Your Questions Answered: Benefits Of Honey, Treating Interstitial Cystitis & Leaky Gut Causing Gas

Question: I really appreciate all the information that you share. I heard you talk about the benefits of honey. Is it ok to bake with honey? If you use nut flour and you only consume a small amount?

Although honey has some antifungal properties, the sugar content is still considered too high when following the anti-Candida diet and may hinder your recovery from Candida. Refined sugar and other sweeteners should be avoided when first starting out an anti-candida protocol. Honey, maple syrup, and coconut sugar all contain fructose and glucose, which is essentially the same as table sugar (sucrose) made of fructose and glucose so essentially they are digested just like table sugar in the gut and because they have a high glycemic index they will spike your blood sugar levels, so all of these forms of sugar can exacerbate a candida condition. A great sweetener substitute to use while trying to fight off candida is the whole plant or extract of stevia and/or monk fruit extract, which have no effect on blood sugar or your gut.

Question: Im currently also healing for interstitial cystitis. Im advised to follow a very specific diet for this too, and spices must be avoided which can irritate the bladder. My question is if the ingredients in canxida remove can irritate an inflamed bladder or am I safe to keep taking them?

Studies have linked IC flares with higher levels of fungi, specifically Candida and Saccharomyces. They determined that women who reported a flare where 10 times more likely to have yeast present than those who did not report flares (PMID: 26410734). The foods that are recommended to decrease Candida overgrowth are very similar to the foods to prevent interstitial cystitis: sugars, dairy and yeasty foods. Treatment with antifungals can clear up the Candida problem but also in turn help with bladder pain. You can go a step further and boost your immune system with a good multivitamin like CanXida Rebuild, and probiotics like Restore. Using a daily probiotic can help recolonize your gut with good bacteria which will help overcrowd the yeast and improve your gut environment. In short not only is it safe to take CanXida antifungals it also may be beneficial for dealing with IC flares.

Question: What can I do for a leaky gut and does it hurt on your side and gas all the time not even knowing when you’re going to pass gas and you do is that a leaky gut? Thank you for your help

People with Candida have a weakened immune system and usually present with leaky gut syndrome.Regardless of the initial trigger, treatment consists of restoring gut balance which will naturally heal the intestinal barrier/leaky gut and lower inflammation from the yeast toxins which is responsible for causing symptoms. This can be achieved by following a candida cleanse protocol that focuses on restoring normal levels of yeast . The first step is done by following a low sugar anti-candida diet to starve the yeast, you can work with a naturopath or look at Eric Bakker Candida diet resources to get more information from the diet and protocol. Taking targeted antifungal therapy like CanXida Remove will ensure the yeast is killed effectively. It is equally important to restore the good bacteria that keep Candida in check with probiotics like CanXida Restore. These are also formulated with digestive and systemic enzymes that alleviate digestive symtoms like gas and bloating. Additionally you can replenish nutrient that might have been depleted from chronic inflammation with CanXida Rebuild.

Disclaimer: It’s crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen or when experiencing symptoms.