Your Questions Answered: Allergy To Every Food, Doctor Doesn’t Believe Me & Treating Heel Pain

Question: I am writing to you, because I have been to many great practitioners in the past and have watched and followed your advices extensively from your videos as well. We tried everything in the book with practitioners and I also tried everything from your videos (I also went to therapy for emotions), but I am still struggling extremely, because I get extreme symptoms from every food, and can only tolerate 1 food (yoghurt). I don’t know what to eat anymore… I wonder if we could get in touch somehow, and if I could get some personalized advice, because we really did try everything for about 8 years by now, but I am still in this situation.

My first recommendation would be to consult a dietitian or nutritionist to adress the food intolernaces. If you are dealing with many food intolerances/sensitivities it may suggest an imbalance in your gut. Candida overgrowth can be responsible for many of the allergies you may be experiencing. This is a result of intestinal permeability, often known as Leaky Gut Syndrome, which is frequently caused by Candida. Candida releases harmful by-products that create infllamation in the gut, weakening the barrier and allowing for toxins and food particles to escape and start messing with your immune system. Eventually your immune system will start getting trigerred by anything that enters the gut such as food. Working on healing the gut and treating Candida can help eliminate some of the food intolerances.

Food sensitivities can put your body under a great deal of stress. These allergic responses put pressure on your adrenals and immune system, which you need to recover from a Candida infection. Try introducing some foods and supplements that can help to repair the gut and restore the integrity of your intestinal walls. Good food options include bone broth which contains collagen and and cabbage juice which contain glutamin that help repair the gut lining. CanXida Rebuild is formulated to heal leaky gut and boost immunity with important vitamins like B vitamins and magnesium and gut barrier nutrients like zinc, glutamin acid, slippery elm, and golden sea root. Taking a high quality probiotic like CanXida Restore will help recolonise your gut with probiotic bacteria which is a crucial part of fighting Candida, and restoring your gut flora. Additionally you can use natural antifungals which work by breaking down and destroying the cell walls of Candida albicans. Use a combination that contains several antifungals like CanXida Remove with 12 combined proven antifungals.

Question: My gi doctor is not listening to me, I think I have yeast. How can I find out?

If you suspect a Candida yeast infection it is best to test with a reliable diagnosic test. The number one test to confirm yeast overgrowth is the comprehensive digestive stool test. This test will provide information on how you digest, metabolize, and absorb nutrients, as well as report all microbial flora including beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, and intestinal parasites. DirectLabs, Genova and Doctor’s Data offer the best comprehensive stool tests. You can also perform a stool culture to look for microscopic yeast, it is best to do more than one stool test to be able to confirm yeast presence.

Finally an organic acids urine test that includes d-arabinitol markers can indicate yeast overgrowth. If yeast overgrowth is confirmed it is important to start a low-sugar diet cutting refined carbohydrates and sugars and an anti-fungal protocol with natural antifungal therapy that includes proven antifungals like oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, and caprylic acid. Combining several antifungals together in standardized doses ensures potency and that the yeast wont become resistant. CanXida Remove is formulated with 12 antifungals which help eradicate excess candida. It is also essential to restore gut bacterial balance by using probiotics.

Question: How to treat heel pain?

I recommend seeing a podiatrist or orthopedic surgeon to get a correct diagnosis and treatment. You may have what’s called plantar fasciitis, meaning a painful irritation of the muscles and tendons that attach to the bottom of the heel bone. Plantar fasciitis is often caused by improperly fitting shoes, improper ways of walking or running, or wear and tear of the structures of the foot. Take a look at the heels of your shoes from behind. If they’re unevenly worn on the inside edge, that’s a sign of a foot problem that could cause the symptoms you’re having. Foot exercises may help like turning your feet in while sitting or standing. Also, do some gripping exercises like picking up a paper towel from the floor with your toes, to build up the muscles on the bottoms of your feet. Wearing sandals that make you flex your toes when you walk, may also help.A podiatrist or orthopedic surgeon may prescribe special shoe inserts if your problem is persistent.

Disclaimer: It’s crucial to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your health regimen or when experiencing symptoms.