Your Questions Answered: Chronic Sinus Symptoms, Quinoa Causing Pain & Positive IGG Negative IGA

Question: I have chronic sinus symptoms so much mucus production sometimes I choke on it. And I’ve developed asthma. And it’s getting worse. I already take Canxida.

Chronic sinus infections are usually the result of an underlying fungal/candida infection. In addition, sinus infections likely exist in what are called biofilms. Oral antibiotics are commonly prescribed but are not effective for the treatment of fungal infections. These infections cause a stuffy nose, eventually causing the nasal passages to swell shut. This can result in a secondary bacterial infection which is why antibiotics work for a short time but they make the yeast infection worse developing into chronic infection. Chronic sinusitis can be effectively addressed with antifungals and nose sprays. Chronic sinusitis responds well to antifungal therapy like Remove and a nose spray containing Bactroban, Xylitol (fight biofilm infections), low dose cortisol (less swelling and antifungal).

The spray is available by prescription so have your physician ask for “Sinusitis Nose Spray.” Another very helpful over-the-counter therapy is a silver nose spray. In low doses, this mineral works against both viral and bacterial infections. Silver also works well in combination with the prescription sinusitis nose spray. It is recommended to use 1 to 2 sprays in each nostril twice a day for 6-12 weeks while also taking tablets of the antifungal therapy (Remove). You can also alleviate congestion by doing nasal rinses. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of lukewarm water. Use a baby nose bulb or an eyedropper and then gently blow your nose. Remember that sinusitis is often a reflection of an underlying yeast overgrowth, especially if you also have digestive symptoms. Remove is a herbal supplement that helps kill yeast and maintain healthy gut flora while Restore is a probiotic that brings back a healthy bacterial balance in your body. Taking Remove and Restore together for 3-5 months is an effective therapy for dealing with yeast overgrowth in the gut.

Question: I have recently re-introduced quinoa back onto my diet and found that within a couple of hours, I get excruciating stomach pain and loose stools. The first day was the worst and the second milder but still intense. My question is whether this indicates an intolerance to the quinoa or whether the quinoa is likely to be cleansing my gut. FYI I made a porridge with the grains and added turmeric, cinnamon, fresh ginger as well as almonds and desiccated coconut. I’m aware that it could be any of the other ingredients and would value your input.

Quinoa has a natural coating of saponin, a chemical that helps repel microbes while the seed of quinoa is in its growing stage. Saponins can cause acidity, bloating and gas, especially if quinoa is not washed properly before its consumption. Saponins can also make the taste of quinoa bitter and soapy. Quinoa also contains high content of fibre. Hence, if you suddenly start consuming too much of fibre, your digestive system might not be able to digest it. Rinse the quinoa thoroughly before cooking so as to get rid of the saponin. Doing so can spare you symptoms of loose stools later. If you’re eating quinoa for the first time, you should start with a small quantity and then gradually increase the quantity if it suits you.

Don’t overeat it. Any food can cause adverse reactions because of an allergic reaction or intolerance. If the pain is severe, it may be a sign of a more serious condition. Avoid eating quinoa until you can talk with your health care provider. Stomach pain is one of the most common symptoms of intolerance because your body has difficulty digesting the grain. When you ingest quinoa, your digestive system cannot digest the proteins, carbohydrates or sugars in the grain, which leads to inflammation and discomfort in your abdomen. You may also develop bloating, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, cramping and gas from intolerance. The best quinoa substitutes include rice, chickpeas, lentils and oats, make sure to rinse the properly. Additionally you can benefit from a high quality probiotic.

Question: Candida antibody blood test. I have Positive Igg and Iga but negative Igm. It means it’s chronic?

When the immune system responds to a Candida infection it starts producing elevated antibody levels which can be measured with a blood test. A Candida antibody panel checks for three different types of antibodies to Candida albicans, Candida IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies. Candida IgA antibodies tend to be found in parts of the body that have higher levels of mucus so IgA levels are typically higher in areas such as the throat and genital regions, having high IgA indicates a more serious Candida ainfection since it means Candida has reached the outer mucosal surfaces. Candida IgG antibodies are found throughout the body and indicate a past or ongoing infection usually as a result of intestinal permeability of leaky gut. Candida IgM antibodies are the first antibodies detected when the immune system is fighting a Candida infection and often indicates a current Candida infection.

So, high IgA and iGg indicate that you have had Candida exposure, and lack of igM means it is not an ongoing Candida infection. Candida blooms can occur after antibiotic use or if the diet is high in simple sugars or carbohydrates.  It is important to follow this Candida protocol alongside lifestyle factors including sleep, stress management and excericse which have a positve impact on the microbiome. In addition it may be need to follow a low sugar anti-candida diet that eliminates sources of simple sugars and carbohydrates.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation.