Your Questions Answered: Low Stool pH, Candida Antibody Test & Risk Of Over-The-Counter Supplements

Question: Is A Low Stool pH Indicative Of Candida?

We often receive stool test results; a common observation is variances in stool pH. For example, a pH of 5.6 or 5.7 is seen as low. Ideally, stool pH should range between 6 and 7.8. A low pH indicates the stool is too acidic, while a high pH signifies it’s too alkaline. Beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, especially bifida species and lactobacillus species, produce short chain fatty acids. These acids ferment undigested fibers in the colon, influencing the bowel’s pH. A rapid transit time can result in a low pH, while constipation might elevate it. Disturbances like antibiotic use, which kills good bacteria, can alter the stool pH. Candida’s presence can also be linked with both low and high pH levels. This can be influenced by other bacteria types or even parasites in the gut. Poor digestion, stemming from inadequate stomach or pancreatic function, can influence pH levels too. Notably, if the stool pH is extremely low or high, it could lean towards inflammatory bowel conditions or even cancer. It’s imperative to maintain a pH between 6 to 7.8. Diet plays a pivotal role. Consuming unhealthy foods continuously will negatively affect stool pH. Conversely, healthier choices like broccoli and lean meats positively influence fermentation in the colon, promoting better bowel function. Food impacts your health substantially. A balanced stool pH deters Candida growth in the digestive tract and supports beneficial bacteria.

Question: Is The Candida Antibody Test Effective?

The main antibodies screened for are IgM, IgG, and IgA, which the immune system produces. These antibodies have distinct roles:

  • IgM: If elevated, it suggests an immediate or acute infection.
  • IgG: Appears later, indicating either a past infection or an ongoing one. Both IgM and IgG trigger a response called “complement,” a compound made by white blood cells that boosts their defensive action.
  • IgA: Found primarily in the digestive system, mouth, and mucous membranes. When elevated, it can signal a superficial Candida infection in the gut or other areas.Despite the utility of antibody tests, in our book Candida Crusher, we’ve highlighted our preference for stool tests. They provide more comprehensive data, akin to a full meteorological analysis versus a mere glance at the sky.

Question: Is There A Risk In Taking Over-The-Counter Dietary Supplements?

It’s essential to be cautious when considering prescribed dietary supplements, especially when already on multiple medications. The type and number of supplements play a role in determining the associated risks. If you are combining numerous pharmaceutical medications with supplements, it’s crucial to consult a professional who understands both natural and conventional western medicine. A professional with experience in both fields will offer a balanced perspective and help determine potential interactions between supplements and medications.

For individuals not on pharmaceutical drugs, there’s typically less concern about taking basic supplements like a multi-vitamin, Omega-3, or magnesium. It’s intriguing how some view prescribed supplements as risky, yet over-the-counter medications, which can have significant side effects, are readily available and sometimes misused. In any situation, if you are ever in doubt about taking a supplement or medication, always seek expert advice and be prudent.

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes. Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any decisions about dietary supplements or medications.