Your Questions Answered: Alternatives To Sugar, Family Candida Diet & Unwanted Weight Loss

Question: What Are The Top Alternatives To Sugar?

When considering natural sugars for the Candida diet, I would advise against consuming any sugars. While I appreciate honey for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, especially Manuka honey, it may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with Candida issues.

In our book, Candida Crusher, we discuss xylitol and stevia extensively. Xylitol, a sugar alcohol, is unique because it’s a sweet substance that doesn’t behave like typical sugars. Found in berries, fruits, vegetables, and birch tree bark, it doesn’t spike blood sugar levels like cane sugar. In fact, xylitol can prevent dental decay and inhibit acetaldehyde, a toxin produced by Candida linked to cancer.

On the other hand, stevia rebaudiana, a plant from South America, offers a beautifully sweet flavor. Stevia’s sweetness far surpasses cane sugar, requiring only a small amount for flavoring. While it does have a minuscule effect on blood sugar, it’s a healthier alternative to typical sugars. Both xylitol and stevia have their merits, but it’s essential to understand how each one affects you personally.

For a natural approach, I recommend consuming berries like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries, or bell peppers for their sweetness. These provide natural sugars accompanied by beneficial fibers.

Question: Should My Family Follow The Same Diet As I Am For Candida?

This largely depends on who manages the cooking and food decisions in the household. If someone holds significant sway over food choices, they can greatly influence the family’s eating habits.

A balanced diet consisting of organic vegetables, fruits, lean meats, seafood, nuts, and seeds can be beneficial for everyone. If you’re considering such changes, it’s crucial to implement them gradually. For instance, reduce bread consumption, introduce brown rice, chickpeas, and lentils slowly, and limit takeaway food. Control at the grocery level ensures healthier choices at home. Opt for pure water over sodas, limit alcohol, and encourage herbal teas or diluted fruit juices.

It’s also important to note the age of family members. Younger children adapt more quickly to dietary changes, while teenagers with set habits might be more resistant. Starting healthy eating habits early ensures better choices in adulthood and potentially for the next generation. Overall, it’s feasible for the entire family to follow the Candida diet approach, but the transition should be slow and thoughtful.

Question: Is There A Way To Maintain My Weight While On The Candida Diet?

While society seems to focus on weight loss, there’s a subset of individuals who struggle to maintain or gain weight. For these individuals, the primary cause can often be attributed to high metabolic rates influenced by genetics, personality, diet, environment, and stress levels.

If you’re someone who finds it hard to gain weight, reflect on your lifestyle and behavior patterns. Often, people with faster metabolisms tend to be more anxious, move quickly, and constantly engage in tasks. A crucial step in gaining weight is learning to relax and slow down. Controlled breathing and mindfulness can help manage anxiety, which may indirectly aid in weight stabilization.

Now, when it comes to dietary advice, increasing portion sizes and eating calorie-rich foods like coconut fat, meat with fat, eggs, and nuts can be beneficial. For instance, almonds, brazil nuts, macadamias, and cashews are great options. It’s also recommended that lean individuals include protein-rich foods in their diet and find carbohydrates that suit them best, be it potatoes, sourdough bread, quinoa, or sunflower seeds. It’s essential to consume these foods regularly and ensure that you’re not engaging in activities that burn off these calories too rapidly.

To conclude, if you’re facing challenges with weight gain, consider assessing your lifestyle and introducing changes that align with your metabolic needs. Activities like meditation, Tai chi, and yoga may be beneficial. Avoid excessive cardio activities if they result in rapid weight loss.

Disclaimer: While these suggestions may be helpful, always consult with your healthcare professional before making significant changes to your lifestyle or diet.