Your Questions Answered: Strict Anti Candida Diet, Infection After Treatment & Yeast Infection After Spider Bite

Question: I was diagnosed with a Candida overgrowth some time ago along with a gluten intolerance both of which were contributing to recurrent cystitis. After following a strict anti Candida and gluten free diet I went into complete remission however over the years it’s slowly returned and I have cystitis flare ups every now and again. My question is when I start to cut out sugar and take probiotics I get increased vaginal discharge and I always wondered whether this was a ‘die off symptom’ ? I know that a final discharge can be a sign of Candida overgrowth but I only ever seem to get it when I reduce sugar intake and up my probiotics so I’m a little confused. Hope you can shed some light on the matter !

Candida die-off may cause symptoms of a yeast infection to temporarily worsen, or cause new symptoms. Candida die-off symptoms typically start shortly after beginning treatment for the infection, usually within 1–2 hours. The symptoms may get worse over a few days, then resolve on their own. Candida die-off is not a chronic illness or a new infection. As infections die, they release harmful substances that temporarily make the symptoms worse. You should see a doctor if Candida die-off symptoms get steadily worse or do not go away within a few days to rule out other issues. Studies show women who reported a flare were more likely to have Candida present, so cystitis flares also indicate the yeast is active and growing, usually as a result of lower immunity (from stress, or gut dysbiosis).

Over 90% of woman found that IC flares occurred after eating certain foods. Trigger foods will vary from person to person, so working with a nutritionist can help you identify trigger foods, generally it’s advised to avoid the four Cs – citrus, carbonated drinks, vitamin C, and caffeine. Tight clothing, sexual intercourse, stress and strenous exercise can also trigger flares. The best tips for dealing with cystitis and Candida is first to remove sugar and alcohol from your diet, and avoid foods that contain yeast like bread, soy sauce, peanuts, etc. Using a daily probiotic can help restore and maintain a healthy gut biome. You may also benfit from a probiotic suppository when you are having flares. Take specific supplements to tackle yeast like uva ursi and and D-mannose. You can support liver detox pathways to lessen die-off symptoms such as adding milk thistle (precursor of glutathione, key to supporting detox), cruciferous and allium vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, onion, garlic), bitter foods like dandelion, or a bitter herbs tincture.

Question: I need help. I’ve been taking your supplement for about 3 wks I don’t think it’s going to work. I got this infection almost 3 yrs ago from chemo for NH lymphoma I have tried everything; fluconizol many times, nystatin. I went to a specialist in St Louis. She said use myconizole for 14 days. That didn’t work. What do you suggest next?

Candida can be sometimes difficult to treat as it can supress our immune system and creates a protective wall around called a biofilm. Oral antifungals are commonly prescribed but are not as effective when Candida has developed biofilms. Prescription antifungals can work for a short time but they can create resistance and the infection can become chronic. Chronic Candida can be effectively addressed with natural antimicrobial therapy. Candida responds well to antimicrobial therapy. There are several natural agents that are good candidates for eradication of yeast overgrowth such as oil of oregano, clove oil and grape fruit seed extract.

The tablets from CanXida Remove have a prolonged delivery system method meaning the antimicrobial agents are continually released along the digestive tract to reach every part of it. Prolonged use of antifungal medications can also make it resistant to treatment, allowing infections to persist and thrive in the body. Tea tree oil is a natural anti-fungal agent so brushing your teeth with a tea tree toothpaste or gargling with a tea tree mouth rinse can provide further protection.

Diet should be based on natural, fresh wholefoods. Lots of serves of vegetables with good quality protein from fresh fish, lean meat, nuts, seeds and legumes. Refined sugar, sweets, soft drinks and alcohol all encourage the growth of candida. Probiotics have also been shown to be helpful against Candida and using a good quality high-strength formula like Canxida Restore is very useful. Restore has 6 probiotic strains and additional systemic enzymes to disrupt Candida biofilms. Anti-fungal herbs like garlic, oregno, cprylic acid (busts biofilms) in CanXida Remove can all help eradicate yeast cells. Taking both Restore and Remove together ensures maximum potency and broad spectrum action against all Candida species.

Question: I just ordered your protocol! Can’t wait to start! I took your test and it came back ‘severe’/score of 303. In June 2020, I had to take a 30 day course of doxycycline and a 14 day course of prednisone for a brown recluse spider bite that almost killed me, it also caused pararlysis of the right side of my face. I have been on birth control pills for 24 years, which I have read can contribute to yeast overgrowth. (I have 2 kids so I was off it during that 17 month period) Now I realize I have been dealing with yeast for probably 5-10 years and it got out of control over the past 15 months. Should I go off birth control while during your protocol of Remove and Restore? Or will things get in balance while still being on it? Any advise would be very helpful!! Thanks so much!

When it comes to contraception, the choice is obviously a very personal one. First speak to your doctor to learn about alternatives. All oral contraceptives come with some risks and side effects as they deliberately throw out of rhythm the normal flow of progesterone and estrogen.The contraceptive pill can lead to estrogen dominance, which in turn triggers a Candida overgrowth. Research shows typical oral contraceptive use doubles the risk for developing Candidiasis.

Oral contraceptives can also stress the liver and deplete key vitamins needed for proper detoxification. If you want to stick with an oral contraceptive but you are experiencing regular yeast infections, then consider switching to a progestin-only pill. Progesterone alone is far less likely to create the kind of imbalances that lead to Candida. Additionally it is important to start a low-sugar diet and an anti-fungal protocol. This protocol is meant to be taken together for optimal results. To help your hormones come back into balance avoid using plastics that contain BPA, eat more cruciferous vegetables, consider a fiber supplement like flax/psyllium and take milk thistle or herbal bitters for your liver.

Disclaimer: This article intends to provide general insights and may not apply to individual cases. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that any vitamin supplementation.