Is There A Comprehensive Stool Test And SIgA For Candida Detection?

We continue our series focusing on comprehensive stool testing. In this blog post, we’ll delve deep into Secretory IgA (SIgA). SIgA is a secretory immunoglobulin, which are essentially antibodies residing in our body. These antibodies are produced in various parts, like saliva, tears, breast milk, and blood. SIgA is made in the blood, and its presence is significant in mucous secretions throughout the body, where it’s primed to defend against pathogens, including yeasts, bacteria, pollens, and viruses.

In our book, Candida Crusher, SIgA’s primary role is to protect the surfaces of the digestive system and other mucus-coated systems. It prevents potential toxins from binding to cell surfaces, ensuring they are excreted from the body. Low levels of SIgA often hint at underlying health issues, such as developing food allergies or autoimmune conditions. Persistently low levels can even indicate systemic Candida infections or an increased likelihood of developing autoimmune disorders.

Understanding the causes of low SIgA is crucial. It can result from high circulating antibodies from food allergies, certain pharmaceutical drugs, viral infections, poor nutritional status, inflammatory bowel disease, or stress. On the other hand, high SIgA levels, although less common, are typically indicative of inflammatory bowel diseases. Thus, stool testing becomes a significant diagnostic tool in such cases.

For individuals with chronic Candida, it’s imperative to elevate their SIgA levels, as it’s often the key to healing the gut and improving overall health. Identifying potential allergenic foods and removing them from the diet can play a crucial role in this process. Additionally, considering stress levels is essential, as stress can have a detrimental impact on the immune system.

Stool tests are invaluable in understanding our health, and we highly recommend them for a comprehensive health check.

Disclaimer: Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes based on this information.