Your Questions Answered: Pinworm Medicine, UTI Caused By Klebsiella & Antibodies IGG IGA IGM

Question:  I took 2 doses of Pinworm medicine, see the link below after my kids had pinworm it got me nervous and I thought I had it so I took 2 doses…Can that stuff have caused issues, or killed all the good bacteria? Seems after that I have had more issues in life skin and other things. Its been about 4 years. All of us in the family ended up taking it, as well.

Pinworm medicine, also known as pyrantel pamoate, is used to treat intestinal worm infections, including pinworm, roundworm, and hookworm. Pyrantel pamoate falls under the category of drugs known as antihelmintics. Its mechanism of action involves immobilizing the worms, rendering them paralyzed, allowing the body to naturally eliminate them through stool. This medication proves highly effective against pinworm infections.

It’s essential to note that pinworms can easily spread among family members. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone in the household to receive treatment. Additionally, taking preventive measures such as thorough cleaning of the home, laundering clothing, frequent handwashing, and maintaining good hygiene practices can help prevent reinfection.

Pyrantel pamoate is specific to helminths (intestinal worms) and does not interact with gut bacteria. However, infection with pinworms can lead to changes in the diversity and composition of the microbiota. While the pinworm medicine itself should not be blamed for dysbiosis, the pinworm infection may be the root cause. There exists a complex interplay between parasites and commensal microbial species. Some parasites can increase bacterial diversity, but pinworms have been shown to reduce diversity and promote the growth of more dysbiotic bacteria like Serratia and E. coli.

Question: I have a question regarding UTIs caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria and the effectiveness of canxida for this issue.Kp is known to be antibiotic resistant. I’ve been suffering from recurrent UTIs for a year now and have taken over 6 courses of antibiotics but nothing is working. I know repeated antibiotics worsen the situation and I am looking for a more holistic solution to my problem.Will ‘ canxida remove’ work on eradicating this organism? I’ve seen YouTube videos where you claim that it can. ( when it’s found in the gut) But is it possible even when the bacteria is enclosed in biofilms in the bladder lining? Will the canxida target this specific bacteria?

Klebsiella pneumonia is a gram-negative bacterium and is considered dysbiotic at higher levels where it becomes opportunistic. Besides the GI tract, it can colonize other parts of the body and has the potential to cause intestinal, lung, urinary tract, and wound infections in susceptible individuals.

Treatment for this bacteria has become a major problem because of resistance to multiple antibiotics. Klebsiella thrives on a diet high in starch, so a low-starch diet may be helpful. A further caution is that Klebsiella thrives on Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), a class of oligosaccharides used as artificial sweeteners and found in many plant foods. Following a low FODMAP diet may be useful to help manage the infection.

Question: I have had symptoms for last several years that suggests candida. Couple of months ago, I had a blood test to check for Candida albicans antibodies IGG, IGA, and IGM. Results show that all three antibodies are HIGH; IGG is 1.1, IGA is 1.2, and IGM is 1.8. The lab’s reference range is <1.0 (antibody not detected), and > or = 1.0 means antibody was detected. The naturopathic doctor, who order this blood test, left the practice, and I don’t have any answers what these blood results mean. Do these results indicate that I have active candida/yeast infection in my blood? How bad are these results? How do you treat candida in the blood? I read that candida in the blood is serious, and people are hospitalized because of this. However, this has not been my case so far. I would appreciate your reply to my questions.

When the immune system responds to a Candida infection, it starts producing elevated antibody levels, which can be measured with a blood test. A Candida antibody panel checks for three different types of antibodies to Candida albicans: Candida IgA, IgG, and IgM antibodies.

Candida IgA antibodies tend to be found in parts of the body that have higher levels of mucus and try to protect these mucosal regions from Candida infections. Therefore, IgA levels are typically higher in areas such as the throat and genital regions. Candida IgG antibodies are found throughout the body and are produced by the immune system when the body has been exposed to a past or current Candida infection. Candida IgM antibodies are the first antibodies detected when the immune system is fighting a Candida infection and often indicate a new Candida infection.

IgM and IgA antibodies rise early in the infection process, and when elevated, they provide a better sense that a real-time Candida infection might be taking place. The serum IgG result also indicates an increase in gut wall permeability, also known as “leaky gut.” If there is a leaky gut, then Candida cell wall proteins may be escaping into circulation and raising an antibody response, while Candida levels in the gut are normal. So, we might read your report as indicating that there is a systemic Candida exposure, either through a loss of gut barrier function (leaky gut) or a recent Candida overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract.

Candida blooms can occur after antibiotic use or if the diet is high in simple sugars or carbohydrates. If a gastrointestinal Candida overgrowth is expected, immediate steps can be taken to make the gut microbiome less friendly towards Candida and other yeasts:

  • Eliminate Highly Reactive Foods: Conduct a food sensitivity test to identify and eliminate foods that cause inflammation, which may compromise the gut barrier and increase permeability.
  • Use a Good Probiotic: Choose a probiotic that contains Lactobacillus, like CanXida Restore. Lactobacillus species can synthesize lactic acid in the gut, which has a fungistatic effect on yeast in the gastrointestinal tract. Lactobacillus rhamnosus and acidophilus, in particular, have been shown to prevent Candida growth.
  • High-Fiber Diet: Maintain a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to provide the gut bacteria with the raw material to make short-chain fatty acids, helping to lower systemic inflammation.

It is important to follow this Candida protocol alongside lifestyle factors, including:

  • Ensure adequate and restful sleep.
  • Implement stress-reduction techniques.
  • Incorporate regular physical activity, as it has a positive impact on the microbiome.

In addition to these steps, it may be necessary to follow a low-sugar anti-Candida diet that eliminates sources of simple sugars and carbohydrates. By eliminating Candida’s food source, it becomes easier for more beneficial microbes to outcompete the yeast in our guts.


The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet.