How CanXida Products Help You Achieve Optimal Health

Are you struggling with persistent digestive issues, frequent illnesses, or other chronic health problems? CanXida offers a comprehensive range of products designed to address a wide variety of health concerns*. Whether you’re dealing with irregular bowel patterns, frequent UTIs, or unexplained fatigue, CanXida is here to help*. Below, we outline how our products can assist with common health challenges, ensuring you feel your best every day.

Helps You Be More Comfortable Doing Activities Where There is Food

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Dealing with gut issues and food sensitivities can be a real problem, especially if they get in the way of our social lives and leave us feeling embarrassed and ashamed. Gut problems can include bloating, gas, and flatulence, which are the last thing you want at social events or meetings where food is available.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains probiotics and digestive enzymes that can help to overcome digestive issues and food sensitivities*.

Exactly Which Product:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

The probiotics in CanXida Restore (Formula RST) have been shown to help with indigestion problems that can cause embarrassing symptoms. The enzyme amylase in this formulation has been shown to reduce gas after consuming a high-calorie, high-fat meal in combination with other enzymes.

Usage Instructions:

For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact SheetDosage Guide

Expected Benefits:

The user can expect a more balanced digestive system and feel enhanced confidence in situations where they would usually be concerned about eating foods*.

Customer Testimonials:

I tried the Remove and Restore products along with the carnivore diet. I knew there had been a change when those foods that would normally cause gas such as lentils, didn’t!

Additional Tips: Pay close attention to what types of food are causing you problems and avoid them. Keep an open mind while doing this; you may be surprised what foods are causing the issues.

Helps People Who Have Constant Bad Gas

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Bad gas symptoms can cause significant discomfort and embarrassment. They can also disrupt work and the social and sporting aspects of life.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) work excellently together to relieve a wide range of digestive problems, including gas.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

Gas issues are often associated with Candida overgrowth, and CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains potent ingredients like garlic and clove that have proven anti-Candida effects. CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains enzymes that can reduce indigestion and probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus that help tackle Candida.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet & User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact SheetUser Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect a reduction in their gas levels and feel more comfortable and confident as they go about their day*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I saw a significant consistent improvement in my gut health within a few weeks of using CanXida Remove and CanXida Restore. I no longer have bouts of diarrhea, bloating, or gas.”

Additional Tips: Pay attention to any food types that may be contributing to your gas issues. Check out our anti-Candida shopping list to improve your diet and help alleviate symptoms.

Help People With High-sugar, High-carb Diets

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Many people consume high-sugar diets, and sugar cravings are very common including among older adults. The problem is that Candida loves sugar too, and this may contribute to sugar cravings in some cases.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contain ingredients that have been shown to help tackle Candida. This, in turn, can reduce sugar cravings and improve digestive health*.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains clove, garlic, neem, and many other ingredients that have anti-Candida activity and help to eliminate other harmful microbes*. CanXida Restore (Formula RST) has probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus, which release lactic acid that interferes with Candida’s metabolism.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet & User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet & User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see a reduction in their sugar cravings, in addition to the other benefits of eliminating their Candida overgrowth problems*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I found CanXida and started taking the Remove and Restore supplements. At that point, I decided I had nothing to lose. It took about a month to notice a difference. The biggest change was not craving sugar. I can now be in the same room with others eating all sorts of junk food, and I don’t miss it or desire it.”

Additional Tips: It’s easier said than done, but consuming less sugar improves your overall health and makes your gut a less friendly environment for Candida. Aim to slowly reduce your sugar intake with the help of a qualified professional.

Help People With Irregular Bowel Patterns

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Irregular bowel movements include constipation, diarrhea, the urgent need to use the bathroom, and many others. This can leave us feeling incredibly uncomfortable and interferes with our daily lives. Candida overgrowth is a common culprit behind irregular bowel movements.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) can help you return to regular bowel function by helping remove Candida overgrowth and restoring normal digestive function with digestive enzymes and probiotics.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

Studies have shown that the enzymes and probiotics in CanXida Restore (Formula RMV) help alleviate digestive symptoms. CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains many powerful ingredients, such as garlic and clove, which have been shown to have anti-Candida effects.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact SheetUser Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet & User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Customers can expect a gradual return to normal bowel function and an improvement in overall digestive well-being*.

Customer Testimonials:

“Remove, Restore, and Rebuild. I have been using these for two months now. My constant diarrhea has stopped.”

Additional Tips: The food we eat affects bowel function and our susceptibility to Candida overgrowth. We have put together a free anti-Candida shopping list to help you improve your diet and alleviate symptoms.

Help People With Frequent UTIs

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Urinary tract infections can cause significant discomfort and are particularly annoying for individuals who experience recurring issues. Candida is known to cause UTIs in some cases.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) help tackle Candida, while CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) supports immune function, which helps with infections.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

Supporting Evidence:

Many vitamins and minerals in CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) are required for immune function and are sometimes depleted in people with Candida problems. CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) (garlic, clove) and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) (Lactobacillus acidophilus) contain multiple ingredients that help to tackle Candida, which can be the direct cause of some UTIs.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet & User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet & User Guide

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users may develop fewer UTIs over time while taking CanXida products*. It’s important to consult with your doctor to determine the best treatment regimen.

