth made by best of the bone, its absolutely beautiful. grass fed and soothing.

The Candida diet is a vital component in addressing intestinal candida overgrowth. However, solely relying on diet isn’t usually enough to combat candida effectively. Here’s a comprehensive protocol to consider:

The first step is to eliminate any risk factors. Candida overgrowth is more likely in individuals who already have poor gut health. Reducing stress, improving your diet, exercising, and consulting your doctor about any medications you’re on can be beneficial. Hidden food intolerances or sensitivities might also be affecting your gut health. An IgG food sensitivity test can offer insights and improve your chances of successfully tackling candida.

Next, transition to a low-sugar, anti-candida diet. Candida albicans, a type of yeast, thrives on sugar, utilizing it for growth and reproduction. Emphasize foods that promote gut health and reduce inflammation caused by candida. Incorporate more anti-inflammatory foods such as vegetables, wild fish, berries, and seeds like flax and chia.

The third step involves recolonizing your gut with probiotic bacteria. This is essential in fighting candida and restoring your gut flora to its optimal balance. Quality probiotics can aid in this process.

Finally, introduce natural antifungals. These agents work by breaking down the cell walls of Candida albicans. Some natural antifungals include caprylic acid, oregano oil, and garlic extract. It’s worth noting that candida can develop resistance to a singular antifungal, so using a combination of multiple antifungals tends to be more effective. Moreover, supporting your immune system and the gut barrier through multivitamins and specific herbal medicines can be beneficial, especially in addressing conditions like leaky gut.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for informational purposes only. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new dietary or health regimen.