Your Questions Answered: Candida HPV, Bacterial Infection & Bioresonance

Question: How candida and HPV affects each other and HPV knowledge in general?

There are several risk factors associated with HPV. As you may be aware, HPV is a virus responsible for cervical cancer. Recent studies have explored the relationship between Candida and HPV, suggesting that Candida might act as a cofactor for HPV infection. This is hypothesized because individuals with Candida often possess an altered microbiota, leading to a chronic state of inflammation. Such an inflammatory state can induce cellular alterations, and Candida has been demonstrated to cause edema and malignant cell growth in the vaginal mucosa.

Even in cases without a clinical diagnosis of candidiasis, HPV patients at risk for cervical cancer often show the presence of Candida Albicans. This indicates a link between HPV and dysbiosis resulting from Candida. However, it remains a mystery which condition precedes the other – a dilemma reminiscent of the “chicken and the egg” conundrum. It’s theorized that the inflammatory condition triggered by a Candida infection might activate a dormant HPV virus.

Further studies concur that Candida can act synergistically with HPV, meaning their combined effect increases the risk of cervical cancer development. Candida is a standard yeast present in the vaginal microbiome, but under specific conditions, such as high stress, poor diet, and antibiotic use, it can become pathogenic. It’s advisable to avoid pH soaps and feminine washes as they can disrupt the natural flora; simply rinsing the area with water is recommended. Practices like oral sex can heighten the risk of several vaginal infections, including Candida. Thus, it’s essential to be cautious and use condoms when possible.

For those dealing with Candida, CanXida Remove and CanXida Restore have been formulated to target and eradicate Candida while also helping to reintroduce beneficial bacteria to the system.

Question: Could the bacterial infection wait 3 months to pop up? For the last year it seems after 2 hours after dinner I get nausea, bloating and then vomit, with sweaty face and sometimes diarrhea. Only lose the dinner and am fine right afterwards and in the future for about another 3 months. Very strange. Have been writing down the foods I’ve eaten each time and there is no correlation yet, except maybe I’m eating too much food and perhaps one of the supplements I’m taking, but they don’t bother me any other time and I takes them with dinner every night. It’s a mystery.

Bacterial infections can have periods of dormancy or latency, and periods where they proliferate and release toxins which creates flare-ups.

For example some commensal bacteria like E. coli can become pathogenic under stress conditions in our body, which then “activates” them to release harmful toxins. Normal bacteria can also migrate for example from the large intestine to the small intestine where they become pathogenic, since it is a different environment, for example in SIBO. Bacteria also rely on making spores which can also lay dormant for a long period of time. A healthy microbiota keeps spores in check, but dysbiosis can allow for them to germinate.

So for example if you ingested spores from contaminated food, it can show up later as gut symptoms. Generally when we have a very diverse and robust microbiome, these can fight off pathogenic bacteria without additional aid. In a dysbiotic gut we need additional help with the use of certain supplements and protocols for restoring gut health. My recommendation would be to take a stool test to identify any potential dysbiosis from bacteria or yeast. With that information it may be necessary to start antimicrobial therapy like CanXida Remove to eliminate pathogenic bacteria. CanXida Remove has natural antibacterial compounds which are helpful even in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It might also be necessary to remove any trigger foods that act as antagonists.

The most common being gluten, dairy, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, sugar and some medications. After following this removal period if symptoms are improving you can start taking a probiotic like CanXida Restore to help recolonize your gut with healthy bacteria plus it has digestive enzymes which further help break down bad bacterial colonies and aid in your digestive symptoms like nausea, bloating and diarrhea. Make sure to support this journey with lifestyle changes including sleep, stress-management, diet and exercise.

Question: Does bioresonance therapy useful or have any benefits with treating candida and other bacterial infections?

There is currently no clear evidence on the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy to detect or treat pathogens like bacteria, virus and fungi. There are studies that look at the effect of the electromagnetic waves on destroying bacterial and yeast cell walls but these studies are mostly in-vitro with very few studies done in humans.

Some bioresonance therapy studies show it may help with some addictions like smoking and with allergies and atopic dermatitis. It might be useful in the future but more evidence is needed for now to show it can significantly treat Candida or other bacterial infections. There is however good scientific evidence on antimicrobials like oil of oregano, caprylic acid, berberine, black walnut, and garlic oil that show they can significantly alter Candida. The CanXida Remove was formulated from extensive research of these antimicrobial compounds in therapeutic doses to help eradicate Candida.

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The information and facts are intended to help and support, not replace, the relationship that exists between you and your doctor. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. Consult your doctor or health professional before starting a treatment or making any changes to your diet. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.