Customer Testimonials:

“My UTI is gone! I feel energized and motivated, and my stomach is no longer bloated. Once I started taking Canxida pills, my UTI went away within 3 days.”

Additional Tips: Oral contraceptives can increase the risk of Candida overgrowth and UTIs, consult with your doctor if you think this might be causing your issues.

Helps People Who Get Sick Frequently

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Frequent illnesses are a real pain. They leave us feeling miserable and interfere with our work and personal lives.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other premium ingredients that support immune function, ward off illness, and help us to be at our best*.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

Vitamins and minerals are essential for bodily functions, including the immune system. Ingredients like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, and folate are all found in CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) (among many others) and are scientifically shown to boost immune function.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see a gradual improvement in their overall health, including less susceptibility to illnesses. This improvement may be particularly pronounced if they have a preexisting nutrient deficiency*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I’ve been using the CanXida products for over a year now. My symptoms with my sinuses and immune system were the reason I started using these products. I was always congested in my throat and had stuffy sinuses. It took a few months before I started seeing a difference. I would recommend these products. They really help the immunity to be better.”

Additional Tips: Stress and lack of sleep are other factors that may contribute to frequent illnesses. While many (probably most) people accept these issues as a normal part of modern life, it’s important not to underestimate the damage they can cause. Try making stress reduction and good sleep habits your health priority for a month and see how you feel.

Helps People Who Routinely Deal With “IBS” Symptoms

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

IBS symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and changes in bowel habits, including diarrhea or constipation. These symptoms can cause mild to severe discomfort and make it difficult to engage in everyday activities.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains all-natural antimicrobial compounds that help to tackle the root causes of IBS symptoms*. CanXida Restore’s (Formula RST) probiotics and enzymes can help reduce bloating and help ensure proper digestion functioning*.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove’s (Formula RMV) ingredients, like neem and oregano oil, have been scientifically shown to tackle harmful microorganisms that cause digestive symptoms. Enzymes like amylase, cellulase, and hemicellulase help break down food and reduce digestive symptoms. All three are found in CanXida Restore (Formula RST).

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact SheetUser Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet & User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see a gradual relief of symptoms. Recovery may take longer, depending on the severity of the condition. In some cases, symptoms may disappear more quickly*.

Customer Testimonials:

“My stomach was flat again for the first time since having children. I had no more bathroom emergencies, peace of mind when out shopping, etc. IBS symptoms – gone. I would recommend CanXida because the products worked for me and I will be buying another round”

Additional Tips: Be sure to contact your healthcare provider if you are concerned about your digestive symptoms. Don’t hesitate to discuss your symptoms even if you feel they aren’t such a big deal. There’s no need to suffer in silence when there may be a simple solution to your problems.

Help People On An Unbalanced Diet

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

These days, it can be incredibly hard to maintain a balanced diet. Stress at home or work can leave us reaching for unhealthy foods, and time constraints make buying and preparing healthy meals a real challenge. A consistently unbalanced diet can lead to poor nutrition and feelings of fatigue, among many other symptoms.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) both contain a comprehensive blend of vitamins and minerals that help cover the nutritional bases of an unbalanced diet.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

Nutrient inadequacies are common in Western countries like the US. This includes vitamins D, E, and A and the mineral zinc. All of these are found in CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD), and all except Vitamin A are found in CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH).

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to feel the benefits of improved nutrition, including less fatigue, more energy, and stronger immunity.

Customer Testimonials:

“I definitely would recommend CanXida. I have experienced improvement as soon as taking the supplements and know that using your product and following the diet plan does, in fact, work.”

Additional Tips: While nutritional supplements can help to cover your nutritional bases, it’s important to try and maintain a balanced diet. Try gradually introducing more healthy foods into your life using our dedicated shopping list to guide you.

Helps People With SIBO/SIFO

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

SIBO and SIFO cause a range of unpleasant symptoms, including bloating and gas. Dealing with these problems while going about your day can be a nightmare and may even prevent you from enjoying activities you used to love.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains many all-natural antimicrobial ingredients that can help tackle microbes associated with SIBO/SIFO.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

Supporting Evidence:

The garlic, clove, neem, oregano oil, pau d’arco, and other ingredients in CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) have scientifically shown anti-Candida effects and can also help reduce the levels of harmful bacteria.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact SheetUser Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see a reduction in their symptoms of bloating and gas. Depending on the extent of the problem, this may occur quickly or after many months*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I immediately saw gas and bloating decrease drastically. I had more energy. I slept better.”

Additional Tips: Candida overgrowth can deplete the nutrients we need for full bodily functioning, including the immune system. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) is a comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplement that can help you cover your nutritional bases while CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) does its work*.

Helps Individuals With Low Levels of Good Bacteria

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Having a large and diverse population of good bacteria in our gut is vital for digestive and overall health. Low levels of beneficial microbes can expose us to Candida overgrowth and other health issues.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains probiotics, which are good bacteria that help maintain our health and keep opportunistic pathogens like Candida at normal (healthy) levels.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

The six probiotic strains in CanXida Restore (Formula RST) are:

    • acidophilus
    • casei
    • plantarum
    • rhamnosus
    • longum
    • bifidum

Together, these healthy bacteria have a range of benefits, including reducing Candida levels. You can read more about this in our dedicated white paper.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet & User Guide

Expected Benefits:

This product may provide users with a range of health benefits, including a reduction in annoying digestive symptoms and a more resilient immune system*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I went ahead and ordered and within 7 days on Canxida Remove and Restore, my symptoms died. I continued to take it for 1-2 months to make sure the Candida was gone and I had no issue after.”

Additional Tips: Low levels of good bacteria can often mean the presence of a Candida overgrowth. Consult with your doctor about using CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) to help you manage and resolve your overgrowth problems*.

Helps Individuals With Poor Immune Function

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Immune function is essential for warding off infections and Candida overgrowth. Weak immune systems leave us open to repeated infections, which take time and money to resolve completely.

How Our Product Can Help:

Vitamins and minerals are essential for a well-functioning immune system, and our gut microbiome also plays a role. Taken together, this means that CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD), CanXida Restore (Formula RST), and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) can all help individuals with poor immune function*.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains good bacteria like Lactobacillus acidophilus that have been shown to keep harmful microbes like Candida at healthy levels. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RST) and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals essential to immune health. There are too many to list here, but you can read about them and the science behind them in the white papers linked below.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet

Expected Benefits:

A robust immune system does its job without us noticing. Users can expect to fall ill less frequently and experience a general sense of well-being*.

Customer Testimonials:

“Since using them (CanXida products) I know has helped me tremendously. The Ingredients helped the immune system become stronger! Very happy will continue using them!”

Additional Tips: Getting sufficient sleep and exercise are also crucial for building a robust immune system.

Helps People Struggling With Weight Maintenance

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Weight issues are a common problem for countless individuals. A lot of us are unsatisfied with how much we weigh and finding a solution that works for our particular situation is incredibly challenging.

How Our Product Can Help:

Candida may be responsible for making us crave high-calorie, sugary foods that contribute to weight gain. CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains many all-natural ingredients that help to tackle Candida and may help with sugar cravings. Candida also steals glucose (sugar) from our bodies, which means it may also contribute to unexpected weight loss.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

Supporting Evidence:

Scientific studies have shown that the natural ingredients in CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) have potent anti-Candida properties. Specific heavy-hitters include garlic, neem, and clove.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet & User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect a positive shift in their digestive functioning and may find that their sugar cravings gradually disappear*.

Customer Testimonials:

“Now I feel better. I have lost weight. I try to enjoy my life and try not to overthink things. I haven’t had another yeast infection since I am taking the product.”

“Within a month, my sugar cravings completely disappeared – I had no idea I could feel that way!”

Additional Tips: Exercise is important in weight management, whether we want to shed fat, build muscle, or both. CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) combines clean sources of energy, plant protein, and amino acids in a gut-friendly powder formulation that can support any exercise regimen.

Helps People Who Live a Stressful Life

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Between work and study, taking care of family members, and socializing, it’s no wonder that so many of us lead stressful lives. Stress can lead us to make poor health decisions, such as eating unhealthy foods, and leave us feeling overwhelmed and depleted.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) provides comprehensive nutritional coverage, clean energy sources, and ingredients that boost cognitive function. Together, these ingredients can give you the edge you need to thrive and succeed, no matter what life throws your way*.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) contains 21 vitamins and minerals, which may be lacking in unbalanced diets in Western countries like the US. It also contains medium-chain triglycerides, which provide fast energy, and Matcha, which boosts energy and helps with cognitive function.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to feel more energized, clear-headed, and ready to meet their challenges head-on*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I was surprised at how many key nutrients were in this product. If I would have to buy each ingredient individually it would cost much more so I will be buying it again as soon as I need it. Thanks CanXida.”

Additional Tips: Consult with your healthcare professional for tips on managing and reducing your stress.

Helps People With Brain Fog

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Brain fog affects our ability to concentrate and perform tasks that require focus. This means it can affect virtually every aspect of our lives, especially our work and hobbies. Brain fog can occur for many reasons, including Candida overgrowth.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains all-natural ingredients that help to deal with Candida overgrowth*, which has been known to cause brain fog. CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) contains premium ingredients that can help improve cognitive function.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

The natural ingredients in CanXida Remove (Formula RMV), such as caprylic acid, clove, grapefruit seed extract, and others, have scientifically proven anti-Candida properties. The Japanese matcha green tea leaf extract in CanXida ReCharge can help cognitive function.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see a gradual alleviation of their brain fog issues. They may also find improvements in their digestive health and energy levels*.

