Your Questions Answered: Water Fasting Benefits, Test For Intestinal Permeability & Candida In The Gums

Question: Is Prolonged Water Fasting Beneficial?

Fasting for short durations, like one to two days, can be beneficial as it allows the body to eliminate waste, especially when accompanied by sufficient water intake and relaxation. However, extended fasting, beyond a few days, requires caution. Initially, the body will consume blood sugar and glycogen from the liver. Subsequently, it will tap into fat stores, which might release stored toxins.

I’m not in favor of prolonged water fasts. Engaging in such fasts can lead to ketosis, altering one’s cognitive and emotional state, and could be seen as a strain on the body. There’s a trend where individuals engage in extended fasting for rapid weight loss, only to revert to their previous eating habits, leading to regained weight. If the goal is detoxification or weight management, there are healthier methods than long-term fasting. For instance, short, regular fasts with moderate consumption of bone broth or fruits, combined with relaxation and meditation, can be more beneficial.

Moreover, long-term fasting should be approached with caution, especially for those with eating disorders. Such fasts can trigger binge-eating tendencies. If someone considers extended fasting for detox or weight loss, there are safer alternatives to explore.

Question: Is It Necessary To Take A Test For Intestinal Permeability?

There are various tests available for detecting leaky gut, such as food allergy testing, stool testing, zonulin testing, and mannitol testing. However, the question arises: is it truly necessary to undergo these tests?

Based on our experience at CanXida, we believe that many individuals often spend a significant amount of money on tests that might not yield actionable results. Given that a substantial portion of the Western population likely has some degree of leaky gut due to modern lifestyles, one might argue that testing might be superfluous. Stress, regular alcohol consumption, and daily intake of pharmaceutical medications are common factors contributing to intestinal permeability.

Considering that most people might already have a mild to severe form of leaky gut, it might be more pragmatic to focus on a lifestyle that promotes gut health. This involves adopting a diet and routine that can help repair and rejuvenate the gut lining. Instead of investing in potentially unnecessary tests, consider putting that money towards healthier food choices, stress reduction activities, or even a relaxing break. In essence, make choices that enhance overall well-being, and you may see improvement without needing a test as confirmation.

Question: Is It Possible For Candida To Reside In The Gums?

If you’re dealing with a persistent infection in the throat, it might leave you wondering if an ongoing yeast infection has spread to the gums.

Typically, bacterial infections are more common in the mouth than fungal ones because our mouths have many more bacteria than yeast. Dental professionals often speak of various bacteria living around the gums. If the infection is deep, especially around the tooth roots, it’s likely to be anaerobic bacteria, which don’t need oxygen to thrive. Some individuals also deal with antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains in their throats.

So, how do you address a gum infection? First, it’s crucial to get a dental check-up and consult a hygienist. They might conduct tests to identify the type of bacteria or fungus present. For relief, consider the following remedies:

  • Gargling: Use a mixture of sea salt and colloidal silver in water. Gargle two to three times daily, especially after meals.
  • Oil pulling: Every morning, swish olive or sesame oil around your mouth for about three to four minutes and then spit it out. This process attracts and removes bacteria.
  • Grapefruit seed extract rinse: Mix five drops with a tablespoon of water, swish around your mouth, and then spit it out.
  • Dietary adjustments: Certain foods like dairy products, gluten, bananas, and eggs might exacerbate throat issues. It’s worth exploring potential food allergies and eliminating these from your diet temporarily to see if there’s an improvement.
  • Check your adrenal function: Recurring sore throats and immune dysfunction might indicate adrenal gland issues. Consider getting a salivary cortisol test to ascertain your cortisol levels. Factors like inadequate sleep and stress can also contribute.

Disclaimer: Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen or trying new remedies.