Your Questions Answered: Always Hungry Due To Weight Lifting, I Got Allergy Reaction From CanXida, I Have Gastritis Can I Take CanXida It Has Garlic & Stomach Surgery Is CanXida Safe.

Question: I’m a 23 years old man and I work out. I’ve thus a big appetite and I usually eat 3500 kal daily. Usually 50% carbs, 20% protein and 30% fat. My sources of carbs are oats and brown rice. I just wanna make sure they’re not feeding my candida. Otherwise I would have to eat even more protein which I believe would just be harder on my kidneys. My problem is that I’m young and I lift weights and I’m thus very hungry. I’m starting to thinking though I’m maybe my appetite is caused by my candida that craves carbs (even tho as I said I only eat healthy ones like oats and brown rice). Here’s what a day of eating looks like. As you can see I’m usually around 380g of healthy carbs. I’d like to know if I should reduce my eating and accept to stay hungry.

Following a diet with very few carbohydrates is not suitable for very active people. Athletes or people who are very active have a bigger carbohydrate requirement because they need to fuel their muscles to perform optimally and recover the depleted glycogen stores after intense exercise. While there is no strict definition of how many carbs you should be aiming to have in the Candida diet (this amount also depends on your height, weigh, physical activity, etc), anything under 100–150 grams per day is generally considered low carb. This is definitely a lot less than the amount of carbs in the standard Western diet which is around 300 grams. More so than the quantity, the quality of carbs you choose will be more meaningful for overcoming a yeast overgrowth and for life-long healthy sustainable habits. Ideally you want to focus on slow-digesting carbs better known as complex carbs. An easy method of identifying slow-carbs is to follow the glycemic index (GI). Low GI foods <40) will have minimal impact on your blood glucose. For example low GI fruits include cherries, all berries, peaches, pears and apples. Other great complex carbs to start adding are beans such as lentils, chickpeas, mung beans and split peas.

These also have a very low GI compared to most whole grains which will help stabilize your blood sugar levels, and are really high in fiber which is key for good digestion and detoxification. The way you prepare your carbs also has a significant impact on your body, for example sprouting or fermenting whole grains and legumes will improve bioavailability of many nutrients while lowering the GI. Unripe fruits have less sugars available and will also result in a lower GI. Avocado is one of the best “fruits” you can consume on the Candida, it’s mostly fat with very little carbs so it wouldn’t count as part of your daily fruits and you the high fiber content will help balance blood sugar and improve digestion.

Lentils are a great source of protein, 1 cup of cooked lentils has 40 grams of carbs so if that is your main carb source you can still consume 1 cup without exceeding the 100-150 grams. 1 slice of amaranth toast has around 25-30 grams of carbs so it’s also a good option. Grass fed beef is a great protein source but try to limit red meat to once a week, instead choose pasture-raised turkey which is a leaner high protein meat. You can find pasture-raised ground turkey which is more versatile to use as meatballs, taco meat, meatloaf and casseroles. Pasture-raised chicken and wild-caught fish are also great protein to focus on the diet.

Question: Hi, what is your opinion on this: We are elderly and have just received your products and will have to return them as some of the ingredients we suffer allergy reactions to. I have suffered with a very sensitive stomach all my life and my husband John has to be very careful with some of these ingredients as well. The customer ordered Remove, Restore and Rebuild. Please advise

Maybe what you are experiencing is the Candida die-off. Candida die-off may cause symptoms of a yeast infection to temporarily worsen, or cause new symptoms. Candida die-off symptoms typically start shortly after beginning treatment for the infection, usually within 1–2 hours. The symptoms may get worse over a few days, then resolve on their own. As infections die, they release harmful substances that temporarily make the symptoms worse. You should see a doctor if Candida die-off symptoms get steadily worse or do not go away within a few days to rule out other issues. If you think you might be sensitive to any of the ingredients from the formula like garlic or grapefruit seed extract it’s best advised to stop taking the formula altogether.

You can still benefit from taking CanXida Restore which is a daily probiotic with 6 beneficial strains plus added digestive enzymes that can help restore and maintain a healthy gut biome. You can also add specific supplements to tackle yeast infections like NAC (fungicidal), betaine HCL (to restore proper stomach acid and improve digestion) or another probiotic like saccharomyces boulardii (competes with Candida yeast). Finally you can support liver detox pathways to lessen die-off symptoms such as adding milk thistle (precursor of glutathione, key to supporting detox), cruciferous and allium vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, onion, garlic), bitter foods like dandelion, or a bitter herbs tincture.

Question: I was hoping for some health guidance. I am 28 years old apex. 150 lbs 5ft9in. I had papillary thyroid cancer in 2019 and my entire thyroid has been removed, I now take 125mg of levothyroxine every morning. I am not aware of any food allergies or sensitivities, though I have been plant based since mid 2019 after being cleared of cancer. Around Nov/Dec last year I started feeling tightness in my throat and some burping (just air/not acid or anything). I went to the doctor got some scans they put my on pantoprazole 40 mg 2x day and told me I have acid reflux and mild gastritis which is causing slight inflammation of the end of my esophagus. I am wondering if it may be caused due to candida overgrowth which showed up on my yearly bloodwork the past couple years. I am trying to back down from the pantoprazole now as I have done more research that it can cause further issues. I am wondering if these supplements would be beneficial or not since I see they contain garlic but I’ve also read that’s something to avoid with gastritis. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,

My recommendation would be to start incorporating some dietary changes, especially avoiding fried food, alcohol, caffeine and soda which all trigger reflux. Spicy, tomato-based or citrus foods may also cause reflux for some people. Other reflux causes include stress, smoking, having a hiatal hernia, magnesium deficiency, H. Pylori infection, and hidden food sensitivities.

I recommend finding a naturopath or healthcare professional that can help you take the following steps: Get the H. pylori antibody/breath test. If you have H. pylori, you might need antibiotic therapy.Test for IgG food allergies and celiac disease. Food intolerances are often the cause of many digestive symptoms. Get a breath or urine organic acid test to check for small bowel bacterial and yeast overgrowth. If you suspect yeast overgrowth, treat it with an antifungal herb supplement like CanXida Remove. Include a daily probiotic which repopulates the gut with healthy bacteria, especially since you have a low healthy bacterial count.

Digestive enzymes can be helpful for treating the symptoms of occasional heartburn, caused by acid reflux, and slow stomach emptying. They also help break down and absorb nutrients in the intestines more efficiently essentially starving Candida and reducing lower digestive issues like bloating, gas and diarrhea. CanXida Restore has 6 clinically proven probiotic strains and 7 digestive enzymes that promote a healthy gut environment and lower digestive issues. To help with restoring gut lining you can take CanXida Rebuild with B vitamins and magnesium (magnesium also helps with reflux) to support the immune system and gut barrier nutrients like zinc, glutamic acid, slippery elm, and licorice. Painful periods don’t always point to endometriosis, sometimes they’re a separate condition like dysmenorrhea. Pelvic pain can also be caused by scar tissue, pelvic infections (PID) or Irritable bowel syndrome. Women who exercise regularly often have less menstrual pain so try to make exercise a part of your weekly routine but I recommend getting a second opinion from a healthcare provider to look for the best treatment options especially if they suspect endometriosis.

Question: I had a complete gastrectomy, due to stomach cancer, about 8 years ago. I have had gut issues that come and go in severity, ever since. I have tried so many supplements, etc. since then. Not much has helped. I have the unique problem of no stomach to process them. Any ideas or suggestions about what might help?

Because your bowels have a hard time getting rid of excess Candida toxins due to your gastrectomy I recommend including a daily fiber supplement like psyllium/flax or making sure to get 30 grams of fiber daily from foods. Fiber is ESSENTIAL to help bind to excess Candida toxins in the intestines to clear them out. You can also add gut supporting foods like bone broth, aloe vera and cabbage juice to help heal your leaking gut which is allowing toxins to escape in the first place.

You can take CanXida Rebuild which contains important vitamins to support the immune system fight Candida like B vitamins and magnesium and gut barrier nutrients like zinc, glutamine acid and slippery elm to heal your gut. Finally make sure to get adequate rest and sleep since this can impact your immune system. Additionally you can help by adding a liver-supportive supplement like milk thistle, turmeric or dandelion or consuming bitter greens in teas, tinctures or salads. If a large part of your stomach was removed during your surgery, you may need to take extra vitamin B12. You can get vitamin B12 as an oral supplement (such as a pill) or a monthly shot. You may also need other vitamin and mineral supplements. To combat slow transit time due to your gastrectomy in addition to prescribed medication it is necessary to adjust your diet habits.

Eat foods low in fat and fiber, eat five or six small meals a day. Chew your food thoroughly and eat soft, well-cooked foods. Avoid carbonated beverages and alcohol. Drink liquids that contain glucose and electrolytes to get some easy to absorb calories such as low-fat broths or clear soups, fruit and vegetable juices, coconut water, aloe vera, and oral rehydration solutions. Avoid lying down for 2 hours after a meal, try to take a light walk. Don’t skip the multivitamin since a gastrectomy can cause nutrient deficiencies. Tips for managing some common gut issues after a gastrectomy also include avoiding foods that are very rich, spicy, or greasy. and of not eating too fast or too much in one sitting. Sometimes it helps to create a schedule so that you make sure you are not skipping meals and don;t risk overeating at one meal. For managing diarrhea first, try eating less sugar. Then, try less dairy. Finally, try less fat. Pay attention to see if the diarrhea gets better when you cut back on any of these things. If it does, eat less of those foods. Also avoid sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol and mannitol which can have a strong laxative effect.

Disclaimer: This information aims to be a helpful reference point but it is imperative to consult with a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or adopting new practices to ensure they are safe and suitable for your unique health circumstances.