Customer Testimonials:

“After starting the CanXida Remove, it was about two weeks in and I started to feel slightly better, not so lethargic, less lifeless, less hopeless, less tired, and brain fog started lifting gradually.”

Additional Tips: Brain fog is a complex problem whose root cause is often unknown. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of action to address this issue.

Help People With Fatigue

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Fatigue leaves us without the energy to do everything we want to do, which means we can miss out on important events or hobbies. Many factors can contribute to fatigue, including insufficient nutrition and Candida overgrowth.

How Our Product Can Help:

All four CanXida products have the potential to help with feelings of fatigue through different mechanisms.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

For dealing with Candida overgrowth, CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) has all-natural anti-Candida ingredients like garlic, and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains probiotics, including Lactobacillus acidophilus, which also has anti-Candida properties. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) contain broad nutritional coverage with essential vitamins and minerals, which can help alleviate feelings of fatigue especially if nutritional levels are insufficient.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see a gradual improvement in their energy levels and a reduction in feelings of fatigue*.

Customer Testimonials:

“After a short time I could definitely see improvement in my general wellbeing. The diet really helped. I felt much better, it cleaned me out, and my health improved, as I wasn’t feeling so fatigued.”

Additional Tips: It may sound obvious, but many overlook the importance of getting sufficient sleep to alleviate fatigue. You may be surprised how much fixing your sleep can help.

Helps People with Low Digestive Enzyme Levels

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Insufficient digestive enzymes can lead to various problems, including bloating, gas, diarrhea, and unintentional weight loss. These symptoms can be mild or severe and strain our bodies as we go about our day.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains digestive enzymes to help resolve this issue.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

The enzymes in CanXida Restore (Formula RST) are:

    • Amylase
    • Cellulase
    • Hemicellulase
    • Glucoamylase
    • Invertase
    • Protease
    • Serratiopeptidase

Each has specific functions in the digestive system. Our dedicated CanXida Restore (Formula RST) white paper explains them in more detail.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to feel improved digestive function and an alleviation of symptoms like bloating and gas*.

Customer Testimonials:

“Great experience, especially with the enzymes in Restore. It gives me more energy. I find that I need it to feel better mentally as well. Right away, I felt benefits regarding digestion and energy”

Additional Tips: If you continue to have digestive issues, it may indicate a food allergy or intolerance. Consult with your healthcare provider to help determine the root cause of your issue.

Helps People With Oral Thrush

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Oral thrush causes white, creamy patches on the tongue, inner cheeks, and throat, which can be painful or cause a burning sensation. Oral thrush may lead to difficulty swallowing and cause feelings of embarrassment or even shame despite being a common condition.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) has helped many clients deal with yeast infections*.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

Supporting Evidence:

Studies have shown that garlic and berberine can help to alleviate oral thrush caused by Candida (oral candidiasis). CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains both of these ingredients.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see an alleviation of their oral thrush symptoms over time*, though they should not use CanXida products as a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment.

Customer Testimonials:

“The oral thrush was going away and the digestive problems improved. I noticed that I slept better… I saw results within 3 months. Definitely, I would recommend it.”

Additional Tips: Good oral hygiene can help to reduce your chances of developing oral thrush.

Helps People With Sluggishness

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Many people feel sluggish but don’t understand why. While there are many possible reasons, one is a lack of proper nutrition.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) both contain a wide coverage of vitamins and minerals, alleviating nutritional inadequacies that can lead to sluggishness.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

Many individuals in Western countries have inadequate levels of vitamins D, E, and A and the mineral zinc. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) contains all of these, and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) contains all except vitamin A.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see their energy levels and focus improve over time, and some may notice an immediate improvement*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I was feeling bloated, tired and sluggish and just overall bad.  I tried some other supplements before I found CanXida. It has been a wonderful product for me. Just after a few doses, I started feeling better.”

Additional Tips: There are many potential causes of sluggishness, so it’s important to discuss this issue with your healthcare professional to determine the cause.

Helps People With Leaky Gut Syndrome

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Leaky gut syndrome is when the lining of the intestines becomes damaged, allowing toxins and bacteria to pass into the bloodstream. This can lead to symptoms like bloating, fatigue, food sensitivities, inflammation, and other digestive issues. Candida may contribute to leaky gut syndrome in some cases.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contain anti-Candida ingredients, while CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) contain vitamins and minerals that may be lacking due to impaired digestion and absorption.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains 11 natural ingredients with scientifically proven anti-candida properties. Candida Restore (Formula RST) contains enzymes and probiotics (good bacteria) that improve digestion and help keep harmful microbes at bay. Probiotics also play an important role in improving barrier function. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) contain broad nutritional coverage with essential vitamins and minerals that can also help promote gut barrier function.

Dedicated white papers that describe these products in more detail are linked below.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see an improvement in digestive symptoms like bloating, gas, indigestion, and irregular bowel movements*.

Customer Testimonials:

“CanXida (Remove) was key in healing my gut dysbiosis / leaky gut when combined with other products like CanXida Restore probiotic.”

Additional Tips: Leaky gut syndrome is a serious condition requiring professional medical attention. Discuss CanXida’s products with your healthcare provider to see how they may benefit your recovery.

Helps People with Multiple Food Sensitivities/Allergies

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Food sensitivities and allergies can cause a range of symptoms, from mild to severe, such as digestive issues (bloating, diarrhea), skin rashes, or breathing difficulties. Insufficient levels of certain enzymes can bring on these issues, and Candida overgrowth may play a role in some cases.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains all-natural anti-Candida ingredients that may help digestive function by tackling this harmful microbe*. CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains digestive enzymes and probiotics that can help to deal with food sensitivities.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

Probiotics, such as those found in CanXida Restore (Formula RST), have been shown to help with food allergies. Ingredients in CanXida Remove (Formula RMV), like garlic, have anti-Candida properties and may help with digestive issues related to certain foods*.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to gradually be able to eat more diverse food types without having a bad reaction*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I have seen great results using CanXida Remove. I started to notice a big difference after about a month of use. I do not seem to have the food sensitivities that I have had so often in the past.”

Additional Tips: Allergy and food sensitivities can occur for a variety of reasons. Pay close attention to the foods you eat and how your body reacts to them. Gradually reintroduce foods as you recover.

Helps People With Lactose Intolerance

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Lactose intolerance symptoms include bloating, gas, stomach cramps, and diarrhea after consuming dairy products. This happens because the body lacks enough lactase enzyme to break down lactose, the sugar found in milk.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) can help with lactose intolerance because of the probiotic strains it contains.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains 4 strains of lactic acid bacteria:

    • Lactobacillus acidophilus
    • Lactobacillus casei
    • Lactobacillus plantarum
    • Lactobacillus rhamnosus

These types of bacteria can produce lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect a reduction in lactose intolerance symptoms*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I have just started to feel some improvement since starting. I have less sensitivity to dairy and wheat. I have less gas and bloating. I have less candida in my stool. I definitely recommend this product.”

Additional Tips: If you have been avoiding dairy products, consider reintroducing them gradually while taking CanXida Restore (Formula RST) under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Helps Individuals Prone To Indigestion

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Indigestion symptoms include discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen, often accompanied by bloating, nausea, and a feeling of fullness after eating. It can also cause heartburn or burping, especially after meals. Candida overgrowth can also be a source of indigestion.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains enzymes that help break down different types of food, such as carbohydrates and proteins, and probiotics that help with indigestion. CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) helps tackle Candida overgrowth, which can cause digestive symptoms.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus that help with indigestion.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect a gradual decrease in symptoms of indigestion and may experience a general improvement in overall wellness.

Customer Testimonials:

“I have much-improved digestion. I recommend these products to anyone I know/meet who has issues, and to my chiropractor to pass on to other clients with problems. I went from house-bound with bloody stools and urgency and being severely underweight to near 80% normalcy.”

Additional Tips: Look out for specific food types that may be contributing to your indigestion. Remove these from your diet and gradually reintroduce them as your symptoms improve.

Helps Individuals Who frequently Attend Social Or Family Gatherings But Are Unable To Fully Enjoy The Food

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Dealing with digestive issues while at work functions or family gatherings can be incredibly frustrating. Digestive problems make it difficult to fully enjoy ourselves and show our appreciation for foods that co-workers or family members have prepared.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) are a fantastic combination to help alleviate a wide range of digestive problems and can even help with food sensitivities.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains probiotics like Lactobacillus acidophilus, which helps with indigestion, and enzymes that help break down food. CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains natural anti-Candida ingredients, which help reduce the levels of harmful microbes that cause disease.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to gradually be able to reintroduce foods back into their diet and start enjoying family gatherings and work events*.

Customer Testimonials:

“When taking Canxida Remove and Restore, my blood sugars are better controled, burning in the mouth(thrush) is decreased and digestion/bloating is better.”

Additional Tips: Paying attention to what food types are particularly problematic can help you understand the root causes of your problems. Consider keeping a food diary, or ask your family if they’ve noticed any patterns.

Helps Individuals With Food Intolerances

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Food intolerances cause a wide range of digestive problems, including bloating, indigestion, heartburn, and irregular bowel movements. These intolerances often prevent us from enjoying social gatherings and leave us feeling embarrassed.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) have worked wonders for many of our clients in dealing with a range of issues, including food intolerances.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains four strains of Lactic acid bacteria that produce lactase, which helps break down lactose. The enzymes in this formulation also help break down many food types, such as carbohydrates and proteins. Ingredients in CanXida Remove (Formula RMV), like garlic, have anti-Candida properties and may help to deal with digestive issues related to certain foods.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect an improvement in their reaction to certain foods over time*.

