Your Questions Answered: IGM Increased After Candida Diet, Supplement To Counter High Biotin & Oregano Oil With Water

Question: My IGM went from 1.8 to 1.6 after a 2 month Candida diet & some natural supplements. I don’t have any major symptoms, should I still be trying to bring this number down?

When the immune system responds to a Candida infection it starts producing elevated antibody levels which can be measured with a blood test. A Candida antibody panel checks for three different types of antibodies to Candida albicans, IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies. Candida IgM antibodies are the first antibodies detected when the immune system is fighting a Candida infection and often indicates a new Candida infection.

IgM antibodies rise early in the infection process, and when elevated they provide a better sense that a real-time Candida infection might be taking place. The best evidence for current infection is a significant change on two antibodies. However, levels of IgM antibodies may occasionally persist for more than 12 months post-infection, so although in your case they are still high (>1), they can remain at higher levels despite the infection being cleared, which is a good sign.

You can still benefit from taking herbal antimicrobials like CanXida Remove and continue using a good probiotic that contains Lactobacillus like CanXida Restore. Lactobacillus species are able to synthesize lactic acid in the gut. The lactic acid has a fungistatic effect on yeast in the gastrointestinal tract preventing Candida growth while helping restore your flora so there is less chance of reinfection .

A high-fiber diet full of fruits and vegetables provides the gut bacteria adequate nutrients to improve your gut health by establishing a more diverse and robust microbiome that will discourgae yeast dysbiosis. Also address lifestyle factors including sleep, stress management and excericse which have a positve impact on the microbiome. In addition continue eliminating highly inflammatory foods that can negatively alter your gut flora and health including gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol and refined carbohydrates. Focus on whole foods which are naturally anti-inflammatory like fruits, vegetables, legumes, high quality protein like fish and eggs and healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil and nuts and seeds.

Question: Is there any supplement I should take to counter the high Biotin in CanXida to prevent acne, is the acne just a necessary evil when taking CanXida?

There is no firm evidence to show that oral biotin supplements cause acne, but there is one situation where biotin could potentially contribute to acne. Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, and pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, tend to compete with each other, and as a result can have negative effects on our bodies such as causing acne because when vitamins B7 and B5 compete, an excess or shortage of either of these vitamins can occur. “”An excess of biotin results in an overproduction of skin cells and a shortage of vitamin B5, resulting in a lack of moisture in the skin thus the catalyst of the two can result in acne””. Still, there isn’t much research to support claims that taking biotin supplements will lead to a breakout. Biotin helps the body with energy production, which in turn could help produce fatty acids and other nutrients necessary for healthy skin, nails, and hair which is why some dermatologists recommend taking it for brittle hair, nails and dry skin.

However most people get enough biotin through dietary sources and do not need to take supplements. If you feel the high dose of biotin in the CanXida Remove formula is causing you skin issues, I would suggest reducing the dose. For example if you take 1 tablet, try lowering the dose to half a tablet or even one fourth of a tablet and see if it helps. Also make sure to look at other supplements you might be taking, many supplements have excess amounts of B vitamins so you might be getting a lot of it without realizing. Vitamin B12 is part of the B vitamin complex and it has been implicated in acne pathogenesis.

B12 causes a certain facial bacteria (propionibacterium acnes) to produce more porphyrins, which results in inflammation and this leads to acne. High doses of vitamin B6 has also been linked to acne and certain supplements like iodine, testosterone, whey protein, and branched-chain amino acids can also cause and worsen acne. As always the best practices for acne include keeping your skin clean with a gentle wash twice daily, avoid getting sunburn and touching your face too often, and keep a healthy diet avoiding inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy and very fatty/greasy foods.

Question: I have a question i have just started the diet a few days ago. And i recently started taking oregano oil in water too. And i have started getting bladder spams just a little but its now stoped and now i have Thrush im just wondering if thats nornal on this diet?

Bladder spasms may have several different causes. Usually people with an overactive bladder typically experience bladder spasms. Urinary tract infections are also a common culprit. There are certain steps you can take to relieve the discomfort of bladder spams, and prevent leaks. While it may seem counter-intuitive to drink extra water this can actually help you in the long run, since concentrated urine can be irritating to your bladder.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to ensure that bladder irritation is kept at bay. A change in diet may also help relieve bladder spasms if your spasms are being caused by certain foods that you are eating. Keeping a bladder diary for a few days can help identify food or drink triggers. If you’re experiencing discomfort, try using a heating pad to relieve some of the pain from bladder spasms. If you are experiencing leaks due to bladder spasms, you can also try incorporating pelvic floor exercises into your daily routine.

These exercise, known as kegels, can help improve the muscle strength of the pelvic floor, making it easier for you to hold urine until you get to a bathroom when the urge strikes. There are many oral medications for bladder spasms. These work by relaxing the bladder muscle and help prevent bladder leaks, talk to your healthcare provider for more infromation on these. Dietary changes will depend on the severity of your symptoms, but there are some general rules, and the number one food you have to avoid is sugar.

Candida feasts on sugar, so it’s advisable to avoid processed foods (often full of hidden sugars.) You can identify sugar by reading the ingredients and looking out for anything that ends in ‘ose’ eg. glucose, lactose, sucrose. Other improtant aspects are to choose low sugar fruits like berries, gluten free grains such as brown rice, millet, amaranth and gluten-free oats and quinoa, and avoid all alcohol and dairy. Candida can make you more sensitive and overreactive to certain foods so it’s a good idea to keep a food diary to check foods that might be trigering your symtoms, or to run a food sensitvity test.

Disclaimer: This information aims to be a helpful reference point but it is imperative to consult with a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or adopting new practices to ensure they are safe and suitable for your unique health circumstances.