Preventing Fungal Infections in Athletes

Fungal infections are common sources of irritation and discomfort across all age groups and activity levels. However, athletes are at particular risk of developing specific fungal issues. This may seem counterintuitive as we often imagine athletes as being fit, strong, and with healthy immune systems. However, accumulated moisture and lack of good hygiene practices can lead to the more active among us developing infections. Fungal infections often cause itching and soreness, distracting from athletic performance.

Furthermore, the overgrowth of a fungus known as Candida can lead to severe symptoms that can impact performance and even prevent us from going about our daily lives. There are several prevention and treatment options to help athletes deal with fungal infections. In this blog, we will discuss fungal infections and what makes athletes susceptible to contracting them. We will finish by outlining prevention, treatment strategies, and the success stories of our clients dealing with similar issues.

Understanding Fungal Infections

Fungal infections occur when a fungal species colonizes an area of the body. Virtually all areas of the body are susceptible to fungal overgrowth, including our bloodstream and internal organs, in the extreme (and rare) cases. More commonly, fungal infections occur on the skin and in our nails. This makes sense as our skin and nails interact directly with the outside environment. It is normal to have some fungal species on our skin. Our immune defenses are largely responsible for keeping their numbers at healthy levels. However, in some circumstances, fungal species can side-step our defenses and grow to harmful levels. This can occur due to poor hygiene, excessive moisture on the skin, certain drugs, weakened immune systems, and many other reasons. What’s important to remember for this blog is that fungi thrive in warm and humid environments. This makes areas such as the groin, armpits, and feet particularly vulnerable to infection.

Common Fungal Issues in Athletes

Athletes are susceptible to many types of fungal infections. These can be caused by the fungi contracted from the environment or by the overgrowth of fungi already on the skin. The floor of communal spaces such as locker rooms and swimming pools is a prime source of fungal infections for the feet and toenails. Contact sports, especially those with skin-to-skin contact, are another common source of fungal infection. Fungi already on our skin take advantage of poor hygiene, accumulated moisture, and heat to grow rapidly and cause infection.

The most common types of fungal infection in athletes include:

Athlete’s foot: This is a fungal infection that affects the feet and typically emerges between the toes. It produces red and itchy skin that often begins peeling during the infection. In very severe cases, blisters and ulcers can develop. A variety of species can cause athlete’s foot. This condition isn’t exclusive to athletes and can occur where non-breathable footwear is worn for long periods, especially when coupled with poor hygiene practices.

Jock itch: This is a fungal infection that occurs in the groin area. It is believed to occur due to the warmth and moisture this area provides for fungi. Symptoms include red, ring-shaped rashes on the groin, upper legs, and buttocks. Like athlete’s foot, many different species of fungi can cause jock itch.

Ringworm: Despite the name, this infection is not caused by a parasitic worm but by multiple species of fungi. These infections produce characteristic red ring-shaped rashes on the skin, which can become flaky or scaly. They can occur on any area of the skin, including the scalp. Ringworm is typically transmitted through skin-to-skin contact or by borrowing clothing or gym gear from another person. In rare cases, it can be contracted from soil.

Fungal nail infection: This is a prevalent type of infection that causes thickening and discoloration of nails. The affected nail can crumble and even fall off in more severe cases. These infections can result from untreated athlete’s foot spreading to the nail. A variety of species, including Candida, can cause these infections.

Candidiasis: This is a broad term for infections caused by the fungal genus Candida. These infections can occur in multiple areas of the body. For athletes, important areas where candidiasis can occur include the armpits, groin, feet, and nails. Candida overgrowth in the small intestine can also significantly affect athletic performance and slow recovery times.

How Fungal Infections Impact Performance

Dealing with a fungal infection is the last thing you want when you’re focused on performing at your best. Fungal infections can cause mild to severe irritation, diminishing our focus. In some cases, the pain caused by fungal infections may alter our mobility and make running and jumping more difficult. Fungal infections can also be embarrassing and cause a loss of confidence. They can also lead to feelings of shame if they spread to other members of a squad or team. Time away from training due to fungal infections can mean reduced muscle growth and make it more difficult to achieve our fitness goals.

