What Should I Do If I’ve Taken CanXida Products Before And Need To Again?

Author: Dr. Blake Myers

If you have taken CanXida products previously and are considering using them again, there are a few important things to consider.

  1. Why are you taking them again? Is it for prevention or symptom recurrence?
  2. Are you sure Candida is the current problem? Are symptoms all the same?
  3. Have you done a stool or other test to confirm Candida is the issue?

Candida can be a difficult organism to get into balance. Sometimes things improve and then symptoms resurface after a particular trigger, such as dietary changes, major stressors, a necessary antibiotic round, etc.

If this is the case and you are confident – ideally through testing – that Candida is the primary reason for your current symptoms, it is best to start CanXida’s protocol over again as though it were your first time using the products.

If possible, identify any potential causes for Candida recurrence and address these. Get your diet dialed in again, especially if you have begun eating a lot of sugar, processed foods, or drinking alcohol again. The MEVY diet is a good place to start for at least a couple of weeks to get a reset.

If you had success with CanXida’s products before, you likely will again. I recommend increasing your dose of each supplement over the first week or two until you reach the previous doses of each product that you benefited from the first time. Sticking to what worked originally is your best bet, unless there are any major changes in lifestyle or symptoms that have occurred.

If you only have minor issues and want to prevent a possible full blown Candida recurrence, preventive dosing can sometimes be beneficial. In this case, the dose of CanXida Remove can be much lower. Likely in the range of ½ to 1 tablet twice a day for 2-4 weeks, followed by a week break to assess symptoms, and then cycling through this again as needed.

As always, CanXida recommends you work with a knowledgeable healthcare professional.

Author’s Bio

Dr. Blake Myers is a widely respected and recognized naturopathic doctor, teacher, and author, with well over a decade of clinical practice experience. Dr. Blake’s clinical expertise ranges from emergency medicine to primary care, complex chronic illness, chronic pain, and integrative addiction medicine.Grounded in naturopathic principles and philosophy, Dr. Blake uses a root cause, vitalistic, and holistic approach in their practice. Beginning in 2022, Dr. Blake also began teaching and developing courses in a masters and PhD program in Integrative and Functional Nutrition at Saybrook University.

Dr. Blake’s Email: [email protected]
Dr. Blake’s Website: Chironhealingarts.com