Which Type Of Yogurt Is Beneficial For Treating Candida?

At CanXida, we understand the significance of maintaining a balanced diet, especially when dealing with health challenges such as Candida. One of the often-discussed dietary items is yogurt. But not all yogurts are created equal. Here’s what you need to know.

When considering adding yogurt to your daily diet, it’s essential to be discerning, especially if you’re dealing with Candida. Many commercial yogurts are not optimal for health. They often contain artificial sugars, flavors, and colors. Generally, the tiny containers available in many stores are not the best option.

For optimal benefits, we recommend purchasing a high-quality, sour, natural acidophilus yogurt without any additives. Ideally, this yogurt should be made from organic milk or sourced from grass-fed cows that haven’t been treated with hormones or antibiotics. Specialty health food stores are often the best places to find such products.

If you’re feeling adventurous, consider making your own yogurt. It might require some effort, but the results are worth it. You can find various yogurt recipes online. To make yogurt, you’ll need a small amount of sour starter culture. By following the provided steps, you’ll soon have homemade yogurt ready for consumption.

There are numerous benefits associated with consuming yogurt. In our book Candida Crusher, we’ve dedicated several pages to discussing these advantages. One of the primary benefits of yogurt is that the lactose or sugar has been converted into lactic acid. It’s essential to be wary of commercial varieties, as they might still have unconverted lactose or even contain additives like NutraSweet or aspartame.

If you’re introducing yogurt into your diet, start with small amounts. Consuming large quantities initially might cause digestive discomforts such as bloating or nausea. As you acclimate, you can increase the serving size. Ideally, yogurt is best consumed either in the morning or evening, preferably on an empty stomach. With regular consumption, you’ll notice enhanced immune benefits, especially if consumed during the late summer and fall seasons.

In conclusion, yogurt can be a fantastic addition to your diet when battling yeast infections. However, it’s crucial to choose the right kind, preferably organic and sour. Avoid commercially processed varieties with added sugars.

Disclaimer: While we aim to provide useful information through this blog post, please consult with your healthcare professional before making any dietary changes. Your individual health needs and conditions might require a different approach.