Candida overgrowth in the small intestine can cause debilitating, embarrassing symptoms and diminish athletic performance. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, gas, flatulence, headache, and brain fog. Candida overgrowth can also make it more difficult to digest food and get the nutrients we need for recovery and performance. Painful symptoms can disrupt sleep and affect our mental health, which also impacts performance and recovery.

Fortunately, many prevention and treatment solutions for fungal infections are available.

Preventative Measures and Treatment Options

As we’ve learned, fungi like to grow in warm and humid environments. This means that disrupting these environments can help prevent fungi from causing infection.

Good Hygiene: After exercise, we must wash ourselves thoroughly to remove sweat, dead skin, and excess bacteria and fungi from our bodies. This is especially important in areas where fungi are more likely to cause infections. You should always have a set of clean, dry clothes to change into after practice and avoid sharing clothing with others where possible. This includes sharing towels.

Drying: Adequately drying ourselves off after exercise and showers prevents fungi from growing on our skin. Drying areas where water can get trapped, such as the armpits, groin, and feet, is imperative. Drying gym equipment after we’ve used it is a common courtesy for other gym users but can also help prevent the growth of fungi.

Topical Treatments: Many topical creams and powders are available for treating fungal infections. These are generally effective in most cases, though many infections can take a long time to clear up entirely. One drawback of these treatments is that they often use a narrowly targeted approach, which fungi are more prone to developing resistance against.

Supplements: At CanXida, we provide supplements that can help with fungal infections, particularly Candida overgrowth in the small intestine*. These formulations may help athletes overcome fungal issues preventing them from achieving optimal performance*.

  • CanXida Remove (Formula RMV) – Provides all-natural ingredients scientifically proven to kill the most common type of Candida.
  • CanXida Restore (Formula RST) – A probiotic and digestive enzyme supplement that introduces beneficial bacteria into the digestive tract, helping to combat harmful fungi and enhancing digestive function.
  • CanXida Rebuild (Formula RBD) – A multivitamin and mineral supplement that provides essential nutrition for overall well-being, especially in filling nutritional gaps that Candida overgrowth can cause.
  • CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH) – A powder formulation containing clean energy sources, protein, and various premium products that help boost cognitive and physical performance.

Our Client’s Testimonials

We’ve received glowing feedback (especially for CanXida Remove) about how our products have helped our clients deal with fungal issues common to athletes. Here’s a snapshot:

“I slept better. My jock itch improved, my rectal itch decreased drastically, and I had more energy. Some things took a little longer than others. I definitely would recommend CanXida”

“I have had a great response to CanXida Remove and CanXida Restore, especially for my stomach and my skin. After 2 months of taking the products, all of my symptoms had improved greatly and I feel so much better”
“It only took three weeks to see my skin clearing up! Amazing. This has been my savior absolutely. Thank you for making such a great product. I would recommend it.”
“I started with the Remove and Restore formulas together. They started to work immediately. I just started to improve immediately. 99% of my skin cleared up – no more itching or scratching. All of my day-to-day life improved greatly.”
“A rash on a man’s groin is unbearable; it even weighs heavily on one’s mind and affects your sleep and really your whole life…I saw results after about 2 months. The visible infection was clearing but never going away, but it seems like CanXida helped with the knockout blow”

Preventing fungal infections is crucial for athletes dedicated to maintaining peak performance and overall well-being. By understanding the conditions that allow fungi to thrive, athletes can implement effective hygiene practices, ensure thorough drying after workouts, and utilize appropriate topical treatments. Additionally, incorporating supplements like CanXida’s range can offer comprehensive support in managing and preventing infections, particularly intestinal Candida overgrowth. With proactive measures and the right treatments, athletes can reduce the risk of fungal infections, ensuring they remain focused and confident as they strive for their fitness goals.

Visit our dedicated product page for more information about CanXida ReCharge (Formula RCH). To learn more about Candida, check out our free YouTube library, which has thousands of videos on various Candida-related topics.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.