Your Questions Answered: Candida Allergies, Colon Cleanses & Frozen Fruits

Question: How Can I Address Allergies While On The Candida Diet?

There’s a significant difference between allergies and intolerances.

If it’s food allergies, it’s recommended to identify which specific foods you’re allergic to. One way to potentially determine a food allergy is by observing which foods you crave or eat the most frequently. For instance, excessive consumption of eggs, coconut products, or bananas might point to an allergy to those specific foods. Our book suggests following the low reactive diet/low allergy diet outlined in its pages to distinguish between beneficial and harmful foods.

There are blood tests available to detect food allergies. The more comprehensive test involves drawing blood and challenging it with different foods in a lab. It tests for reactions to 96 foods, identifying specific allergic responses. However, the availability of these tests varies by country.

Key allergenic foods to watch out for include cow milk, which is the most common food allergen, followed by foods like oranges, bananas, pineapples, chocolate, sugar, peanuts, gluten, eggs, and corn. In severe cases, some individuals even show reactions to foods as benign as lettuce or tomatoes.

If you’ve identified your allergens, the next step is working on rebuilding the gut, particularly if there are multiple food allergies. A compromised small intestine, especially the duodenum, is often the culprit. A stool test can be beneficial to check the condition of the gut. Strengthening the gut involves consuming prebiotic foods, taking digestive enzymes, and probiotics. Addressing yeast imbalances, bacterial issues, and parasites are also paramount.

Question: Is It Safe To Do A Colon Cleanse While Following The Candida Diet?

Colon cleansing is a practice some individuals believe can be beneficial over time. However, there are potential drawbacks. For instance, while occasional colon cleansing at home might be okay, there are some who resort to daily enemas, a practice akin to changing your car’s oil weekly. Such frequent disruptions can significantly disturb the delicate micro flora balance of the colon. I’ve encountered stool tests where bifida bacteria were absent, which often correlated with frequent coffee enemas. Constantly resorting to colonics might make some feel increasingly tired, but ironically, they believe more colonics would help regain energy. This is counterproductive and could lead to further fatigue.

While I don’t recommend frequent colon cleanses, seeking a professional colonic irrigation from an expert is a different scenario. These professionals, having vast experience, thoroughly understand the colon’s intricacies. Unlike DIY methods, they assess and massage the colon, advise on diet, and ensure a comprehensive cleanse. Just as one wouldn’t typically service their own car, it’s essential not to overexperiment with one’s body, especially without the right knowledge.

Question: Is It Safe To Consume Frozen Fruit On The Candida Diet?

Is frozen fruit recommended when following the Candida diet? Before indulging, it’s crucial to determine if you have Candida. If you’ve tested positive for Candida, particularly through a stool test, it might be best to avoid fruit. Those with positive results often face various internal challenges. Consuming fruit can amplify these issues by feeding bad bacteria and increasing yeast infection counts. Some suggest that eating large amounts of fruit doesn’t affect yeast infections, claiming that fruit is alkaline and detoxifying. However, many individuals have reported significant reactions after consuming fruits, such as bananas.

Including a little fruit in the diet is acceptable. As gut health improves and Candida levels decrease, fruit can be reintroduced gradually. Once symptoms like gas, bloating, and digestive issues cease, consuming moderate fruit amounts becomes feasible. It’s typically advised to consume fruit separately, not combined with other foods. Berries are an exception and can be added to cereals or smoothies. Contrarily, eating an apple or banana right after a main meal might not be beneficial.

When it comes to frozen fruit, it’s generally not recommended. However, frozen berries, especially blueberries, might be an exception. Frozen fruit drinks or naturally sweet fruits like oranges are best avoided. Many appreciate frozen fruit due to its coolness and sugar content, but it’s wise to hold off until Candida is under control. An alternative suggestion would be trying frozen coconut, especially when mixed with berries, as it can be a delightful combination.

Disclaimer: This post is based on our research and observations. It’s essential to consult with your healthcare professional before making any decisions related to your health.