Your Questions Answered: Supplement Frequency, Foods To Remove & Doubts About Cleanse

Question: How often to take Candida supplements?

The frequency of taking Candida supplements largely depends on the specific supplement, its dosage, and the recommendations of the manufacturer or healthcare provider.

We can only talk about our candida supplements.

For CanXida Remove: Start with one tablet daily, and you can gradually increase up to three tablets per day if needed, taken with meals. For severe cases, some users might take more than three tablets, but it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

For CanXida Restore: Begin with one capsule in the morning and one at bedtime. Depending on your condition and how your body reacts, you can adjust the dosage.

For CanXida Rebuild: One tablet daily with a meal is usually recommended.

Always remember:

  • Start slowly, especially if you’re new to these supplements.
  • Monitor how your body reacts and adjust the dosage accordingly.
  • Consultation with a healthcare professional is always recommended if you’re unsure.
  • Taking the supplements consistently is key for best results.

Question: What foods are typically removed from the diet during a candida cleanse?

During a candida cleanse, certain foods that are believed to promote the growth of Candida yeast or weaken the immune system are typically removed from the diet.

Here’s a list of foods and food groups that are commonly eliminated or reduced:

  • Sugars and Sweeteners: This includes white sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses, corn syrup, and even some artificial sweeteners.
  • Fruits: Especially high-sugar fruits. Some protocols allow for low-sugar fruits like berries in moderation.
  • Grains: This primarily refers to gluten-containing grains like wheat, rye, and barley. Some people also choose to avoid oats and other grains to reduce overall carbohydrate intake.
  • Alcohol: All types, including beer, wine, and spirits.
  • Caffeine: Found in coffee, tea, and some soft drinks.
  • Processed and Packaged Foods: Foods that contain additives, preservatives, and high amounts of sugar.
  • Processed meats: Like lunch meats, bacon, and spam.
  • Sodas and sugary beverages: Including fruit juices.

Make sure to download our candida diet and cleanse shopping list for a complete list.

It’s crucial to note that while these foods are typically eliminated during a candida cleanse, the specifics of the diet can vary depending on the individual and the particular protocol they are following.

Question: I read somewhere that candida cleanse doesn’t address yeast overgrowth, I thought candida cleanse targets yeast and helps against it? Why the cleanse doesn’t target yeast overgrowth?

You’re correct; the primary objective of a Candida cleanse is to address yeast overgrowth. The Candida cleanse diet is designed to starve Candida yeast by removing foods that feed it, primarily sugars and carbohydrates. By doing so, it aims to reduce the overgrowth of Candida in the body.

However, the reason some people question its efficacy is because the symptoms of Candida overgrowth overlap with many other conditions. Thus, when someone follows a Candida cleanse diet and feels better, it doesn’t necessarily mean they had a Candida overgrowth to begin with. They might be feeling better due to the general health benefits of the diet, such as eliminating processed foods, reducing sugar intake, and emphasizing whole foods.

The Candida cleanse diet, when combined with appropriate antifungal treatments and probiotics, can be effective in addressing yeast overgrowth. But simply feeling better on the diet doesn’t conclusively confirm the presence or elimination of Candida overgrowth. That’s why it’s crucial to get a proper diagnosis and follow a comprehensive treatment plan.

Ready to elevate your well-being? Discover the transformative potential of CanXida products and start your journey today!


The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet.