Your Questions Answered: Female Hair Loss With Low Ferritin, Overcoming H. Pylori With Hashimoto & Inflammed Gut After Certain Food

Question: What are your suggestions for female hair loss. My iron level is fine, but the ferritin level is low. All other numbers are fine. Should I consider taking iron supplements? What other supplements or techniques would you suggest? Does rubbing nails help? Is hair loss hereditary? Thank you in advance!

There are several steps in the iron pathway before red blood cell count and size begins to decline, indicative of anemia. Ferritin, which is the storage form of iron, can be an early indication of a problem. The process of ferritin getting depleted starts in your gut. Your gut bacteria assist you in breaking down any undigested food particles, and they keep your gut lining strong, preventing intestinal permeability or invasion of pathogens. When these healthy bacteria are killed of (by antibiotics, pesticides, medication), the opportunistic fungal organism called candida starts to overgrow. Sequestering iron is one of your body’s strategies to fight Candida and other pathogens. The problem is, if you have long-term overgrowth of dysbiotic flora and/or candida, it will continue lowering your absorption of iron. I

If your ferritin is low, you will need to supplement with iron for a few months to get your levels back up but also make sure you identify and treat the underlying cause. Try switching to a low sugar anti-Candida diet and incoporate anti-inflmmatory gut friendly foods like bone broth, flax seeds, berries and wild fish.

Question: I would like to know what would be the best protocol to overcome h pylori and leaky gut when having Hashimoto. I tried the canxida remove but makes my stomach burn.

H. pylori infections likely exist in what are called biofilms. Oral antibiotics are commonly prescribed but are not as effective when H. pylori has developed biofilms. Antibiotics can work for a short time but they can create bacterial resistance and the infection can become chronic. Chronic H. Pylori can be effectively addressed with natural antimicrobial therapy. H. pylori responds well to antimicrobial therapy like Remove and other treatment options include Bactroban, and Xylitol (fight biofilm infections). There are several natural agents that are good candidates for eradication of H pylori overgrowth such as oil of oregano, clove oil and grape fruit seed extract.

The tablets from CanXida Remove have a prolonged delivery system method meaning the antimicrobial agents are continually released along the digestive tract to reach every part of it including the stomach. H. pylori usually changes the pH of the stomach making it more acidic which likely means more of the tablet is getting dissolved in there and can be what is causing the burning sensation in your stomach.

However this means the antimicrobials are active, try lowering the dose to 1/4 or even 1/8 of a tablet and check for symptoms. Another helpful antimicrobial is a silver supplement. In low doses, this mineral works against bacterial infections. Silver also works well in combination with CanXida Remove. If you have a diagnosed H. pylori infection it is most likely there is an underlying yeast overgrowth, especially if you also have digestive symptoms. Remove is a herbal supplement that helps kill yeast and maintain healthy gut flora while Restore is a probiotic that brings back a healthy bacterial balance in your body.

Question: My question is: What is the correlation between me becoming enflamed from eating certain foods, and a yeast in my intestines? What exactly is the yeast doing to cause these reactions? It seems that I react to certain foods and drinks almost instantaneously, while they’re still probably in my stomach. Enflamed gut and back etc. But how can this be related to a yeast that’s probably several feet into my digestive tract? I started feeling fatuige, malaise and brain fog, along with certain IBS symptoms almost immediately after a course of Amoxicillon Tryhydrate and have never felt the same since, 5 years on.

Even though it might not seem related sensitivities, allergies and intolerances to food can sometimes be linked to Candida overgrowth. This is due to intestinal permeability often known as Leaky Gut Syndrome, which is frequently caused by Candida. An imbalance in the intestinal flora leads to a Candida overgrowth which attaches to the intestinal walls and is able to form tiny gaps in the gut wall which allows for food particles and Candida toxins to escape.

These particles are then attacked by the immune system causing a lot of inflammation and sensitivity to foods. To eliminate or reduce food sensitivities and other digestive issues like constipation, bloating, belching and gas, the best strategy is to treat the underlying cause and start healing the gut. Following a low sugar Candida diet is a great start, but you should also consider some supplements that can help to repair the gut and restore its integrity. Besides removing offending foods (namely refined carbs and sugars) you need to help eradicate the yeast overgrowth with antimicrobial therapy.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided here is for educational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.