Customer Testimonials:

“Within about six months of using CanXida I was feeling back to normal and was slowly introducing the foods that I had previously cut out of my diet. I would definitely recommend these products to anyone who is suffering with Candida.”

Additional Tips: Talk to your healthcare professional about issues you have with certain food types, and discuss how CanXida products may help you overcome these issues.

Helps People With Digestive Issues On A Daily Basis With Certain Foods

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Many of us experience digestive issues like indigestion, bloating, gas, nausea, and irregular bowel movements after eating certain foods. These problems can significantly affect our daily lives, making it hard to enjoy hobbies or social events.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains probiotics and digestive enzymes that help digest certain foods and alleviate uncomfortable symptoms*.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contains four strains of Lactic acid bacteria that produce lactase, which helps break down lactose. The enzymes in this formulation also help break down many food types, such as carbohydrates and proteins.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see gradual improvements in their tolerance for certain foods. They may see more general opinions on their digestive health*.

Customer Testimonials:

“Now I can tolerate more foods with less mood swings, and my brain health is better…I would recommend these products, as they’ve helped me so much, and a probiotic/enzyme (CanXida Restore (Formula RST)) is hard to come by if you’re looking for quality.”

Additional Tips: Finding what specific foods are causing your issues is important for recovery and regaining control of your gut health. Consider keeping a food diary to jot down how you feel after eating each meal and see if you notice any patterns after the first week.

Helps People With Chronic Candida Overgrowth

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Chronic Candida overgrowth can cause various debilitating symptoms, including digestive issues like nausea, bloating, and diarrhea. It can also significantly affect our mental health and cognitive performance. Chronic overgrowth means these symptoms stick around for a long time and often get progressively worse.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains multiple high-quality ingredients that help tackle Candida overgrowth, even in chronic cases*. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) supplies the body with essential vitamins and minerals, which help combat the deficiencies that chronic Candida overgrowth can often trigger.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) ingredients have been scientifically shown to kill Candida. These include garlic, clove, neem, and grapefruit seed extract. Candida has been associated with nutrient deficiencies like folate and vitamin A. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) provides coverage for these vitamins and many more.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see a gradual improvement in a variety of symptoms linked to chronic Candida. This may take longer for individuals with long-standing Candida issues*.

Customer Testimonials:

“It’s now gone several months since I started your program. Today I’m 90-95% free of symptoms and all issues. Most of my symptoms are 100% resolved. This is, for me, totally unreal. I wake up and jump out of bed feeling great, feeling alive for the first time in thirty years.” Quote is from the video:

Additional Tips: Chronic Candida issues often make it difficult to eat a balanced diet, which may further exacerbate both the extent of Candida overgrowth and associated nutritional deficiencies. Many of our clients have found our diet plan effective in helping them regain their gut health. You can access it here, for free.

Helps People Who Continue To Struggle With Long Term Gut Problems

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Many of us are in an ongoing battle with gut issues. This means we experience symptoms like bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea on a regular basis. Sometimes, it feels like our problems have been resolved, but they always come back, often worse than before.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) and CanXida Restore (Formula RST) contain all-natural anti-Candida ingredients* (Remove) and a unique blend of probiotics (Restore) that help to alleviate gut issues, even in cases that have lasted years or decades.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove’s (Formula RMV) ingredients tackle a wide range of bacteria, fungi, and parasites that can cause digestive problems. Probiotics, like those found in CanXida Restore (Formula RST) have been shown in several studies to aid digestion and alleviate symptoms.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect a gradual improvement in their digestive symptoms. However, long-standing issues may take longer to resolve, and some symptoms may resolve faster than others*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I would definitely recommend CanXida Remove – since suffering on and off for over 40 years this product has made a big difference in my life.”

Additional Tips: It can be tempting to give up on finding a solution to your gut problems, especially if you’ve had them for years and nothing has helped alleviate them. Hearing the success stories of others who found relief after suffering for years can help you stay motivated in your search for a solution. Here are some user testimonials for CanXida products, and you can find video testimonials, like this one, on our YouTube channel.

Helps People Who Have Hidden Bacteria

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Hidden bacteria are more difficult to detect with laboratory tests but can cause various digestive issues, including bloating, indigestion, flatulence, and fatigue.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains natural ingredients that can tackle microbial issues and help to clear up the associate symptoms*.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains garlic, which contains the active ingredient allicin. Many studies have shown that allicin has potent antibacterial activity.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect digestive symptoms and issues like fatigue to improve gradually, though this process may take longer in cases of chronic infection*.

Customer Testimonials:

“The knowledge and information available from CanXida is the most in depth and straight forward I have seen in my 5 years of battling Candida, bacteria, and mold. I feel like I have a chance to recover my health and that feels so good.”

Additional Tips: By their nature, hidden bacteria are difficult to detect. Discuss different testing methods, and CanXida products with your healthcare provider to help find a tailored solution that works for you.

