What Foods Should Be Avoided When Dealing With SIBO And Following A SIBO Diet?

Today’s topic centers on the foods to avoid if you have a SIBO infection. Previously, we discussed foods that are beneficial when dealing with SIBO. Among the foods that you should be cautious of are those that may trigger gut reactions.

Foremost, foods high in sugars should be limited. This includes alcohols, as there are no safe alcoholic drinks for those with SIBO. Those facing severe bacterial issues should ideally avoid alcohol for a duration of three to six months. For those with multiple other health issues, it is advisable to refrain from alcohol for an entire year. While it may seem stringent, it’s a beneficial step for overall health. Commercial breads, cookies, cakes, biscuits, and similar sweet items are other food groups to be wary of. Beverages laden with sugar are another category to monitor. Even certain fruit juices, such as cranberry, which is sometimes consumed for urinary tract infections, might have a significant sugar content. Stevia and xylitol might also not be the best choices. Over time, as you reduce your intake of these sugary and refined carbohydrate foods, your palate will evolve, with many previously ‘non-sweet’ foods tasting sweeter.

Avoid sauces loaded with sugar, such as ketchup, chili sauce, shrimp sauce, oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, and several Asian sauces. It’s astounding how much sugar can sneak into our diets through various foods, drinks, sauces, and condiments. Also, be cautious about dining out. Even seemingly healthy choices like sushi rolls can contain sugar, added during the rice cooking process. Home-cooked meals are recommended, especially for those with severe gut issues. It’s essential to be aware that foods you adore might be the ones causing the most discomfort. Conversely, foods you might not be keen on could be beneficial for your health. As your gut health improves, you can gradually reintroduce and experiment with more foods.

Foods to Avoid Reason
Sugary foods Triggers gut reactions
Alcohols No safe alcoholic drinks for SIBO
Commercial breads High in refined sugars
Beverages with sugar Hidden sugar sources
Certain sauces Loaded with sugar
Some dining out options Unknown sugar content
Foods you love the most Potential for more aggravation

To sum it up, most of the guidance comes down to common sense. A balanced approach and informed choices can go a long way in managing SIBO.

Disclaimer: While the advice provided in this article is based on extensive research and knowledge from our company, CanXida, it is always essential to consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.