Your Questions Answered: Autoimmune Diseases Due To Yeast Infection, Chicken On A Candida Diet & Mercury Chelation

Question: Can Yeast Infections Be Linked To Autoimmune Diseases?

Our research has shown that many individuals with autoimmune disorders tend to exhibit yeast infections, prominently, Candida. Through rigorous stool testing, Candida is often detected, especially prevalent strains such as Candida Albicans.

An intriguing revelation from a study in the Lancet medical journal highlighted that the cell wall of Candida possesses a protein, HWP-1, strikingly similar to gluten. Given the understanding of gluten’s adverse impacts on many people, this similarity raises concern. For many, gluten can trigger the immune system, leading to issues such as diarrhea, constipation, brain fog, fatigue, and chronic inflammation. Thus, the connection between Candida, gluten, and autoimmune responses is evident.

Intriguingly, Candida presence has been noted in numerous cancer cases. While it’s not conclusive that Candida is a causative factor for cancer, the association is unmistakable.

To address autoimmune disorders effectively, it is imperative to identify the root cause and address it. Relying on pharmaceuticals might offer temporary relief but doesn’t provide a sustainable solution. It is essential to explore holistic approaches and natural medicine for meaningful and lasting relief.

Question: Can I Eat Chicken On A Candida Diet?

The answer is yes, chicken is indeed suitable for the Candida diet. Chicken is rich in lysine, a crucial amino acid, and is a high-quality source of protein, containing essential minerals. However, there’s a distinction to be made: it’s preferable to opt for free-range chickens over commercially processed ones.

The concerns with commercial chickens arise from their diet. Often, these chickens are fed commercial food sprayed with anti-fungals, which may contain arsenic. Shockingly, some commercial grocers even recycle chicken droppings back to the chickens to extract protein. On the other hand, free-range chickens have a better diet, resulting in healthier birds and higher quality meat.

Beyond just consuming chicken breast, it’s beneficial to eat the redder portions closer to the bone and, if possible, the organs like chicken livers and hearts. Eating gristle on the bone ends can benefit your joints. Historically, when people consumed an animal, they utilized almost every part, not wasting any nutritious portion. Chicken is undeniably nutritious, and there are also other bird meats like game birds and turkeys that are worth incorporating into your diet.

To sum up, chicken is an excellent addition to the Candida diet. However, it’s essential to make wise choices concerning the quality of the chicken you consume. And remember, while chicken meat allergies are rare, some individuals might be allergic to chicken eggs.

Question: Can Mercury Chelation Impact Yeast Overgrowth?

In our book Candida Crusher, we discuss the relationship between mercury chelation and Candida. A common query is whether one should remove all amalgam fillings due to concerns about mercury’s potential to contribute to health issues. Years ago, there was skepticism about the health impacts of mercury fillings. Modern composite fillings have since evolved and offer more reliability. It’s crucial not to mistakenly attribute all health problems to mercury. While there are tests, such as hair analysis and urinary provocation, to check mercury levels, it’s important to remember that everyone might show traces of various heavy metals due to the environment we live in.

It’s not always feasible to fully eliminate every toxin from our body. While removing amalgam fillings might offer some health improvements, it’s not a definitive cure-all. Addressing one’s lifestyle, relationships, habits, and dietary choices can be just as, if not more, influential. Health is multi-faceted; focusing solely on the removal of fillings might not guarantee an improvement in one’s wellbeing. Consider all aspects of your health and lifestyle before making significant changes.

Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only. Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, health control, or exercise program.