Helps People Who Have Found Worms/Parasites In Their Stool Test

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Worms and parasites can be a scary diagnosis. These organisms can cause various symptoms, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, unexplained weight changes, and many more.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains all-natural ingredients that can help deal with worms and parasites, and clear up the symptoms they cause*.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

Supporting Evidence:

The black walnut hull extract in CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains juglone, a powerful compound with proven anti-parasitic properties.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect an improvement in their symptoms and a decrease (or elimination) of worms and parasites in their stool tests*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I knew I had overgrowth yeast, but I didn’t realize I had parasites until I took the pills. It (CanXida) has helped not only with the yeast but also with the parasites. I saw results immediately and would absolutely recommend CanXida…The longer I took the pills, the better I felt. I have been using CanXida for the last year, and it changed my life. I feel so much better.”

Additional Tips: Diagnosis with worms and parasites can be alarming and embarrassing. However, these are common problems that should absolutely not be a cause for shame or self-blame. Discuss CanXida products with your healthcare provider to find the best solution for you.

Helps Young People Who May Not Be Aware Their Lifestyle Is Causing Candida Overgrowth

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Younger people often engage in activities that make them vulnerable to Candida overgrowth. These include excessive alcohol consumption, high-sugar diets, and not getting enough sleep. Many younger people are unaware of the impact these behaviors have on their health and may end up developing Candida overgrowth and the associated symptoms without understanding why.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains 12 ingredients that can help combat Candida and its effect on the digestive system*. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) is a comprehensive multivitamin and mineral supplement that provides nutritional support, especially for individuals with a poor diet. CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) also contains many important nutrients, clean sources of energy, and antioxidants that support an active lifestyle.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial, and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove’s (Formula RMV) ingredients combat Candida, other fungi, bacteria, and parasites to help promote gut health. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) provide vitamins and nutrients that are important for immune function and alleviate deficiencies that Candida can cause.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see an improvement in their digestive health and may experience a sense of renewed energy*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I was unaware that prior use of antibiotics, oral contraceptive pills, alcohol, stressful lifestyle, poor diet, and not enough sleep was contributing to my poor health… I have just begun supplements but I have cleaned up my diet, corrected my sleep, lifestyle, relationships, and established groundwork. These lifestyle and diet changes have already helped immensely.”

Additional Tips: Enjoying a happy and active social life is important for all ages. In younger adults, however, this can often involve engaging in behaviors that are not optimal for our health. It’s worth educating yourself about different health risks so you can make informed decisions about what you put into your body. We offer an extensive (and free) library of videos on our YouTube channel to help you better understand your health and the risks Candida can pose.

Helps Anyone Working In High Pressure Jobs And/Or Long Working Hours

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Some career paths mean we have less time to prioritize our sleep, diet, and mental health. This leaves us vulnerable to Candida overgrowth, which can have a severe impact on our work performance.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) has all-natural ingredients that help tackle common microbial causes of digestive discomfort and symptoms*. CanXida Restore (Formula RST) is a probiotic and enzyme supplement that also helps with digestive problems. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) contain a broad range of vitamins and minerals that help cover nutritional bases that may be lacking in a fast-paced, high-pressure lifestyle.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains ingredients like garlic and grapefruit seed extract that are scientifically shown to kill Candida. Probiotics like those in CanXida Restore (Formula RST) have been shown to improve digestive function and can help keep Candida at healthy levels. The vitamins and minerals in CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) play well established roles in the immune system and other bodily processes.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to experience less illness or digestive symptoms as they go about their day*. Some users may experience an improvement in cognitive performance*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I am in a high-stress job now so candida sometimes returns on occasion or if I take antibiotics, I can get a yeast infection, so I keep Canxida in my medicine cabinet when needed.”

Additional Tips: This should come as no surprise, but stress is bad for your health. Consider talking to a professional to help you adopt strategies to reduce your stress levels.

Helps People With Chronic Nutrient Deficiencies

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Many lifestyle and dietary factors can result in nutrient deficiencies. Even in cases where we don’t have a full-blown deficiency, an inadequacy of essential nutrients can leave us feeling fatigued and unable to perform at our best.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) both contain a broad range of vitamins and minerals to help meet our nutritional needs.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, plant protein, amino acids, clean energy sources like Matcha, natural fibers, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and more to boost immune, liver, cognitive, metabolic, and digestive health*.

Supporting Evidence:

The vitamins and minerals in CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) and CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) play well-established roles in the immune system and other bodily processes.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH): Mix one scoop of CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) with 8oz of water or your preferred beverage. Consume on an empty stomach or consult with your healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect an improvement in their energy levels and overall sense of well-being*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I’ve been and will continue to take the multivitamin (CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD)) as I have a malabsorption problem and desperately need a good one, and I know the quality of this will continue to fill my nutritional needs.”

Additional Tips: If you are concerned about the quality of your diet, speak to a nutritionist or other professional to help get you back on track. Consider discussing CanXida products with them as a way to combat issues like Candida overgrowth*.

Helps Anyone Exposed to Community Illness

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Kids often bring illnesses home from school, and the same issue can arise with family members who work in healthcare settings like hospitals. This means we may be more vulnerable to infections than most people.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains 12 natural products that help combat common sources of infection*. CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) contains vitamins and minerals that support a robust immune system and can help ward off pathogens*.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Contains 32 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs to support immune, gastrointestinal, and many other bodily systems.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) ingredients have been scientifically shown to combat Candida, other fungi, bacteria, and parasites. CanXida Rebuild’s (Formula RBD) vitamins and minerals are essential for a functioning immune system, which helps individuals avoid illness even when exposed to pathogens regularly.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD): Take two tablets with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to contract fewer illnesses from their family or community setting*. They may also experience improvements in energy levels and digestive health*.

Customer Testimonials:

CanXida Questionnaire: “What other kinds of people do you think could benefit from our products?”

Client: “Anyone that is exposed to community illness. Kids in schools bring home every bug. My daughter works at a hospital, they bring home everything too.”

Additional Tips: Other ways to reduce your chances of catching an infection are to improve your hygiene practices, such as regular hand washing, and get sufficient sleep.

Helps Families With Recurring Gut Issues

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Many families collectively suffer from the same gut issues, which cause symptoms like nausea, bloating, and irregular bowel movements. This likely happens due to a combination of factors, including shared exposure to potential pathogens, similar diets and lifestyles, and genetic predispositions.

How Our Product Can Help:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains all-natural ingredients in a gentle formulation to help resolve various gut issues, particularly those associated with Candida overgrowth. CanXida Restore (Formula RST) is a robust probiotic and digestive enzyme supplement that can also help resolve various gut symptoms.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): Contains 6 probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes to balance the gut and restore digestive function.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains all-natural anti-Candida ingredients like clove, garlic, and neem that help to tackle gut issues. The probiotics in CanXida Restore (Formula RST) have also been shown to promote digestive health and tackle Candida.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Restore (Formula RST): For the best results, take one tablet with breakfast and another before bed, or consult with your healthcare professional to establish the appropriate dosage.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

CanXida Restore (Formula RST) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see a gradual improvement in their digestive health and those around them*. It’s important to remember that your family members will likely recover at different rates from one another.

Customer Testimonials:

“I’ve been to see doctor after doctor knowing there was something not right. After not getting anywhere I came across (CanXida) videos and started to learn about gut health and balance. My problem is hyredidtry, my mum had it so did my grandma and I think my daughter is showing symptoms too! I’m petite 5’1 and slim and eat healthy it’s just genetics for me unfortunately. But with a little help and information to make small changes can make a difference:-) I would recommend CanXida to everyone I know as I hear about gut problems all the time.”

Additional Tips: While it may feel like your gut issues are out of your control, you can often make changes to help you and your family improve your symptoms. Diet is a crucial factor. Check out our shopping list of foods that can help combat Candida and the gut issues it can cause*.

Helps People Who Are Plagued with Chronic Sinus Infections

Common Symptoms or Issues Addressed:

Many of us are plagued with chronic sinus infections which are incredibly uncomfortable and put a significant strain on our lives. Sinus infections cause facial pain, pressure, congestion, and thick nasal mucus, often leading to headaches and difficulty breathing through the nose.

How Our Product Can Help:

Candida has been known to contribute to sinus infections in some cases, which means that CanXida Remove (Formula RMV), which contains anti-Candida ingredients, can help.

Exactly Which Products:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Contains 12 antifungal, anti-microbial and anti-parasite ingredients to act as a triple threat against common pathogens.

Supporting Evidence:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) contains anti-fungal ingredients like garlic, grapefruit seed extract, and black walnut hull extract, which have all been shown to kill Candida.

Usage Instructions:

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV): Take one tablet with food or as directed by your healthcare professional.

CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) White Paper, Technical Fact Sheet, User Guide

Expected Benefits:

Users can expect to see a gradual alleviation of their symptoms and a reduction in the number of sinus infections they contract*.

Customer Testimonials:

“I’ve had sinus issues. My sister had a lot of the same symptoms. She suggested I try using the CanXida products. They are helping me. I would recommend these products.”

Additional Tips: Many microbes can cause sinus infections. Be sure to contact your healthcare provider to help direct appropriate treatment.


As we’ve seen, CanXida products can help a vast range of people with a variety of different issues*. Identifying your problem is a difficult first step, and knowing how to resolve it can be even more challenging. CanXida provides four powerful formulations that can help deal with digestive issues and other health problems through different mechanisms*. We built these formulations with the end user in mind, and each ingredient is selected to achieve a specific purpose and is always backed up by scientific studies.

If your particular situation isn’t listed above, be sure to get in touch with our team, and we can help you understand which products are likely to work best for you.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.